/// /** * Phaser - World * * A game has only one world. The world is an abstract place in which all game objects live. It is not bound * by stage limits and can be any size or dimension. You look into the world via cameras and all game objects * live within the world at world-based coordinates. By default a world is created the same size as your Stage. */ module Phaser { export class World { /** * World constructor * Create a new World with specific width and height. * * @param width Width of the world bound. * @param height Height of the world bound. */ constructor(game: Game, width: number, height: number) { this._game = game; this.cameras = new CameraManager(this._game, 0, 0, width, height); this._game.camera = this.cameras.current; this.group = new Group(this._game, 0); this.bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); this.worldDivisions = 6; } /** * Local private reference to game. */ private _game: Game; /** * Camera manager of this world. * @type {CameraManager} */ public cameras: CameraManager; /** * Object container stores every object created with `create*` methods. * @type {Group} */ public group: Group; /** * Bound of this world that objects can not escape from. * @type {Rectangle} */ public bounds: Rectangle; /** * @type {number} */ public worldDivisions: number; /** * This is called automatically every frame, and is where main logic performs. */ public update() { this.group.preUpdate(); this.group.update(); this.group.postUpdate(); this.cameras.update(); } /** * Render every thing to the screen, automatically called after update(). */ public render() { // Unlike in flixel our render process is camera driven, not group driven this.cameras.render(); } /** * Clean up memory. */ public destroy() { this.group.destroy(); this.cameras.destroy(); } // World methods /** * Update size of this world with specific width and height. * You can choose update camera bounds automatically or not. * * @param width New width of the world. * @param height New height of the world. * @param updateCameraBounds Optinal, update camera bounds automatically or not. Default to true. */ public setSize(width: number, height: number, updateCameraBounds: bool = true) { this.bounds.width = width; this.bounds.height = height; if (updateCameraBounds == true) { this._game.camera.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); } } public get width(): number { return this.bounds.width; } public set width(value: number) { this.bounds.width = value; } public get height(): number { return this.bounds.height; } public set height(value: number) { this.bounds.height = value; } public get centerX(): number { return this.bounds.halfWidth; } public get centerY(): number { return this.bounds.halfHeight; } public get randomX(): number { return Math.round(Math.random() * this.bounds.width); } public get randomY(): number { return Math.round(Math.random() * this.bounds.height); } // Cameras /** * Create a new camera with specific position and size. * * @param x X position of the new camera. * @param y Y position of the new camera. * @param width Width of the new camera. * @param height Height of the new camera. * @returns {Camera=} The newly created camera object. */ public createCamera(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): Camera { return this.cameras.addCamera(x, y, width, height); } /** * Remove a new camera with its id. * * @param id ID of the camera you want to remove. * @returns {boolean} True if successfully removed the camera, otherwise return false. */ public removeCamera(id: number): bool { return this.cameras.removeCamera(id); } /** * Get all the cameras. * * @returns {array} An array contains all the cameras. */ public getAllCameras(): Camera[] { return this.cameras.getAll(); } // Game Objects /** * Create a new Sprite with specific position and sprite sheet key. * * @param x X position of the new sprite. * @param y Y position of the new sprite. * @param key Optinal, key for the sprite sheet you want it to use. * @returns {Sprite=} The newly created sprite object. */ public createSprite(x: number, y: number, key?: string = ''): Sprite { return this.group.add(new Sprite(this._game, x, y, key)); } /** * Create a new GeomSprite with specific position. * * @param x X position of the new geom sprite. * @param y Y position of the new geom sprite. * @returns {GeomSprite=} The newly created geom sprite object. */ public createGeomSprite(x: number, y: number): GeomSprite { return this.group.add(new GeomSprite(this._game, x, y)); } /** * Create a new DynamicTexture with specific size. * * @param width Width of the texture. * @param height Height of the texture. * @returns {DynamicTexture=} The newly created dynamic texture object. */ public createDynamicTexture(width: number, height: number): DynamicTexture { return new DynamicTexture(this._game, width, height); } /** * Create a new object container. * * @param MaxSize Optinal, capacity of this group. * @returns {Group=} The newly created group. */ public createGroup(MaxSize?: number = 0): Group { return this.group.add(new Group(this._game, MaxSize)); } /** * Create a new ScrollZone object with image key, position and size. * * @param key Key to a image you wish this object to use. * @param x X position of this object. * @param y Y position of this object. * @param width Width of this object. * @param height Heigth of this object. * @returns {ScrollZone=} The newly created scroll zone object. */ public createScrollZone(key: string, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, width?: number = 0, height?: number = 0): ScrollZone { return this.group.add(new ScrollZone(this._game, key, x, y, width, height)); } /** * Create a new Tilemap. * * @param key Key for tileset image. * @param mapData Data of this tilemap. * @param format Format of map data. (Tilemap.FORMAT_CSV or Tilemap.FORMAT_TILED_JSON) * @param resizeWorld Optinal, resize the world to make same as tilemap? * @param tileWidth Optinal, width of each tile. * @param tileHeight Optinal, height of each tile. * @return {Tilemap=} The newly created tilemap object. */ public createTilemap(key: string, mapData: string, format: number, resizeWorld: bool = true, tileWidth?: number = 0, tileHeight?: number = 0): Tilemap { return this.group.add(new Tilemap(this._game, key, mapData, format, resizeWorld, tileWidth, tileHeight)); } /** * Create a new Particle. * * @return {Particle=} The newly created particle object. */ public createParticle(): Particle { return new Particle(this._game); } /** * Create a new Emitter. * * @param x Optinal, x position of the emitter. * @param y Optinal, y position of the emitter. * @param size Optinal, size of this emitter. * @return {Emitter=} The newly created emitter object. */ public createEmitter(x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, size?: number = 0): Emitter { return this.group.add(new Emitter(this._game, x, y, size)); } } }