/* jshint camelcase: false */ /** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * Ninja Physics Tile constructor. * A Tile is defined by its width, height and type. It's type can include slope data, such as 45 degree slopes, or convex slopes. * Understand that for any type including a slope (types 2 to 29) the Tile must be SQUARE, i.e. have an equal width and height. * Also note that as Tiles are primarily used for levels they have gravity disabled and world bounds collision disabled by default. * * Note: This class could be massively optimised and reduced in size. I leave that challenge up to you. * * @class Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Body} body - The body that owns this shape. * @param {number} x - The x coordinate to create this shape at. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate to create this shape at. * @param {number} width - The width of this AABB. * @param {number} height - The height of this AABB. * @param {number} [type=1] - The type of Ninja shape to create. 1 = AABB, 2 = Circle or 3 = Tile. */ Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile = function (body, x, y, width, height, type) { if (typeof type === 'undefined') { type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.EMPTY; } /** * @property {Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Body} system - A reference to the body that owns this shape. */ this.body = body; /** * @property {Phaser.Physics.Ninja} system - A reference to the physics system. */ this.system = body.system; /** * @property {number} id - The ID of this Tile. * @readonly */ this.id = type; /** * @property {number} type - The type of this Tile. * @readonly */ this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_EMPTY; /** * @property {Phaser.Point} pos - The position of this object. */ this.pos = new Phaser.Point(x, y); /** * @property {Phaser.Point} oldpos - The position of this object in the previous update. */ this.oldpos = new Phaser.Point(x, y); if (this.id > 1 && this.id < 30) { // Tile Types 2 to 29 require square tile dimensions, so use the width as the base height = width; } /** * @property {number} xw - Half the width. * @readonly */ this.xw = Math.abs(width / 2); /** * @property {number} xw - Half the height. * @readonly */ this.yw = Math.abs(height / 2); /** * @property {number} width - The width. * @readonly */ this.width = width; /** * @property {number} height - The height. * @readonly */ this.height = height; /** * @property {Phaser.Point} velocity - The velocity of this object. */ this.velocity = new Phaser.Point(); /** * @property {number} signx - Internal var. * @private */ this.signx = 0; /** * @property {number} signy - Internal var. * @private */ this.signy = 0; /** * @property {number} sx - Internal var. * @private */ this.sx = 0; /** * @property {number} sy - Internal var. * @private */ this.sy = 0; // By default Tiles disable gravity and world bounds collision this.body.gravityScale = 0; this.body.collideWorldBounds = false; if (this.id > 0) { this.setType(this.id); } }; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.prototype = { /** * Updates this objects position. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#integrate */ integrate: function () { var px = this.pos.x; var py = this.pos.y; this.pos.x += (this.body.drag * this.pos.x) - (this.body.drag * this.oldpos.x); this.pos.y += (this.body.drag * this.pos.y) - (this.body.drag * this.oldpos.y) + (this.system.gravity * this.body.gravityScale); this.velocity.set(this.pos.x - px, this.pos.y - py); this.oldpos.set(px, py); }, /** * Tiles cannot collide with the world bounds, it's up to you to keep them where you want them. But we need this API stub to satisfy the Body. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#collideWorldBounds */ collideWorldBounds: function () { var dx = this.system.bounds.x - (this.pos.x - this.xw); if (0 < dx) { this.reportCollisionVsWorld(dx, 0, 1, 0, null); } else { dx = (this.pos.x + this.xw) - this.system.bounds.right; if (0 < dx) { this.reportCollisionVsWorld(-dx, 0, -1, 0, null); } } var dy = this.system.bounds.y - (this.pos.y - this.yw); if (0 < dy) { this.reportCollisionVsWorld(0, dy, 0, 1, null); } else { dy = (this.pos.y + this.yw) - this.system.bounds.bottom; if (0 < dy) { this.reportCollisionVsWorld(0, -dy, 0, -1, null); } } }, /** * Process a world collision and apply the resulting forces. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#reportCollisionVsWorld * @param {number} px - The tangent velocity * @param {number} py - The tangent velocity * @param {number} dx - Collision normal * @param {number} dy - Collision normal * @param {number} obj - Object this Tile collided with */ reportCollisionVsWorld: function (px, py, dx, dy) { var p = this.pos; var o = this.oldpos; // Calc velocity var vx = p.x - o.x; var vy = p.y - o.y; // Find component of velocity parallel to collision normal var dp = (vx * dx + vy * dy); var nx = dp * dx; //project velocity onto collision normal var ny = dp * dy; //nx,ny is normal velocity var tx = vx - nx; //px,py is tangent velocity var ty = vy - ny; // We only want to apply collision response forces if the object is travelling into, and not out of, the collision var b, bx, by, fx, fy; if (dp < 0) { fx = tx * this.body.friction; fy = ty * this.body.friction; b = 1 + this.body.bounce; bx = (nx * b); by = (ny * b); if (dx === 1) { this.body.touching.left = true; } else if (dx === -1) { this.body.touching.right = true; } if (dy === 1) { this.body.touching.up = true; } else if (dy === -1) { this.body.touching.down = true; } } else { // Moving out of collision, do not apply forces bx = by = fx = fy = 0; } // Project object out of collision p.x += px; p.y += py; // Apply bounce+friction impulses which alter velocity o.x += px + bx + fx; o.y += py + by + fy; }, /** * Tiles cannot collide with the world bounds, it's up to you to keep them where you want them. But we need this API stub to satisfy the Body. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#setType * @param {number} id - The type of Tile this will use, i.e. Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGpn, Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXpp, etc. */ setType: function (id) { if (id === Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.EMPTY) { this.clear(); } else { this.id = id; this.updateType(); } return this; }, /** * Sets this tile to be empty. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#clear */ clear: function () { this.id = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.EMPTY; this.updateType(); }, /** * Destroys this Tiles reference to Body and System. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#destroy */ destroy: function () { this.body = null; this.system = null; }, /** * This converts a tile from implicitly-defined (via id), to explicit (via properties). * Don't call directly, instead of setType. * * @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#updateType * @private */ updateType: function () { if (this.id === 0) { //EMPTY this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_EMPTY; this.signx = 0; this.signy = 0; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; return true; } //tile is non-empty; collide if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_45DEG) { //FULL this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_FULL; this.signx = 0; this.signy = 0; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_CONCAVE) { // 45deg this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_45DEG; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGpn) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2;//get slope _unit_ normal this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2;//since normal is (1,-1), length is sqrt(1*1 + -1*-1) = sqrt(2) } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGnn) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2;//get slope _unit_ normal this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2;//since normal is (1,-1), length is sqrt(1*1 + -1*-1) = sqrt(2) } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGnp) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2;//get slope _unit_ normal this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2;//since normal is (1,-1), length is sqrt(1*1 + -1*-1) = sqrt(2) } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGpp) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = this.signx / Math.SQRT2;//get slope _unit_ normal this.sy = this.signy / Math.SQRT2;//since normal is (1,-1), length is sqrt(1*1 + -1*-1) = sqrt(2) } else { return false; } } else if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_CONVEX) { // Concave this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_CONCAVE; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEpn) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEnn) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEnp) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEpp) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else { return false; } } else if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_22DEGs) { // Convex this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_CONVEX; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXpn) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXnn) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXnp) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXpp) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; this.sx = 0; this.sy = 0; } else { return false; } } else if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_22DEGb) { // 22deg small this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_22DEGs; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGpnS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnnS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnpS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGppS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else { return false; } } else if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_67DEGs) { // 22deg big this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_22DEGb; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGpnB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnnB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnpB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGppB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 1) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 2) / slen; } else { return false; } } else if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_67DEGb) { // 67deg small this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_67DEGs; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGpnS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnnS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnpS) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGppS) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else { return false; } } else if (this.id < Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_HALF) { // 67deg big this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_67DEGb; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGpnB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnnB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = -1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnpB) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGppB) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 1; var slen = Math.sqrt(2 * 2 + 1 * 1); this.sx = (this.signx * 2) / slen; this.sy = (this.signy * 1) / slen; } else { return false; } } else { // Half-full tile this.type = Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_HALF; if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFd) { this.signx = 0; this.signy = -1; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFu) { this.signx = 0; this.signy = 1; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFl) { this.signx = 1; this.signy = 0; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else if (this.id == Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFr) { this.signx = -1; this.signy = 0; this.sx = this.signx; this.sy = this.signy; } else { return false; } } } }; /** * @name Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#x * @property {number} x - The x position. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.pos.x - this.xw; }, set: function (value) { this.pos.x = value; } }); /** * @name Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#y * @property {number} y - The y position. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.pos.y - this.yw; }, set: function (value) { this.pos.y = value; } }); /** * @name Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#bottom * @property {number} bottom - The bottom value of this Body (same as Body.y + Body.height) * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.prototype, "bottom", { get: function () { return this.pos.y + this.yw; } }); /** * @name Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile#right * @property {number} right - The right value of this Body (same as Body.x + Body.width) * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.prototype, "right", { get: function () { return this.pos.x + this.xw; } }); Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.EMPTY = 0; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.FULL = 1;//fullAABB tile Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGpn = 2;//45-degree triangle, whose normal is (+ve,-ve) Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGnn = 3;//(+ve,+ve) Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGnp = 4;//(-ve,+ve) Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_45DEGpp = 5;//(-ve,-ve) Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEpn = 6;//1/4-circle cutout Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEnn = 7; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEnp = 8; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONCAVEpp = 9; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXpn = 10;//1/4/circle Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXnn = 11; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXnp = 12; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.CONVEXpp = 13; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGpnS = 14;//22.5 degree slope Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnnS = 15; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnpS = 16; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGppS = 17; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGpnB = 18; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnnB = 19; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGnpB = 20; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_22DEGppB = 21; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGpnS = 22;//67.5 degree slope Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnnS = 23; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnpS = 24; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGppS = 25; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGpnB = 26; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnnB = 27; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGnpB = 28; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.SLOPE_67DEGppB = 29; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFd = 30;//half-full tiles Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFr = 31; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFu = 32; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.HALFl = 33; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_EMPTY = 0; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_FULL = 1; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_45DEG = 2; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_CONCAVE = 6; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_CONVEX = 10; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_22DEGs = 14; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_22DEGb = 18; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_67DEGs = 22; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_67DEGb = 26; Phaser.Physics.Ninja.Tile.TYPE_HALF = 30;