/** * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ */ PIXI.Rope = function(texture, points) { PIXI.Strip.call( this, texture ); this.points = points; try { this.verticies = new Float32Array( points.length * 4); this.uvs = new Float32Array( points.length * 4); this.colors = new Float32Array( points.length * 2); this.indices = new Uint16Array( points.length * 2); } catch(error) { this.verticies = verticies this.uvs = uvs this.colors = colors this.indices = indices } this.refresh(); } // constructor PIXI.Rope.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.Strip.prototype ); PIXI.Rope.prototype.constructor = PIXI.Rope; PIXI.Rope.prototype.refresh = function() { var points = this.points; if(points.length < 1)return; var uvs = this.uvs var indices = this.indices; var colors = this.colors; var lastPoint = points[0]; var nextPoint; var perp = {x:0, y:0}; var point = points[0]; this.count-=0.2; uvs[0] = 0 uvs[1] = 1 uvs[2] = 0 uvs[3] = 1 colors[0] = 1; colors[1] = 1; indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 1; var total = points.length; for (var i = 1; i < total; i++) { var point = points[i]; var index = i * 4; // time to do some smart drawing! var amount = i/(total-1) if(i%2) { uvs[index] = amount; uvs[index+1] = 0; uvs[index+2] = amount uvs[index+3] = 1 } else { uvs[index] = amount uvs[index+1] = 0 uvs[index+2] = amount uvs[index+3] = 1 } index = i * 2; colors[index] = 1; colors[index+1] = 1; index = i * 2; indices[index] = index; indices[index + 1] = index + 1; lastPoint = point; } } PIXI.Rope.prototype.updateTransform = function() { var points = this.points; if(points.length < 1)return; var verticies = this.verticies var lastPoint = points[0]; var nextPoint; var perp = {x:0, y:0}; var point = points[0]; this.count-=0.2; verticies[0] = point.x + perp.x verticies[1] = point.y + perp.y //+ 200 verticies[2] = point.x - perp.x verticies[3] = point.y - perp.y//+200 // time to do some smart drawing! var total = points.length; for (var i = 1; i < total; i++) { var point = points[i]; var index = i * 4; if(i < points.length-1) { nextPoint = points[i+1]; } else { nextPoint = point } perp.y = -(nextPoint.x - lastPoint.x); perp.x = nextPoint.y - lastPoint.y; var ratio = (1 - (i / (total-1))) * 10; if(ratio > 1)ratio = 1; var perpLength = Math.sqrt(perp.x * perp.x + perp.y * perp.y); var num = this.texture.height/2//(20 + Math.abs(Math.sin((i + this.count) * 0.3) * 50) )* ratio; perp.x /= perpLength; perp.y /= perpLength; perp.x *= num; perp.y *= num; verticies[index] = point.x + perp.x verticies[index+1] = point.y + perp.y verticies[index+2] = point.x - perp.x verticies[index+3] = point.y - perp.y lastPoint = point; } PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.updateTransform.call( this ); } PIXI.Rope.prototype.setTexture = function(texture) { // stop current texture this.texture = texture; this.updateFrame = true; }