/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2019 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ // Based on the three.js Curve classes created by [zz85](http://www.lab4games.net/zz85/blog) var Class = require('../utils/Class'); var CubicBezier = require('../math/interpolation/CubicBezierInterpolation'); var Curve = require('./Curve'); var Vector2 = require('../math/Vector2'); /** * @classdesc * A higher-order Bézier curve constructed of four points. * * @class CubicBezier * @extends Phaser.Curves.Curve * @memberof Phaser.Curves * @constructor * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {(Phaser.Math.Vector2|Phaser.Math.Vector2[])} p0 - Start point, or an array of point pairs. * @param {Phaser.Math.Vector2} p1 - Control Point 1. * @param {Phaser.Math.Vector2} p2 - Control Point 2. * @param {Phaser.Math.Vector2} p3 - End Point. */ var CubicBezierCurve = new Class({ Extends: Curve, initialize: function CubicBezierCurve (p0, p1, p2, p3) { Curve.call(this, 'CubicBezierCurve'); if (Array.isArray(p0)) { p3 = new Vector2(p0[6], p0[7]); p2 = new Vector2(p0[4], p0[5]); p1 = new Vector2(p0[2], p0[3]); p0 = new Vector2(p0[0], p0[1]); } /** * The start point of this curve. * * @name Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#p0 * @type {Phaser.Math.Vector2} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.p0 = p0; /** * The first control point of this curve. * * @name Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#p1 * @type {Phaser.Math.Vector2} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.p1 = p1; /** * The second control point of this curve. * * @name Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#p2 * @type {Phaser.Math.Vector2} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.p2 = p2; /** * The end point of this curve. * * @name Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#p3 * @type {Phaser.Math.Vector2} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.p3 = p3; }, /** * Gets the starting point on the curve. * * @method Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#getStartPoint * @since 3.0.0 * * @generic {Phaser.Math.Vector2} O - [out,$return] * * @param {Phaser.Math.Vector2} [out] - A Vector2 object to store the result in. If not given will be created. * * @return {Phaser.Math.Vector2} The coordinates of the point on the curve. If an `out` object was given this will be returned. */ getStartPoint: function (out) { if (out === undefined) { out = new Vector2(); } return out.copy(this.p0); }, /** * Returns the resolution of this curve. * * @method Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#getResolution * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {number} divisions - The amount of divisions used by this curve. * * @return {number} The resolution of the curve. */ getResolution: function (divisions) { return divisions; }, /** * Get point at relative position in curve according to length. * * @method Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#getPoint * @since 3.0.0 * * @generic {Phaser.Math.Vector2} O - [out,$return] * * @param {number} t - The position along the curve to return. Where 0 is the start and 1 is the end. * @param {Phaser.Math.Vector2} [out] - A Vector2 object to store the result in. If not given will be created. * * @return {Phaser.Math.Vector2} The coordinates of the point on the curve. If an `out` object was given this will be returned. */ getPoint: function (t, out) { if (out === undefined) { out = new Vector2(); } var p0 = this.p0; var p1 = this.p1; var p2 = this.p2; var p3 = this.p3; return out.set(CubicBezier(t, p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x), CubicBezier(t, p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y)); }, /** * Draws this curve to the specified graphics object. * * @method Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#draw * @since 3.0.0 * * @generic {Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics} G - [graphics,$return] * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics} graphics - The graphics object this curve should be drawn to. * @param {integer} [pointsTotal=32] - The number of intermediary points that make up this curve. A higher number of points will result in a smoother curve. * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics} The graphics object this curve was drawn to. Useful for method chaining. */ draw: function (graphics, pointsTotal) { if (pointsTotal === undefined) { pointsTotal = 32; } var points = this.getPoints(pointsTotal); graphics.beginPath(); graphics.moveTo(this.p0.x, this.p0.y); for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { graphics.lineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y); } graphics.strokePath(); // So you can chain graphics calls return graphics; }, /** * Returns a JSON object that describes this curve. * * @method Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier#toJSON * @since 3.0.0 * * @return {Phaser.Curves.Types.JSONCurve} The JSON object containing this curve data. */ toJSON: function () { return { type: this.type, points: [ this.p0.x, this.p0.y, this.p1.x, this.p1.y, this.p2.x, this.p2.y, this.p3.x, this.p3.y ] }; } }); /** * Generates a curve from a JSON object. * * @function Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier.fromJSON * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Curves.Types.JSONCurve} data - The JSON object containing this curve data. * * @return {Phaser.Curves.CubicBezier} The curve generated from the JSON object. */ CubicBezierCurve.fromJSON = function (data) { var points = data.points; var p0 = new Vector2(points[0], points[1]); var p1 = new Vector2(points[2], points[3]); var p2 = new Vector2(points[4], points[5]); var p3 = new Vector2(points[6], points[7]); return new CubicBezierCurve(p0, p1, p2, p3); }; module.exports = CubicBezierCurve;