var Class = require('../utils/Class'); var BaseSoundManager = require('./BaseSoundManager'); var WebAudioSound = require('./WebAudioSound'); // Phaser.Loader.WebAudioSoundManager var WebAudioSoundManager = new Class({ Extends: BaseSoundManager, initialize: function WebAudioSoundManager(game) { /** * The AudioContext being used for playback. * * @property {AudioContext} context */ this.context = this.createAudioContext(game); /** * [description] * * @property {GainNode} masterMuteNode */ this.masterMuteNode = this.context.createGain(); /** * [description] * * @property {GainNode} masterVolumeNode */ this.masterVolumeNode = this.context.createGain(); this.masterMuteNode.connect(this.masterVolumeNode); this.masterVolumeNode.connect(this.context.destination); /** * Destination node for connecting individual sounds to. * * @property {AudioNode} destination */ this.destination = this.masterMuteNode; /** * Property that actually holds the value of global playback rate. * * @property {number} _rate * @private */ this._rate = 1;, game); }, createAudioContext: function (game) { var audioConfig =; if (audioConfig && audioConfig.context) { return audioConfig.context; } return new (window['AudioContext'] || window['webkitAudioContext'])(); }, add: function (key, config) { var sound = new WebAudioSound(this, key, config); this.sounds.push(sound); return sound; } }); /** * Global mute setting. * @property {boolean} mute */ Object.defineProperty(WebAudioSoundManager.prototype, 'mute', { get: function () { return this.masterMuteNode.gain.value === 0; }, set: function (value) { this.masterMuteNode.gain.value = value ? 0 : 1; } }); /** * Global volume setting. * @property {number} volume */ Object.defineProperty(WebAudioSoundManager.prototype, 'volume', { get: function () { return this.masterVolumeNode.gain.value; }, set: function (value) { this.masterVolumeNode.gain.value = value; } }); /** * Global playback rate. * @property {number} rate */ Object.defineProperty(WebAudioSoundManager.prototype, 'rate', { get: function () { return this._rate; }, set: function (value) { this._rate = value; this.sounds.forEach(function (sound) { // invoke sound's rate setter method to update // value based on new global rate value sound.rate = sound.rate; }, this); } }); module.exports = WebAudioSoundManager;