/** * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ @Doormat23 */ /** * The base class for all objects that are rendered on the screen. * * @class DisplayObject * @constructor */ PIXI.DisplayObject = function() { this.last = this; this.first = this; /** * The coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent. * * @property position * @type Point */ this.position = new PIXI.Point(); /** * The scale factor of the object. * * @property scale * @type Point */ this.scale = new PIXI.Point(1,1);//{x:1, y:1}; /** * The pivot point of the displayObject that it rotates around * * @property pivot * @type Point */ this.pivot = new PIXI.Point(0,0); /** * The rotation of the object in radians. * * @property rotation * @type Number */ this.rotation = 0; /** * The opacity of the object. * * @property alpha * @type Number */ this.alpha = 1; /** * The visibility of the object. * * @property visible * @type Boolean */ this.visible = true; /** * This is the defined area that will pick up mouse / touch events. It is null by default. * Setting it is a neat way of optimising the hitTest function that the interactionManager will use (as it will not need to hit test all the children) * * @property hitArea * @type Rectangle|Circle|Ellipse|Polygon */ this.hitArea = null; /** * This is used to indicate if the displayObject should display a mouse hand cursor on rollover * * @property buttonMode * @type Boolean */ this.buttonMode = false; /** * Can this object be rendered * * @property renderable * @type Boolean */ this.renderable = false; /** * [read-only] The display object container that contains this display object. * * @property parent * @type DisplayObjectContainer * @readOnly */ this.parent = null; /** * [read-only] The stage the display object is connected to, or undefined if it is not connected to the stage. * * @property stage * @type Stage * @readOnly */ this.stage = null; /** * [read-only] The multiplied alpha of the displayobject * * @property worldAlpha * @type Number * @readOnly */ this.worldAlpha = 1; /** * [read-only] Whether or not the object is interactive, do not toggle directly! use the `interactive` property * * @property _interactive * @type Boolean * @readOnly * @private */ this._interactive = false; this.defaultCursor = "pointer"; /** * [read-only] Current transform of the object based on world (parent) factors * * @property worldTransform * @type Mat3 * @readOnly * @private */ this.worldTransform = PIXI.mat3.create()//mat3.identity(); /** * [read-only] Current transform of the object locally * * @property localTransform * @type Mat3 * @readOnly * @private */ this.localTransform = PIXI.mat3.create()//mat3.identity(); /** * [NYI] Unkown * * @property color * @type Array<> * @private */ this.color = []; /** * [NYI] Holds whether or not this object is dynamic, for rendering optimization * * @property dynamic * @type Boolean * @private */ this.dynamic = true; // chach that puppy! this._sr = 0; this._cr = 1; this.filterArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(0,0,1,1); /* * MOUSE Callbacks */ /** * A callback that is used when the users clicks on the displayObject with their mouse * @method click * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the user clicks the mouse down over the sprite * @method mousedown * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the user releases the mouse that was over the displayObject * for this callback to be fired the mouse must have been pressed down over the displayObject * @method mouseup * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the user releases the mouse that was over the displayObject but is no longer over the displayObject * for this callback to be fired, The touch must have started over the displayObject * @method mouseupoutside * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the users mouse rolls over the displayObject * @method mouseover * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the users mouse leaves the displayObject * @method mouseout * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /* * TOUCH Callbacks */ /** * A callback that is used when the users taps on the sprite with their finger * basically a touch version of click * @method tap * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the user touch's over the displayObject * @method touchstart * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the user releases a touch over the displayObject * @method touchend * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ /** * A callback that is used when the user releases the touch that was over the displayObject * for this callback to be fired, The touch must have started over the sprite * @method touchendoutside * @param interactionData {InteractionData} */ } // constructor PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.constructor = PIXI.DisplayObject; /** * [Deprecated] Indicates if the sprite will have touch and mouse interactivity. It is false by default * Instead of using this function you can now simply set the interactive property to true or false * * @method setInteractive * @param interactive {Boolean} * @deprecated Simply set the `interactive` property directly */ PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.setInteractive = function(interactive) { this.interactive = interactive; } /** * Indicates if the sprite will have touch and mouse interactivity. It is false by default * * @property interactive * @type Boolean * @default false */ Object.defineProperty(PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype, 'interactive', { get: function() { return this._interactive; }, set: function(value) { this._interactive = value; // TODO more to be done here.. // need to sort out a re-crawl! if(this.stage)this.stage.dirty = true; } }); /** * Sets a mask for the displayObject. A mask is an object that limits the visibility of an object to the shape of the mask applied to it. * In PIXI a regular mask must be a PIXI.Ggraphics object. This allows for much faster masking in canvas as it utilises shape clipping. * To remove a mask, set this property to null. * * @property mask * @type Graphics */ Object.defineProperty(PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype, 'mask', { get: function() { return this._mask; }, set: function(value) { if(value) { if(this._mask) { value.start = this._mask.start; value.end = this._mask.end; } else { this.addFilter(value); value.renderable = false; } } else { this.removeFilter(this._mask); this._mask.renderable = true; } this._mask = value; } }); /** * Sets the filters for the displayObject. * * IMPORTANT: This is a webGL only feature and will be ignored by the canvas renderer. * To remove filters simply set this property to 'null' * @property filters * @type Array An array of filters */ Object.defineProperty(PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype, 'filters', { get: function() { return this._filters; }, set: function(value) { if(value) { if(this._filters)this.removeFilter(this._filters); this.addFilter(value); // now put all the passes in one place.. var passes = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var filterPasses = value[i].passes; for (var j = 0; j < filterPasses.length; j++) { passes.push(filterPasses[j]); }; }; value.start.filterPasses = passes; } else { if(this._filters)this.removeFilter(this._filters); } this._filters = value; } }); /* * Adds a filter to this displayObject * * @method addFilter * @param mask {Graphics} the graphics object to use as a filter * @private */ PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.addFilter = function(data) { //if(this.filter)return; //this.filter = true; // data[0].target = this; // insert a filter block.. // TODO Onject pool thease bad boys.. var start = new PIXI.FilterBlock(); var end = new PIXI.FilterBlock(); data.start = start; data.end = end; start.data = data; end.data = data; start.first = start.last = this; end.first = end.last = this; start.open = true; start.target = this; /* * insert start */ var childFirst = start var childLast = start var nextObject; var previousObject; previousObject = this.first._iPrev; if(previousObject) { nextObject = previousObject._iNext; childFirst._iPrev = previousObject; previousObject._iNext = childFirst; } else { nextObject = this; } if(nextObject) { nextObject._iPrev = childLast; childLast._iNext = nextObject; } // now insert the end filter block.. /* * insert end filter */ var childFirst = end var childLast = end var nextObject = null; var previousObject = null; previousObject = this.last; nextObject = previousObject._iNext; if(nextObject) { nextObject._iPrev = childLast; childLast._iNext = nextObject; } childFirst._iPrev = previousObject; previousObject._iNext = childFirst; var updateLast = this; var prevLast = this.last; while(updateLast) { if(updateLast.last == prevLast) { updateLast.last = end; } updateLast = updateLast.parent; } this.first = start; // if webGL... if(this.__renderGroup) { this.__renderGroup.addFilterBlocks(start, end); } } /* * Removes the filter to this displayObject * * @method removeFilter * @private */ PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.removeFilter = function(data) { //if(!this.filter)return; //this.filter = false; // console.log("YUOIO") // modify the list.. var startBlock = data.start; var nextObject = startBlock._iNext; var previousObject = startBlock._iPrev; if(nextObject)nextObject._iPrev = previousObject; if(previousObject)previousObject._iNext = nextObject; this.first = startBlock._iNext; // remove the end filter var lastBlock = data.end; var nextObject = lastBlock._iNext; var previousObject = lastBlock._iPrev; if(nextObject)nextObject._iPrev = previousObject; previousObject._iNext = nextObject; // this is always true too! var tempLast = lastBlock._iPrev; // need to make sure the parents last is updated too var updateLast = this; while(updateLast.last == lastBlock) { updateLast.last = tempLast; updateLast = updateLast.parent; if(!updateLast)break; } // if webGL... if(this.__renderGroup) { this.__renderGroup.removeFilterBlocks(startBlock, lastBlock); } } /* * Updates the object transform for rendering * * @method updateTransform * @private */ PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.updateTransform = function() { // TODO OPTIMIZE THIS!! with dirty if(this.rotation !== this.rotationCache) { this.rotationCache = this.rotation; this._sr = Math.sin(this.rotation); this._cr = Math.cos(this.rotation); } var localTransform = this.localTransform; var parentTransform = this.parent.worldTransform; var worldTransform = this.worldTransform; //console.log(localTransform) localTransform[0] = this._cr * this.scale.x; localTransform[1] = -this._sr * this.scale.y localTransform[3] = this._sr * this.scale.x; localTransform[4] = this._cr * this.scale.y; // TODO --> do we even need a local matrix??? var px = this.pivot.x; var py = this.pivot.y; // Cache the matrix values (makes for huge speed increases!) var a00 = localTransform[0], a01 = localTransform[1], a02 = this.position.x - localTransform[0] * px - py * localTransform[1], a10 = localTransform[3], a11 = localTransform[4], a12 = this.position.y - localTransform[4] * py - px * localTransform[3], b00 = parentTransform[0], b01 = parentTransform[1], b02 = parentTransform[2], b10 = parentTransform[3], b11 = parentTransform[4], b12 = parentTransform[5]; localTransform[2] = a02 localTransform[5] = a12 worldTransform[0] = b00 * a00 + b01 * a10; worldTransform[1] = b00 * a01 + b01 * a11; worldTransform[2] = b00 * a02 + b01 * a12 + b02; worldTransform[3] = b10 * a00 + b11 * a10; worldTransform[4] = b10 * a01 + b11 * a11; worldTransform[5] = b10 * a02 + b11 * a12 + b12; // because we are using affine transformation, we can optimise the matrix concatenation process.. wooo! // mat3.multiply(this.localTransform, this.parent.worldTransform, this.worldTransform); this.worldAlpha = this.alpha * this.parent.worldAlpha; this.vcount = PIXI.visibleCount; } PIXI.visibleCount = 0;