/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * The Game Object Creator is a quick way to create all of the different sorts of core objects that Phaser uses, but not add them to the game world. * Use the GameObjectFactory to create and add the objects into the world. * * @class Phaser.GameObjectCreator * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running game. */ Phaser.GameObjectCreator = function (game) { /** * @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running Game. */ this.game = game; /** * @property {Phaser.World} world - A reference to the game world. */ this.world = this.game.world; }; Phaser.GameObjectCreator.prototype = { /** * Create a new `Image` object. An Image is a light-weight object you can use to display anything that doesn't need physics or animation. * It can still rotate, scale, crop and receive input events. This makes it perfect for logos, backgrounds, simple buttons and other non-Sprite graphics. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#image * @param {number} x - X position of the image. * @param {number} y - Y position of the image. * @param {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture or PIXI.Texture. * @param {string|number} [frame] - If the sprite uses an image from a texture atlas or sprite sheet you can pass the frame here. Either a number for a frame ID or a string for a frame name. * @returns {Phaser.Sprite} the newly created sprite object. */ image: function (x, y, key, frame) { return new Phaser.Image(this.game, x, y, key, frame); }, /** * Create a new Sprite with specific position and sprite sheet key. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#sprite * @param {number} x - X position of the new sprite. * @param {number} y - Y position of the new sprite. * @param {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the Sprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture or PIXI.Texture. * @param {string|number} [frame] - If the sprite uses an image from a texture atlas or sprite sheet you can pass the frame here. Either a number for a frame ID or a string for a frame name. * @returns {Phaser.Sprite} the newly created sprite object. */ sprite: function (x, y, key, frame) { return new Phaser.Sprite(this.game, x, y, key, frame); }, /** * Create a tween object for a specific object. The object can be any JavaScript object or Phaser object such as Sprite. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#tween * @param {object} obj - Object the tween will be run on. * @return {Phaser.Tween} The Tween object. */ tween: function (obj) { return new Phaser.Tween(obj, this.game); }, /** * A Group is a container for display objects that allows for fast pooling, recycling and collision checks. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#group * @param {string} [name='group'] - A name for this Group. Not used internally but useful for debugging. * @param {boolean} [addToStage=false] - If set to true this Group will be added directly to the Game.Stage instead of Game.World. * @param {boolean} [enableBody=false] - If true all Sprites created with `Group.create` or `Group.createMulitple` will have a physics body created on them. Change the body type with physicsBodyType. * @param {number} [physicsBodyType=0] - If enableBody is true this is the type of physics body that is created on new Sprites. Phaser.Physics.ARCADE, Phaser.Physics.P2, Phaser.Physics.NINJA, etc. * @return {Phaser.Group} The newly created group. */ group: function (parent, name, addToStage, enableBody, physicsBodyType) { return new Phaser.Group(this.game, null, name, addToStage, enableBody, physicsBodyType); }, /** * A Group is a container for display objects that allows for fast pooling, recycling and collision checks. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#spriteBatch * @param {any} parent - The parent Group or DisplayObjectContainer that will hold this group, if any. * @param {string} [name='group'] - A name for this Group. Not used internally but useful for debugging. * @param {boolean} [addToStage=false] - If set to true this Group will be added directly to the Game.Stage instead of Game.World. * @return {Phaser.Group} The newly created group. */ spriteBatch: function (parent, name, addToStage) { if (typeof name === 'undefined') { name = 'group'; } if (typeof addToStage === 'undefined') { addToStage = false; } return new Phaser.SpriteBatch(this.game, parent, name, addToStage); }, /** * Creates a new Sound object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#audio * @param {string} key - The Game.cache key of the sound that this object will use. * @param {number} [volume=1] - The volume at which the sound will be played. * @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Whether or not the sound will loop. * @param {boolean} [connect=true] - Controls if the created Sound object will connect to the master gainNode of the SoundManager when running under WebAudio. * @return {Phaser.Sound} The newly created text object. */ audio: function (key, volume, loop, connect) { return this.game.sound.add(key, volume, loop, connect); }, /** * Creates a new Sound object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#sound * @param {string} key - The Game.cache key of the sound that this object will use. * @param {number} [volume=1] - The volume at which the sound will be played. * @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Whether or not the sound will loop. * @param {boolean} [connect=true] - Controls if the created Sound object will connect to the master gainNode of the SoundManager when running under WebAudio. * @return {Phaser.Sound} The newly created text object. */ sound: function (key, volume, loop, connect) { return this.game.sound.add(key, volume, loop, connect); }, /** * Creates a new TileSprite object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#tileSprite * @param {number} x - The x coordinate (in world space) to position the TileSprite at. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate (in world space) to position the TileSprite at. * @param {number} width - The width of the TileSprite. * @param {number} height - The height of the TileSprite. * @param {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the TileSprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture or PIXI.Texture. * @param {string|number} frame - If this TileSprite is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index. * @return {Phaser.TileSprite} The newly created tileSprite object. */ tileSprite: function (x, y, width, height, key, frame) { return new Phaser.TileSprite(this.game, x, y, width, height, key, frame); }, /** * Creates a new Rope object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#rope * @param {number} x - The x coordinate (in world space) to position the Rope at. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate (in world space) to position the Rope at. * @param {number} width - The width of the Rope. * @param {number} height - The height of the Rope. * @param {string|Phaser.RenderTexture|Phaser.BitmapData|PIXI.Texture} key - This is the image or texture used by the TileSprite during rendering. It can be a string which is a reference to the Cache entry, or an instance of a RenderTexture or PIXI.Texture. * @param {string|number} frame - If this Rope is using part of a sprite sheet or texture atlas you can specify the exact frame to use by giving a string or numeric index. * @return {Phaser.Rope} The newly created rope object. */ rope: function (x, y, width, height, key, frame) { return new Phaser.Rope(this.game, x, y, width, height, key, frame); }, /** * Creates a new Text object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#text * @param {number} x - X position of the new text object. * @param {number} y - Y position of the new text object. * @param {string} text - The actual text that will be written. * @param {object} style - The style object containing style attributes like font, font size , etc. * @return {Phaser.Text} The newly created text object. */ text: function (x, y, text, style) { return new Phaser.Text(this.game, x, y, text, style); }, /** * Creates a new Button object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#button * @param {number} [x] X position of the new button object. * @param {number} [y] Y position of the new button object. * @param {string} [key] The image key as defined in the Game.Cache to use as the texture for this button. * @param {function} [callback] The function to call when this button is pressed * @param {object} [callbackContext] The context in which the callback will be called (usually 'this') * @param {string|number} [overFrame] This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an over state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name. * @param {string|number} [outFrame] This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an out state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name. * @param {string|number} [downFrame] This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in a down state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name. * @param {string|number} [upFrame] This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an up state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name. * @return {Phaser.Button} The newly created button object. */ button: function (x, y, key, callback, callbackContext, overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame) { return new Phaser.Button(this.game, x, y, key, callback, callbackContext, overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame); }, /** * Creates a new Graphics object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#graphics * @param {number} x - X position of the new graphics object. * @param {number} y - Y position of the new graphics object. * @return {Phaser.Graphics} The newly created graphics object. */ graphics: function (x, y) { return new Phaser.Graphics(this.game, x, y); }, /** * Emitter is a lightweight particle emitter. It can be used for one-time explosions or for * continuous effects like rain and fire. All it really does is launch Particle objects out * at set intervals, and fixes their positions and velocities accorindgly. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#emitter * @param {number} [x=0] - The x coordinate within the Emitter that the particles are emitted from. * @param {number} [y=0] - The y coordinate within the Emitter that the particles are emitted from. * @param {number} [maxParticles=50] - The total number of particles in this emitter. * @return {Phaser.Emitter} The newly created emitter object. */ emitter: function (x, y, maxParticles) { return new Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter(this.game, x, y, maxParticles); }, /** * Create a new RetroFont object to be used as a texture for an Image or Sprite and optionally add it to the Cache. * A RetroFont uses a bitmap which contains fixed with characters for the font set. You use character spacing to define the set. * If you need variable width character support then use a BitmapText object instead. The main difference between a RetroFont and a BitmapText * is that a RetroFont creates a single texture that you can apply to a game object, where-as a BitmapText creates one Sprite object per letter of text. * The texture can be asssigned or one or multiple images/sprites, but note that the text the RetroFont uses will be shared across them all, * i.e. if you need each Image to have different text in it, then you need to create multiple RetroFont objects. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#retroFont * @param {string} font - The key of the image in the Game.Cache that the RetroFont will use. * @param {number} characterWidth - The width of each character in the font set. * @param {number} characterHeight - The height of each character in the font set. * @param {string} chars - The characters used in the font set, in display order. You can use the TEXT_SET consts for common font set arrangements. * @param {number} charsPerRow - The number of characters per row in the font set. * @param {number} [xSpacing=0] - If the characters in the font set have horizontal spacing between them set the required amount here. * @param {number} [ySpacing=0] - If the characters in the font set have vertical spacing between them set the required amount here. * @param {number} [xOffset=0] - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the X coordinate offset here. * @param {number} [yOffset=0] - If the font set doesn't start at the top left of the given image, specify the Y coordinate offset here. * @return {Phaser.RetroFont} The newly created RetroFont texture which can be applied to an Image or Sprite. */ retroFont: function (font, characterWidth, characterHeight, chars, charsPerRow, xSpacing, ySpacing, xOffset, yOffset) { return new Phaser.RetroFont(this.game, font, characterWidth, characterHeight, chars, charsPerRow, xSpacing, ySpacing, xOffset, yOffset); }, /** * Create a new BitmapText object. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#bitmapText * @param {number} x - X position of the new bitmapText object. * @param {number} y - Y position of the new bitmapText object. * @param {string} font - The key of the BitmapText font as stored in Game.Cache. * @param {string} [text] - The actual text that will be rendered. Can be set later via BitmapText.text. * @param {number} [size] - The size the font will be rendered in, in pixels. * @return {Phaser.BitmapText} The newly created bitmapText object. */ bitmapText: function (x, y, font, text, size) { return new Phaser.BitmapText(this.game, x, y, font, text, size); }, /** * Creates a new Phaser.Tilemap object. The map can either be populated with data from a Tiled JSON file or from a CSV file. * To do this pass the Cache key as the first parameter. When using Tiled data you need only provide the key. * When using CSV data you must provide the key and the tileWidth and tileHeight parameters. * If creating a blank tilemap to be populated later, you can either specify no parameters at all and then use `Tilemap.create` or pass the map and tile dimensions here. * Note that all Tilemaps use a base tile size to calculate dimensions from, but that a TilemapLayer may have its own unique tile size that overrides it. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#tilemap * @param {string} [key] - The key of the tilemap data as stored in the Cache. If you're creating a blank map either leave this parameter out or pass `null`. * @param {number} [tileWidth=32] - The pixel width of a single map tile. If using CSV data you must specify this. Not required if using Tiled map data. * @param {number} [tileHeight=32] - The pixel height of a single map tile. If using CSV data you must specify this. Not required if using Tiled map data. * @param {number} [width=10] - The width of the map in tiles. If this map is created from Tiled or CSV data you don't need to specify this. * @param {number} [height=10] - The height of the map in tiles. If this map is created from Tiled or CSV data you don't need to specify this. */ tilemap: function (key, tileWidth, tileHeight, width, height) { return new Phaser.Tilemap(this.game, key, tileWidth, tileHeight, width, height); }, /** * A dynamic initially blank canvas to which images can be drawn. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#renderTexture * @param {number} [width=100] - the width of the RenderTexture. * @param {number} [height=100] - the height of the RenderTexture. * @param {string} [key=''] - Asset key for the RenderTexture when stored in the Cache (see addToCache parameter). * @param {boolean} [addToCache=false] - Should this RenderTexture be added to the Game.Cache? If so you can retrieve it with Cache.getTexture(key) * @return {Phaser.RenderTexture} The newly created RenderTexture object. */ renderTexture: function (width, height, key, addToCache) { if (typeof key === 'undefined' || key === '') { key = this.game.rnd.uuid(); } if (typeof addToCache === 'undefined') { addToCache = false; } var texture = new Phaser.RenderTexture(this.game, width, height, key); if (addToCache) { this.game.cache.addRenderTexture(key, texture); } return texture; }, /** * A BitmapData object which can be manipulated and drawn to like a traditional Canvas object and used to texture Sprites. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#bitmapData * @param {number} [width=100] - The width of the BitmapData in pixels. * @param {number} [height=100] - The height of the BitmapData in pixels. * @param {string} [key=''] - Asset key for the BitmapData when stored in the Cache (see addToCache parameter). * @param {boolean} [addToCache=false] - Should this BitmapData be added to the Game.Cache? If so you can retrieve it with Cache.getBitmapData(key) * @return {Phaser.BitmapData} The newly created BitmapData object. */ bitmapData: function (width, height, key, addToCache) { if (typeof addToCache === 'undefined') { addToCache = false; } if (typeof key === 'undefined' || key === '') { key = this.game.rnd.uuid(); } var texture = new Phaser.BitmapData(this.game, key, width, height); if (addToCache) { this.game.cache.addBitmapData(key, texture); } return texture; }, /** * A WebGL shader/filter that can be applied to Sprites. * * @method Phaser.GameObjectCreator#filter * @param {string} filter - The name of the filter you wish to create, for example HueRotate or SineWave. * @param {any} - Whatever parameters are needed to be passed to the filter init function. * @return {Phaser.Filter} The newly created Phaser.Filter object. */ filter: function (filter) { var args = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1); var filter = new Phaser.Filter[filter](this.game); filter.init.apply(filter, args); return filter; } }; Phaser.GameObjectCreator.prototype.constructor = Phaser.GameObjectCreator;