/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2013-2024 Phaser Studio Inc. * @license {@link https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT|MIT License} */ var Class = require('../utils/Class'); var List = require('../structs/List'); var PluginCache = require('../plugins/PluginCache'); var GameObjectEvents = require('./events'); var SceneEvents = require('../scene/events'); var StableSort = require('../utils/array/StableSort'); /** * @classdesc * The Display List plugin. * * Display Lists belong to a Scene and maintain the list of Game Objects to render every frame. * * Some of these Game Objects may also be part of the Scene's [Update List]{@link Phaser.GameObjects.UpdateList}, for updating. * * @class DisplayList * @extends Phaser.Structs.List. * @memberof Phaser.GameObjects * @constructor * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.Scene} scene - The Scene that this Display List belongs to. */ var DisplayList = new Class({ Extends: List, initialize: function DisplayList (scene) { List.call(this, scene); /** * The flag the determines whether Game Objects should be sorted when `depthSort()` is called. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#sortChildrenFlag * @type {boolean} * @default false * @since 3.0.0 */ this.sortChildrenFlag = false; /** * The Scene that this Display List belongs to. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#scene * @type {Phaser.Scene} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.scene = scene; /** * The Scene's Systems. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#systems * @type {Phaser.Scenes.Systems} * @since 3.0.0 */ this.systems = scene.sys; /** * The Scene's Event Emitter. * * @name Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#events * @type {Phaser.Events.EventEmitter} * @since 3.50.0 */ this.events = scene.sys.events; // Set the List callbacks this.addCallback = this.addChildCallback; this.removeCallback = this.removeChildCallback; this.events.once(SceneEvents.BOOT, this.boot, this); this.events.on(SceneEvents.START, this.start, this); }, /** * This method is called automatically, only once, when the Scene is first created. * Do not invoke it directly. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#boot * @private * @since 3.5.1 */ boot: function () { this.events.once(SceneEvents.DESTROY, this.destroy, this); }, /** * Internal method called from `List.addCallback`. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#addChildCallback * @private * @fires Phaser.Scenes.Events#ADDED_TO_SCENE * @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Events#ADDED_TO_SCENE * @since 3.50.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} gameObject - The Game Object that was added to the list. */ addChildCallback: function (gameObject) { if (gameObject.displayList && gameObject.displayList !== this) { gameObject.removeFromDisplayList(); } if (gameObject.parentContainer) { gameObject.parentContainer.remove(gameObject); } if (!gameObject.displayList) { this.queueDepthSort(); gameObject.displayList = this; gameObject.emit(GameObjectEvents.ADDED_TO_SCENE, gameObject, this.scene); this.events.emit(SceneEvents.ADDED_TO_SCENE, gameObject, this.scene); } }, /** * Internal method called from `List.removeCallback`. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#removeChildCallback * @private * @fires Phaser.Scenes.Events#REMOVED_FROM_SCENE * @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Events#REMOVED_FROM_SCENE * @since 3.50.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} gameObject - The Game Object that was removed from the list. */ removeChildCallback: function (gameObject) { this.queueDepthSort(); gameObject.displayList = null; gameObject.emit(GameObjectEvents.REMOVED_FROM_SCENE, gameObject, this.scene); this.events.emit(SceneEvents.REMOVED_FROM_SCENE, gameObject, this.scene); }, /** * This method is called automatically by the Scene when it is starting up. * It is responsible for creating local systems, properties and listening for Scene events. * Do not invoke it directly. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#start * @private * @since 3.5.0 */ start: function () { this.events.once(SceneEvents.SHUTDOWN, this.shutdown, this); }, /** * Force a sort of the display list on the next call to depthSort. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#queueDepthSort * @since 3.0.0 */ queueDepthSort: function () { this.sortChildrenFlag = true; }, /** * Immediately sorts the display list if the flag is set. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#depthSort * @since 3.0.0 */ depthSort: function () { if (this.sortChildrenFlag) { StableSort(this.list, this.sortByDepth); this.sortChildrenFlag = false; } }, /** * Compare the depth of two Game Objects. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#sortByDepth * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} childA - The first Game Object. * @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} childB - The second Game Object. * * @return {number} The difference between the depths of each Game Object. */ sortByDepth: function (childA, childB) { return childA._depth - childB._depth; }, /** * Returns an array which contains all objects currently on the Display List. * This is a reference to the main list array, not a copy of it, so be careful not to modify it. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#getChildren * @since 3.12.0 * * @return {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject[]} The group members. */ getChildren: function () { return this.list; }, /** * The Scene that owns this plugin is shutting down. * * We need to kill and reset all internal properties as well as stop listening to Scene events. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#shutdown * @private * @since 3.0.0 */ shutdown: function () { var list = this.list; while (list.length) { list[0].destroy(true); } this.events.off(SceneEvents.SHUTDOWN, this.shutdown, this); }, /** * The Scene that owns this plugin is being destroyed. * We need to shutdown and then kill off all external references. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList#destroy * @private * @since 3.0.0 */ destroy: function () { this.shutdown(); this.events.off(SceneEvents.START, this.start, this); this.scene = null; this.systems = null; this.events = null; } }); PluginCache.register('DisplayList', DisplayList, 'displayList'); module.exports = DisplayList;