/** * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ @Doormat23 */ /** * @module PIXI */ var PIXI = PIXI || {}; /* * * This file contains a lot of pixi consts which are used across the rendering engine * @class Consts */ PIXI.WEBGL_RENDERER = 0; PIXI.CANVAS_RENDERER = 1; // useful for testing against if your lib is using pixi. PIXI.VERSION = 'v1.5.4'; // the various blend modes supported by pixi PIXI.blendModes = { NORMAL:0, ADD:1, MULTIPLY:2, SCREEN:3, OVERLAY:4, DARKEN:5, LIGHTEN:6, COLOR_DODGE:7, COLOR_BURN:8, HARD_LIGHT:9, SOFT_LIGHT:10, DIFFERENCE:11, EXCLUSION:12, HUE:13, SATURATION:14, COLOR:15, LUMINOSITY:16 }; // the scale modes PIXI.scaleModes = { DEFAULT:0, LINEAR:0, NEAREST:1 }; // used to create uids for various pixi objects.. PIXI._UID = 0; PIXI.Float32Array = Float32Array || Array; PIXI.Uint16Array = Uint16Array || Array; // interaction frequency PIXI.INTERACTION_FREQUENCY = 30; PIXI.AUTO_PREVENT_DEFAULT = true; PIXI.RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / Math.PI; PIXI.DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180; PIXI.dontSayHello = false; PIXI.sayHello = function (type) { if(PIXI.dontSayHello)return; if ( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1 ) { var args = [ '%c %c %c Pixi.js ' + PIXI.VERSION + ' - ' + type + ' %c ' + ' %c ' + ' http://pixijs.com %c %c ♥%c♥%c♥ ', 'background: #ff66a5', 'background: #ff66a5', 'color: #ff66a5; background: #030307;', 'background: #ff66a5', 'background: #ffc3dc', 'background: #ff66a5', 'color: #ff2424; background: #fff', 'color: #ff2424; background: #fff', 'color: #ff2424; background: #fff' ]; console.log.apply(console, args); } else if (window['console']) { console.log('Pixi.js ' + PIXI.VERSION + ' - http://pixjs.com'); } PIXI.dontSayHello = true; };