var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { create: create, render: render }); function create() { game.stage.backgroundColor = '#454645'; // By default Phaser only starts 2 pointers (enough for 2 fingers at once) // addPointer tells Phaser to add another pointer to Input, so here we are basically saying "allow up to 6 pointers + the mouse" // Note: on iOS as soon as you use 6 fingers you'll active the minimise app gesture - and there's nothing we can do to stop that, sorry game.input.addPointer(); game.input.addPointer(); game.input.addPointer(); game.input.addPointer(); } function render() { // Just renders out the pointer data when you touch the canvas game.debug.pointer(game.input.mousePointer); game.debug.pointer(game.input.pointer1); game.debug.pointer(game.input.pointer2); game.debug.pointer(game.input.pointer3); game.debug.pointer(game.input.pointer4); game.debug.pointer(game.input.pointer5); game.debug.pointer(game.input.pointer6); }