/** * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * The Sound class constructor. * * @class Phaser.Sound * @classdesc The Sound class * @constructor * @param {Phaser.Game} game - Reference to the current game instance. * @param {string} key - Asset key for the sound. * @param {number} [volume=1] - Default value for the volume, between 0 and 1. * @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Whether or not the sound will loop. */ Phaser.Sound = function (game, key, volume, loop, connect) { if (typeof volume == 'undefined') { volume = 1; } if (typeof loop == 'undefined') { loop = false; } if (typeof connect === 'undefined') { connect = game.sound.connectToMaster; } /** * A reference to the currently running Game. * @property {Phaser.Game} game */ this.game = game; /** * @property {string} name - Name of the sound. */ this.name = key; /** * @property {string} key - Asset key for the sound. */ this.key = key; /** * @property {boolean} loop - Whether or not the sound will loop. */ this.loop = loop; /** * @property {number} _volume - The global audio volume. A value between 0 (silence) and 1 (full volume). * @private */ this._volume = volume; /** * @property {object} markers - The sound markers. */ this.markers = {}; /** * @property {AudioContext} context - Reference to the AudioContext instance. */ this.context = null; /** * @property {Description} _buffer - Decoded data buffer / Audio tag. * @private */ this._buffer = null; /** * @property {boolean} _muted - Boolean indicating whether the sound is muted or not. * @private * @default */ this._muted = false; /** * @property {boolean} autoplay - Boolean indicating whether the sound should start automatically. */ this.autoplay = false; /** * @property {number} totalDuration - The total duration of the sound, in milliseconds */ this.totalDuration = 0; /** * @property {number} startTime - The time the Sound starts at (typically 0 unless starting from a marker) * @default */ this.startTime = 0; /** * @property {number} currentTime - The current time the sound is at. */ this.currentTime = 0; /** * @property {number} duration - The duration of the sound. */ this.duration = 0; /** * @property {number} stopTime - The time the sound stopped. */ this.stopTime = 0; /** * @property {boolean} paused - true if the sound is paused, otherwise false. * @default */ this.paused = false; /** * @property {number} pausedPosition - The position the sound had reached when it was paused. */ this.pausedPosition = 0; /** * @property {number} pausedTime - The game time at which the sound was paused. */ this.pausedTime = 0; /** * @property {boolean} isPlaying - true if the sound is currently playing, otherwise false. * @default */ this.isPlaying = false; /** * @property {string} currentMarker - The string ID of the currently playing marker, if any. * @default */ this.currentMarker = ''; /** * @property {boolean} pendingPlayback - true if the sound file is pending playback * @readonly */ this.pendingPlayback = false; /** * @property {boolean} override - if true when you play this sound it will always start from the beginning. * @default */ this.override = false; /** * @property {boolean} usingWebAudio - true if this sound is being played with Web Audio. * @readonly */ this.usingWebAudio = this.game.sound.usingWebAudio; /** * @property {boolean} usingAudioTag - true if the sound is being played via the Audio tag. */ this.usingAudioTag = this.game.sound.usingAudioTag; /** * @property {object} externalNode - If defined this Sound won't connect to the SoundManager master gain node, but will instead connect to externalNode.input. */ this.externalNode = null; if (this.usingWebAudio) { this.context = this.game.sound.context; this.masterGainNode = this.game.sound.masterGain; if (typeof this.context.createGain === 'undefined') { this.gainNode = this.context.createGainNode(); } else { this.gainNode = this.context.createGain(); } this.gainNode.gain.value = volume * this.game.sound.volume; if (connect) { this.gainNode.connect(this.masterGainNode); } } else { if (this.game.cache.getSound(key) && this.game.cache.isSoundReady(key)) { this._sound = this.game.cache.getSoundData(key); this.totalDuration = 0; if (this._sound.duration) { this.totalDuration = this._sound.duration; } } else { this.game.cache.onSoundUnlock.add(this.soundHasUnlocked, this); } } /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onDecoded - The onDecoded event is dispatched when the sound has finished decoding (typically for mp3 files) */ this.onDecoded = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onPlay - The onPlay event is dispatched each time this sound is played. */ this.onPlay = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onPause - The onPause event is dispatched when this sound is paused. */ this.onPause = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onResume - The onResume event is dispatched when this sound is resumed from a paused state. */ this.onResume = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onLoop - The onLoop event is dispatched when this sound loops during playback. */ this.onLoop = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onStop - The onStop event is dispatched when this sound stops playback. */ this.onStop = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onMute - The onMouse event is dispatched when this sound is muted. */ this.onMute = new Phaser.Signal(); /** * @property {Phaser.Signal} onMarkerComplete - The onMarkerComplete event is dispatched when a marker within this sound completes playback. */ this.onMarkerComplete = new Phaser.Signal(); }; Phaser.Sound.prototype = { /** * Called automatically when this sound is unlocked. * @method Phaser.Sound#soundHasUnlocked * @param {string} key - The Phaser.Cache key of the sound file to check for decoding. * @protected */ soundHasUnlocked: function (key) { if (key == this.key) { this._sound = this.game.cache.getSoundData(this.key); this.totalDuration = this._sound.duration; // console.log('sound has unlocked' + this._sound); } }, /** * Description. * @method Phaser.Sound#addMarker * @param {string} name - Description. * @param {Description} start - Description. * @param {Description} stop - Description. * @param {Description} volume - Description. * @param {Description} loop - Description. addMarker: function (name, start, stop, volume, loop) { volume = volume || 1; if (typeof loop == 'undefined') { loop = false; } this.markers[name] = { name: name, start: start, stop: stop, volume: volume, duration: stop - start, loop: loop }; }, */ /** * Adds a marker into the current Sound. A marker is represented by a unique key and a start time and duration. * This allows you to bundle multiple sounds together into a single audio file and use markers to jump between them for playback. * * @method Phaser.Sound#addMarker * @param {string} name - A unique name for this marker, i.e. 'explosion', 'gunshot', etc. * @param {number} start - The start point of this marker in the audio file, given in seconds. 2.5 = 2500ms, 0.5 = 500ms, etc. * @param {number} duration - The duration of the marker in seconds. 2.5 = 2500ms, 0.5 = 500ms, etc. * @param {number} [volume=1] - The volume the sound will play back at, between 0 (silent) and 1 (full volume). * @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Sets if the sound will loop or not. */ addMarker: function (name, start, duration, volume, loop) { volume = volume || 1; if (typeof loop == 'undefined') { loop = false; } this.markers[name] = { name: name, start: start, stop: start + duration, volume: volume, duration: duration, durationMS: duration * 1000, loop: loop }; }, /** * Removes a marker from the sound. * @method Phaser.Sound#removeMarker * @param {string} name - The key of the marker to remove. */ removeMarker: function (name) { delete this.markers[name]; }, /** * Called automatically by Phaser.SoundManager. * @method Phaser.Sound#update * @protected */ update: function () { if (this.pendingPlayback && this.game.cache.isSoundReady(this.key)) { this.pendingPlayback = false; this.play(this._tempMarker, this._tempPosition, this._tempVolume, this._tempLoop); } if (this.isPlaying) { this.currentTime = this.game.time.now - this.startTime; if (this.currentTime >= this.durationMS) { console.log(this.currentMarker, 'has hit duration'); if (this.usingWebAudio) { if (this.loop) { // console.log('loop1'); // won't work with markers, needs to reset the position this.onLoop.dispatch(this); if (this.currentMarker === '') { // console.log('loop2'); this.currentTime = 0; this.startTime = this.game.time.now; } else { // console.log('loop3'); this.play(this.currentMarker, 0, this.volume, true, true); } } else { // console.log('stopping, no loop for marker'); this.stop(); } } else { if (this.loop) { this.onLoop.dispatch(this); this.play(this.currentMarker, 0, this.volume, true, true); } else { this.stop(); } } } } }, /** * Play this sound, or a marked section of it. * @method Phaser.Sound#play * @param {string} [marker=''] - If you want to play a marker then give the key here, otherwise leave blank to play the full sound. * @param {number} [position=0] - The starting position to play the sound from - this is ignored if you provide a marker. * @param {number} [volume=1] - Volume of the sound you want to play. If none is given it will use the volume given to the Sound when it was created (which defaults to 1 if none was specified). * @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Loop when it finished playing? * @param {boolean} [forceRestart=true] - If the sound is already playing you can set forceRestart to restart it from the beginning. * @return {Phaser.Sound} This sound instance. */ play: function (marker, position, volume, loop, forceRestart) { marker = marker || ''; position = position || 0; if (typeof volume === 'undefined') { volume = this._volume; } if (typeof loop === 'undefined') { loop = this.loop; } if (typeof forceRestart === 'undefined') { forceRestart = true; } // console.log(this.name + ' play ' + marker + ' position ' + position + ' volume ' + volume + ' loop ' + loop, 'force', forceRestart); if (this.isPlaying === true && forceRestart === false && this.override === false) { // Use Restart instead return; } if (this.isPlaying && this.override) { // console.log('asked to play ' + marker + ' but already playing ' + this.currentMarker); if (this.usingWebAudio) { if (typeof this._sound.stop === 'undefined') { this._sound.noteOff(0); } else { this._sound.stop(0); } } else if (this.usingAudioTag) { this._sound.pause(); this._sound.currentTime = 0; } } this.currentMarker = marker; if (marker !== '') { if (this.markers[marker]) { this.position = this.markers[marker].start; this.volume = this.markers[marker].volume; this.loop = this.markers[marker].loop; this.duration = this.markers[marker].duration; this.durationMS = this.markers[marker].durationMS; // console.log('Marker Loaded: ', marker, 'start:', this.position, 'end: ', this.duration, 'loop', this.loop); this._tempMarker = marker; this._tempPosition = this.position; this._tempVolume = this.volume; this._tempLoop = this.loop; } else { console.warn("Phaser.Sound.play: audio marker " + marker + " doesn't exist"); return; } } else { // console.log('no marker info loaded', marker); this.position = position; this.volume = volume; this.loop = loop; this.duration = 0; this.durationMS = 0; this._tempMarker = marker; this._tempPosition = position; this._tempVolume = volume; this._tempLoop = loop; } if (this.usingWebAudio) { // Does the sound need decoding? if (this.game.cache.isSoundDecoded(this.key)) { // Do we need to do this every time we play? How about just if the buffer is empty? if (this._buffer == null) { this._buffer = this.game.cache.getSoundData(this.key); } this._sound = this.context.createBufferSource(); this._sound.buffer = this._buffer; if (this.externalNode) { this._sound.connect(this.externalNode.input); } else { this._sound.connect(this.gainNode); } this.totalDuration = this._sound.buffer.duration; if (this.duration === 0) { // console.log('duration reset'); this.duration = this.totalDuration; this.durationMS = this.totalDuration * 1000; } if (this.loop && marker === '') { this._sound.loop = true; } // Useful to cache this somewhere perhaps? if (typeof this._sound.start === 'undefined') { this._sound.noteGrainOn(0, this.position, this.duration); // this._sound.noteGrainOn(0, this.position, this.duration / 1000); //this._sound.noteOn(0); // the zero is vitally important, crashes iOS6 without it } else { // this._sound.start(0, this.position, this.duration / 1000); this._sound.start(0, this.position, this.duration); } this.isPlaying = true; this.startTime = this.game.time.now; this.currentTime = 0; this.stopTime = this.startTime + this.durationMS; this.onPlay.dispatch(this); } else { this.pendingPlayback = true; if (this.game.cache.getSound(this.key) && this.game.cache.getSound(this.key).isDecoding === false) { this.game.sound.decode(this.key, this); } } } else { // console.log('Sound play Audio'); if (this.game.cache.getSound(this.key) && this.game.cache.getSound(this.key).locked) { // console.log('tried playing locked sound, pending set, reload started'); this.game.cache.reloadSound(this.key); this.pendingPlayback = true; } else { // console.log('sound not locked, state?', this._sound.readyState); if (this._sound && (this.game.device.cocoonJS || this._sound.readyState === 4)) { this._sound.play(); // This doesn't become available until you call play(), wonderful ... this.totalDuration = this._sound.duration; if (this.duration === 0) { this.duration = this.totalDuration; this.durationMS = this.totalDuration * 1000; } // console.log('playing', this._sound); this._sound.currentTime = this.position; this._sound.muted = this._muted; if (this._muted) { this._sound.volume = 0; } else { this._sound.volume = this._volume; } this.isPlaying = true; this.startTime = this.game.time.now; this.currentTime = 0; this.stopTime = this.startTime + this.durationMS; this.onPlay.dispatch(this); } else { this.pendingPlayback = true; } } } }, /** * Restart the sound, or a marked section of it. * @method Phaser.Sound#restart * @param {string} [marker=''] - If you want to play a marker then give the key here, otherwise leave blank to play the full sound. * @param {number} [position=0] - The starting position to play the sound from - this is ignored if you provide a marker. * @param {number} [volume=1] - Volume of the sound you want to play. * @param {boolean} [loop=false] - Loop when it finished playing? */ restart: function (marker, position, volume, loop) { marker = marker || ''; position = position || 0; volume = volume || 1; if (typeof loop == 'undefined') { loop = false; } this.play(marker, position, volume, loop, true); }, /** * Pauses the sound * @method Phaser.Sound#pause */ pause: function () { if (this.isPlaying && this._sound) { this.stop(); this.isPlaying = false; this.paused = true; this.pausedPosition = this.currentTime; this.pausedTime = this.game.time.now; this.onPause.dispatch(this); } }, /** * Resumes the sound * @method Phaser.Sound#resume */ resume: function () { if (this.paused && this._sound) { if (this.usingWebAudio) { var p = this.position + (this.pausedPosition / 1000); this._sound = this.context.createBufferSource(); this._sound.buffer = this._buffer; if (this.externalNode) { this._sound.connect(this.externalNode.input); } else { this._sound.connect(this.gainNode); } if (this.loop) { this._sound.loop = true; } if (typeof this._sound.start === 'undefined') { this._sound.noteGrainOn(0, p, this.duration); //this._sound.noteOn(0); // the zero is vitally important, crashes iOS6 without it } else { this._sound.start(0, p, this.duration); } } else { this._sound.play(); } this.isPlaying = true; this.paused = false; this.startTime += (this.game.time.now - this.pausedTime); this.onResume.dispatch(this); } }, /** * Stop playing this sound. * @method Phaser.Sound#stop */ stop: function () { if (this.isPlaying && this._sound) { if (this.usingWebAudio) { if (typeof this._sound.stop === 'undefined') { this._sound.noteOff(0); } else { this._sound.stop(0); } } else if (this.usingAudioTag) { this._sound.pause(); this._sound.currentTime = 0; } } this.isPlaying = false; var prevMarker = this.currentMarker; this.currentMarker = ''; this.onStop.dispatch(this, prevMarker); } }; Phaser.Sound.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Sound; /** * @name Phaser.Sound#isDecoding * @property {boolean} isDecoding - Returns true if the sound file is still decoding. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sound.prototype, "isDecoding", { get: function () { return this.game.cache.getSound(this.key).isDecoding; } }); /** * @name Phaser.Sound#isDecoded * @property {boolean} isDecoded - Returns true if the sound file has decoded. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sound.prototype, "isDecoded", { get: function () { return this.game.cache.isSoundDecoded(this.key); } }); /** * @name Phaser.Sound#mute * @property {boolean} mute - Gets or sets the muted state of this sound. */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sound.prototype, "mute", { get: function () { return this._muted; }, set: function (value) { value = value || null; if (value) { this._muted = true; if (this.usingWebAudio) { this._muteVolume = this.gainNode.gain.value; this.gainNode.gain.value = 0; } else if (this.usingAudioTag && this._sound) { this._muteVolume = this._sound.volume; this._sound.volume = 0; } } else { this._muted = false; if (this.usingWebAudio) { this.gainNode.gain.value = this._muteVolume; } else if (this.usingAudioTag && this._sound) { this._sound.volume = this._muteVolume; } } this.onMute.dispatch(this); } }); /** * @name Phaser.Sound#volume * @property {number} volume - Gets or sets the volume of this sound, a value between 0 and 1. * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sound.prototype, "volume", { get: function () { return this._volume; }, set: function (value) { if (this.usingWebAudio) { this._volume = value; this.gainNode.gain.value = value; } else if (this.usingAudioTag && this._sound) { // Causes an Index size error in Firefox if you don't clamp the value if (value >= 0 && value <= 1) { this._volume = value; this._sound.volume = value; } } } });