/** * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ */ /** * A tiling sprite is a fast way of rendering a tiling image * * @class TilingSprite * @extends DisplayObjectContainer * @constructor * @param texture {Texture} the texture of the tiling sprite * @param width {Number} the width of the tiling sprite * @param height {Number} the height of the tiling sprite */ PIXI.TilingSprite = function(texture, width, height) { PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.call( this ); /** * The texture that the sprite is using * * @property texture * @type Texture */ this.texture = texture; /** * The width of the tiling sprite * * @property width * @type Number */ this.width = width; /** * The height of the tiling sprite * * @property height * @type Number */ this.height = height; /** * The scaling of the image that is being tiled * * @property tileScale * @type Point */ this.tileScale = new PIXI.Point(1,1); /** * The offset position of the image that is being tiled * * @property tilePosition * @type Point */ this.tilePosition = new PIXI.Point(0,0); this.renderable = true; this.blendMode = PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL } // constructor PIXI.TilingSprite.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype ); PIXI.TilingSprite.prototype.constructor = PIXI.TilingSprite; /** * Sets the texture of the tiling sprite * * @method setTexture * @param texture {Texture} The PIXI texture that is displayed by the sprite */ PIXI.TilingSprite.prototype.setTexture = function(texture) { //TODO SET THE TEXTURES //TODO VISIBILITY // stop current texture this.texture = texture; this.updateFrame = true; } /** * When the texture is updated, this event will fire to update the frame * * @method onTextureUpdate * @param event * @private */ PIXI.TilingSprite.prototype.onTextureUpdate = function(event) { this.updateFrame = true; }