var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, render: render }); // Left and right group. var left var right; // The first selected item. var selected = null; function preload() { game.load.spritesheet('item', 'assets/buttons/number-buttons-90x90.png', 90, 90); } function create() { left =; right =; // Add some items to left side, and set a onDragStop listener // to limit its location when dropped. var item; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Directly create sprites from the left group. item = left.create(290, 98 * (i + 1), 'item', i); // Enable input. item.input.start(0, false, true);; // Add another to the right group. item = right.create(388, 98 * (i + 1), 'item', i + 3); // Enable input. item.input.start(0,true);; } } function select(item, pointer) { // If there's no one selected, mark it as selected. if (!selected) { selected = item; selected.alpha = 0.5; } else { // Items from different group selected, replace with each other; // Something like a swap action, maybe better done with // group.swap() method. if ( !== { // Move the later selected to the first selected item's position. item.x = selected.x; item.y = selected.y; // Replace first selected with the second one., item); } else { selected.alpha = 1; } // After checking, now clear the helper var. selected = null; } } function render() { game.debug.renderText('Left Group', 300, 80); game.debug.renderText('Right Group', 400, 80); game.debug.renderText('Click an item and one from another group to replace it.', 240, 480); }