Source: physics/p2/World.js

* @author       Richard Davey <>
* @copyright    2014 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license      {@link|MIT License}

//  Add an extra properties to p2 that we need
p2.Body.prototype.parent = null;
p2.Spring.prototype.parent = null;

* @class Phaser.Physics.P2
* @classdesc Physics World Constructor
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Game} game - Reference to the current game instance.
* @param {object} [config] - Physics configuration object passed in from the game constructor.
Phaser.Physics.P2 = function (game, config) {

    * @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game.
    */ = game;

    if (typeof config === 'undefined' || !config.hasOwnProperty('gravity') || !config.hasOwnProperty('broadphase'))
        config = { gravity: [0, 0], broadphase: new p2.SAPBroadphase() };

    * @property {p2.World} world - The p2 World in which the simulation is run.
    * @protected
    */ = new p2.World(config);

    * @property {number} frameRate - The frame rate the world will be stepped at. Defaults to 1 / 60, but you can change here. Also see useElapsedTime property.
    * @default
    this.frameRate = 1 / 60;

    * @property {boolean} useElapsedTime - If true the frameRate value will be ignored and instead p2 will step with the value of Game.Time.physicsElapsed, which is a delta time value.
    * @default
    this.useElapsedTime = false;

    * @property {boolean} paused - The paused state of the P2 World.
    * @default
    this.paused = false;

    * @property {array<Phaser.Physics.P2.Material>} materials - A local array of all created Materials.
    * @protected
    this.materials = [];

    * @property {Phaser.Physics.P2.InversePointProxy} gravity - The gravity applied to all bodies each step.
    this.gravity = new Phaser.Physics.P2.InversePointProxy(this,;

    * @property {object} walls - An object containing the 4 wall bodies that bound the physics world.
    this.walls = { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null };

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onBodyAdded - Dispatched when a new Body is added to the World.
    this.onBodyAdded = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onBodyRemoved - Dispatched when a Body is removed from the World.
    this.onBodyRemoved = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onSpringAdded - Dispatched when a new Spring is added to the World.
    this.onSpringAdded = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onSpringRemoved - Dispatched when a Spring is removed from the World.
    this.onSpringRemoved = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onConstraintAdded - Dispatched when a new Constraint is added to the World.
    this.onConstraintAdded = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onConstraintRemoved - Dispatched when a Constraint is removed from the World.
    this.onConstraintRemoved = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onContactMaterialAdded - Dispatched when a new ContactMaterial is added to the World.
    this.onContactMaterialAdded = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onContactMaterialRemoved - Dispatched when a ContactMaterial is removed from the World.
    this.onContactMaterialRemoved = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {function} postBroadphaseCallback - A postBroadphase callback.
    this.postBroadphaseCallback = null;

    * @property {object} callbackContext - The context under which the callbacks are fired.
    this.callbackContext = null;

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onBeginContact - Dispatched when a first contact is created between two bodies. This event is fired before the step has been done.
    this.onBeginContact = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onEndContact - Dispatched when final contact occurs between two bodies. This event is fired before the step has been done.
    this.onEndContact = new Phaser.Signal();

    //  Pixel to meter function overrides
    if (config.hasOwnProperty('mpx') && config.hasOwnProperty('pxm') && config.hasOwnProperty('mpxi') && config.hasOwnProperty('pxmi'))
        this.mpx = config.mpx;
        this.mpxi = config.mpxi;
        this.pxm = config.pxm;
        this.pxmi = config.pxmi;

    //  Hook into the World events"beginContact", this.beginContactHandler, this);"endContact", this.endContactHandler, this);

    * @property {array} collisionGroups - An array containing the collision groups that have been defined in the World.
    this.collisionGroups = [];

    * @property {Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup} nothingCollisionGroup - A default collision group.
    this.nothingCollisionGroup = new Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup(1);

    * @property {Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup} boundsCollisionGroup - A default collision group.
    this.boundsCollisionGroup = new Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup(2);

    * @property {Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup} everythingCollisionGroup - A default collision group.
    this.everythingCollisionGroup = new Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup(2147483648);

    * @property {array} boundsCollidesWith - An array of the bodies the world bounds collides with.
    this.boundsCollidesWith = [];

    * @property {array} _toRemove - Internal var used to hold references to bodies to remove from the world on the next step.
    * @private
    this._toRemove = [];

    * @property {number} _collisionGroupID - Internal var.
    * @private
    this._collisionGroupID = 2;

    //  By default we want everything colliding with everything
    this.setBoundsToWorld(true, true, true, true, false);


Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype = {

    * This will add a P2 Physics body into the removal list for the next step.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#removeBodyNextStep
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body} body - The body to remove at the start of the next step.
    removeBodyNextStep: function (body) {



    * Called at the start of the core update loop. Purges flagged bodies from the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#preUpdate
    preUpdate: function () {

        var i = this._toRemove.length;

        while (i--)

        this._toRemove.length = 0;


    * This will create a P2 Physics body on the given game object or array of game objects.
    * A game object can only have 1 physics body active at any one time, and it can't be changed until the object is destroyed.
    * Note: When the game object is enabled for P2 physics it has its anchor x/y set to 0.5 so it becomes centered.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#enable
    * @param {object|array|Phaser.Group} object - The game object to create the physics body on. Can also be an array or Group of objects, a body will be created on every child that has a `body` property.
    * @param {boolean} [debug=false] - Create a debug object to go with this body?
    * @param {boolean} [children=true] - Should a body be created on all children of this object? If true it will recurse down the display list as far as it can go.
    enable: function (object, debug, children) {

        if (typeof debug === 'undefined') { debug = false; }
        if (typeof children === 'undefined') { children = true; }

        var i = 1;

        if (Array.isArray(object))
            i = object.length;

            while (i--)
                if (object[i] instanceof Phaser.Group)
                    //  If it's a Group then we do it on the children regardless
                    this.enable(object[i].children, debug, children);
                    this.enableBody(object[i], debug);

                    if (children && object[i].hasOwnProperty('children') && object[i].children.length > 0)
                        this.enable(object[i], debug, true);
            if (object instanceof Phaser.Group)
                //  If it's a Group then we do it on the children regardless
                this.enable(object.children, debug, children);
                this.enableBody(object, debug);

                if (children && object.hasOwnProperty('children') && object.children.length > 0)
                    this.enable(object.children, debug, true);


    * Creates a P2 Physics body on the given game object.
    * A game object can only have 1 physics body active at any one time, and it can't be changed until the body is nulled.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#enableBody
    * @param {object} object - The game object to create the physics body on. A body will only be created if this object has a null `body` property.
    * @param {boolean} debug - Create a debug object to go with this body?
    enableBody: function (object, debug) {

        if (object.hasOwnProperty('body') && object.body === null)
            object.body = new Phaser.Physics.P2.Body(, object, object.x, object.y, 1);
            object.body.debug = debug;


    * Impact event handling is disabled by default. Enable it before any impact events will be dispatched.
    * In a busy world hundreds of impact events can be generated every step, so only enable this if you cannot do what you need via beginContact or collision masks.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#setImpactEvents
    * @param {boolean} state - Set to true to enable impact events, or false to disable.
    setImpactEvents: function (state) {

        if (state)
  "impact", this.impactHandler, this);
  "impact", this.impactHandler, this);


    * Sets a callback to be fired after the Broadphase has collected collision pairs in the world.
    * Just because a pair exists it doesn't mean they *will* collide, just that they potentially could do.
    * If your calback returns `false` the pair will be removed from the narrowphase. This will stop them testing for collision this step.
    * Returning `true` from the callback will ensure they are checked in the narrowphase.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#setPostBroadphaseCallback
    * @param {function} callback - The callback that will receive the postBroadphase event data. It must return a boolean. Set to null to disable an existing callback.
    * @param {object} context - The context under which the callback will be fired.
    setPostBroadphaseCallback: function (callback, context) {

        this.postBroadphaseCallback = callback;
        this.callbackContext = context;

        if (callback !== null)
  "postBroadphase", this.postBroadphaseHandler, this);
  "postBroadphase", this.postBroadphaseHandler, this);


    * Internal handler for the postBroadphase event.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#postBroadphaseHandler
    * @private
    * @param {object} event - The event data.
    postBroadphaseHandler: function (event) {

        if (this.postBroadphaseCallback)
            var i = event.pairs.length;

            while (i -= 2)
                if (event.pairs[i].parent && event.pairs[i+1].parent && !, event.pairs[i].parent, event.pairs[i+1].parent))
                    event.pairs.splice(i, 2);


    * Handles a p2 impact event.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#impactHandler
    * @private
    * @param {object} event - The event data.
    impactHandler: function (event) {

        if (event.bodyA.parent && event.bodyB.parent)
            //  Body vs. Body callbacks
            var a = event.bodyA.parent;
            var b = event.bodyB.parent;

            if (a._bodyCallbacks[])
                a._bodyCallbacks[].call(a._bodyCallbackContext[], a, b, event.shapeA, event.shapeB);

            if (b._bodyCallbacks[])
                b._bodyCallbacks[].call(b._bodyCallbackContext[], b, a, event.shapeB, event.shapeA);

            //  Body vs. Group callbacks
            if (a._groupCallbacks[event.shapeB.collisionGroup])
                a._groupCallbacks[event.shapeB.collisionGroup].call(a._groupCallbackContext[event.shapeB.collisionGroup], a, b, event.shapeA, event.shapeB);

            if (b._groupCallbacks[event.shapeA.collisionGroup])
                b._groupCallbacks[event.shapeA.collisionGroup].call(b._groupCallbackContext[event.shapeA.collisionGroup], b, a, event.shapeB, event.shapeA);


    * Handles a p2 begin contact event.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#beginContactHandler
    * @param {object} event - The event data.
    beginContactHandler: function (event) {

        this.onBeginContact.dispatch(event.bodyA, event.bodyB, event.shapeA, event.shapeB, event.contactEquations);

        if (event.bodyA.parent)
            event.bodyA.parent.onBeginContact.dispatch(event.bodyB.parent, event.shapeA, event.shapeB, event.contactEquations);

        if (event.bodyB.parent)
            event.bodyB.parent.onBeginContact.dispatch(event.bodyA.parent, event.shapeB, event.shapeA, event.contactEquations);


    * Handles a p2 end contact event.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#endContactHandler
    * @param {object} event - The event data.
    endContactHandler: function (event) {

        this.onEndContact.dispatch(event.bodyA, event.bodyB, event.shapeA, event.shapeB);

        if (event.bodyA.parent)
            event.bodyA.parent.onEndContact.dispatch(event.bodyB.parent, event.shapeA, event.shapeB);

        if (event.bodyB.parent)
            event.bodyB.parent.onEndContact.dispatch(event.bodyA.parent, event.shapeB, event.shapeA);


    * Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the Game.World dimensions.
    * You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom.
    * @method Phaser.Physics#setBoundsToWorld
    * @param {boolean} [left=true] - If true will create the left bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [right=true] - If true will create the right bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [top=true] - If true will create the top bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [bottom=true] - If true will create the bottom bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [setCollisionGroup=true] - If true the Bounds will be set to use its own Collision Group.
    setBoundsToWorld: function (left, right, top, bottom, setCollisionGroup) {

        this.setBounds(,,,, left, right, top, bottom, setCollisionGroup);


    * Sets the given material against the 4 bounds of this World.
    * @method Phaser.Physics#setWorldMaterial
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material} material - The material to set.
    * @param {boolean} [left=true] - If true will set the material on the left bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [right=true] - If true will set the material on the right bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [top=true] - If true will set the material on the top bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [bottom=true] - If true will set the material on the bottom bounds wall.
    setWorldMaterial: function (material, left, right, top, bottom) {

        if (typeof left === 'undefined') { left = true; }
        if (typeof right === 'undefined') { right = true; }
        if (typeof top === 'undefined') { top = true; }
        if (typeof bottom === 'undefined') { bottom = true; }

        if (left && this.walls.left)
            this.walls.left.shapes[0].material = material;

        if (right && this.walls.right)
            this.walls.right.shapes[0].material = material;

        if (top &&
  [0].material = material;

        if (bottom && this.walls.bottom)
            this.walls.bottom.shapes[0].material = material;


    * By default the World will be set to collide everything with everything. The bounds of the world is a Body with 4 shapes, one for each face.
    * If you start to use your own collision groups then your objects will no longer collide with the bounds.
    * To fix this you need to adjust the bounds to use its own collision group first BEFORE changing your Sprites collision group.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#updateBoundsCollisionGroup
    * @param {boolean} [setCollisionGroup=true] - If true the Bounds will be set to use its own Collision Group.
    updateBoundsCollisionGroup: function (setCollisionGroup) {

        var mask = this.everythingCollisionGroup.mask;

        if (typeof setCollisionGroup === 'undefined') { mask = this.boundsCollisionGroup.mask; }

        if (this.walls.left)
            this.walls.left.shapes[0].collisionGroup = mask;

        if (this.walls.right)
            this.walls.right.shapes[0].collisionGroup = mask;

        if (
  [0].collisionGroup = mask;

        if (this.walls.bottom)
            this.walls.bottom.shapes[0].collisionGroup = mask;


    * Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the given world pixel dimensions.
    * You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#setBounds
    * @param {number} x - The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds.
    * @param {number} y - The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds.
    * @param {number} width - The width of the bounds.
    * @param {number} height - The height of the bounds.
    * @param {boolean} [left=true] - If true will create the left bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [right=true] - If true will create the right bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [top=true] - If true will create the top bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [bottom=true] - If true will create the bottom bounds wall.
    * @param {boolean} [setCollisionGroup=true] - If true the Bounds will be set to use its own Collision Group.
    setBounds: function (x, y, width, height, left, right, top, bottom, setCollisionGroup) {

        if (typeof left === 'undefined') { left = true; }
        if (typeof right === 'undefined') { right = true; }
        if (typeof top === 'undefined') { top = true; }
        if (typeof bottom === 'undefined') { bottom = true; }
        if (typeof setCollisionGroup === 'undefined') { setCollisionGroup = true; }

        if (this.walls.left)

        if (this.walls.right)

        if (

        if (this.walls.bottom)

        if (left)
            this.walls.left = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ this.pxmi(x), this.pxmi(y) ], angle: 1.5707963267948966 });
            this.walls.left.addShape(new p2.Plane());

            if (setCollisionGroup)
                this.walls.left.shapes[0].collisionGroup = this.boundsCollisionGroup.mask;


        if (right)
            this.walls.right = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ this.pxmi(x + width), this.pxmi(y) ], angle: -1.5707963267948966 });
            this.walls.right.addShape(new p2.Plane());

            if (setCollisionGroup)
                this.walls.right.shapes[0].collisionGroup = this.boundsCollisionGroup.mask;


        if (top)
   = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ this.pxmi(x), this.pxmi(y) ], angle: -3.141592653589793 });

            if (setCollisionGroup)
      [0].collisionGroup = this.boundsCollisionGroup.mask;


        if (bottom)
            this.walls.bottom = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ this.pxmi(x), this.pxmi(y + height) ] });
            this.walls.bottom.addShape(new p2.Plane());

            if (setCollisionGroup)
                this.walls.bottom.shapes[0].collisionGroup = this.boundsCollisionGroup.mask;



    * Pauses the P2 World independent of the game pause state.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#pause
    pause: function() {

        this.paused = true;

    * Resumes a paused P2 World.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#resume
    resume: function() {

        this.paused = false;


    * Internal P2 update loop.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#update
    update: function () {

        // Do nothing when the pysics engine was paused before
        if (this.paused)

        if (this.useElapsedTime)


    * Clears all bodies from the simulation, resets callbacks and resets the collision bitmask.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#clear
    clear: function () {;"beginContact", this.beginContactHandler, this);"endContact", this.endContactHandler, this);

        this.postBroadphaseCallback = null;
        this.callbackContext = null;
        this.impactCallback = null;

        this.collisionGroups = [];
        this._toRemove = [];
        this._collisionGroupID = 2;
        this.boundsCollidesWith = [];


    * Clears all bodies from the simulation and unlinks World from Game. Should only be called on game shutdown. Call `clear` on a State change.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#destroy
    destroy: function () {

        this.clear(); = null;


    * Add a body to the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#addBody
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body} body - The Body to add to the World.
    * @return {boolean} True if the Body was added successfully, otherwise false.
    addBody: function (body) {

        if (
            return false;


            return true;


    * Removes a body from the world. This will silently fail if the body wasn't part of the world to begin with.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#removeBody
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body} body - The Body to remove from the World.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body} The Body that was removed.
    removeBody: function (body) {

        if ( ==


        return body;


    * Adds a Spring to the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#addSpring
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring} spring - The Spring to add to the World.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring} The Spring that was added.
    addSpring: function (spring) {;


        return spring;


    * Removes a Spring from the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#removeSpring
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring} spring - The Spring to remove from the World.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring} The Spring that was removed.
    removeSpring: function (spring) {;


        return spring;


    * Creates a constraint that tries to keep the distance between two bodies constant.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createDistanceConstraint
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyA - First connected body.
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyB - Second connected body.
    * @param {number} distance - The distance to keep between the bodies.
    * @param {number} [maxForce] - The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.DistanceConstraint} The constraint
    createDistanceConstraint: function (bodyA, bodyB, distance, maxForce) {

        bodyA = this.getBody(bodyA);
        bodyB = this.getBody(bodyB);

        if (!bodyA || !bodyB)
            console.warn('Cannot create Constraint, invalid body objects given');
            return this.addConstraint(new Phaser.Physics.P2.DistanceConstraint(this, bodyA, bodyB, distance, maxForce));


    * Creates a constraint that tries to keep the distance between two bodies constant.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createGearConstraint
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyA - First connected body.
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyB - Second connected body.
    * @param {number} [angle=0] - The relative angle
    * @param {number} [ratio=1] - The gear ratio.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.GearConstraint} The constraint
    createGearConstraint: function (bodyA, bodyB, angle, ratio) {

        bodyA = this.getBody(bodyA);
        bodyB = this.getBody(bodyB);

        if (!bodyA || !bodyB)
            console.warn('Cannot create Constraint, invalid body objects given');
            return this.addConstraint(new Phaser.Physics.P2.GearConstraint(this, bodyA, bodyB, angle, ratio));


    * Connects two bodies at given offset points, letting them rotate relative to each other around this point.
    * The pivot points are given in world (pixel) coordinates.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createRevoluteConstraint
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyA - First connected body.
    * @param {Array} pivotA - The point relative to the center of mass of bodyA which bodyA is constrained to. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyB - Second connected body.
    * @param {Array} pivotB - The point relative to the center of mass of bodyB which bodyB is constrained to. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {number} [maxForce=0] - The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint} The constraint
    createRevoluteConstraint: function (bodyA, pivotA, bodyB, pivotB, maxForce) {

        bodyA = this.getBody(bodyA);
        bodyB = this.getBody(bodyB);

        if (!bodyA || !bodyB)
            console.warn('Cannot create Constraint, invalid body objects given');
            return this.addConstraint(new Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint(this, bodyA, pivotA, bodyB, pivotB, maxForce));


    * Locks the relative position between two bodies.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createLockConstraint
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyA - First connected body.
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyB - Second connected body.
    * @param {Array} [offset] - The offset of bodyB in bodyA's frame. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {number} [angle=0] - The angle of bodyB in bodyA's frame.
    * @param {number} [maxForce] - The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.LockConstraint} The constraint
    createLockConstraint: function (bodyA, bodyB, offset, angle, maxForce) {

        bodyA = this.getBody(bodyA);
        bodyB = this.getBody(bodyB);

        if (!bodyA || !bodyB)
            console.warn('Cannot create Constraint, invalid body objects given');
            return this.addConstraint(new Phaser.Physics.P2.LockConstraint(this, bodyA, bodyB, offset, angle, maxForce));


    * Constraint that only allows bodies to move along a line, relative to each other.
    * See
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createPrismaticConstraint
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyA - First connected body.
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyB - Second connected body.
    * @param {boolean} [lockRotation=true] - If set to false, bodyB will be free to rotate around its anchor point.
    * @param {Array} [anchorA] - Body A's anchor point, defined in its own local frame. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {Array} [anchorB] - Body A's anchor point, defined in its own local frame. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {Array} [axis] - An axis, defined in body A frame, that body B's anchor point may slide along. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {number} [maxForce] - The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.PrismaticConstraint} The constraint
    createPrismaticConstraint: function (bodyA, bodyB, lockRotation, anchorA, anchorB, axis, maxForce) {

        bodyA = this.getBody(bodyA);
        bodyB = this.getBody(bodyB);

        if (!bodyA || !bodyB)
            console.warn('Cannot create Constraint, invalid body objects given');
            return this.addConstraint(new Phaser.Physics.P2.PrismaticConstraint(this, bodyA, bodyB, lockRotation, anchorA, anchorB, axis, maxForce));


    * Adds a Constraint to the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#addConstraint
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint} constraint - The Constraint to add to the World.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint} The Constraint that was added.
    addConstraint: function (constraint) {;


        return constraint;


    * Removes a Constraint from the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#removeConstraint
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint} constraint - The Constraint to be removed from the World.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint} The Constraint that was removed.
    removeConstraint: function (constraint) {;


        return constraint;


    * Adds a Contact Material to the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#addContactMaterial
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial} material - The Contact Material to be added to the World.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial} The Contact Material that was added.
    addContactMaterial: function (material) {;


        return material;


    * Removes a Contact Material from the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#removeContactMaterial
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial} material - The Contact Material to be removed from the World.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial} The Contact Material that was removed.
    removeContactMaterial: function (material) {;


        return material;


    * Gets a Contact Material based on the two given Materials.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#getContactMaterial
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material} materialA - The first Material to search for.
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material} materialB - The second Material to search for.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial|boolean} The Contact Material or false if none was found matching the Materials given.
    getContactMaterial: function (materialA, materialB) {

        return, materialB);


    * Sets the given Material against all Shapes owned by all the Bodies in the given array.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#setMaterial
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material} material - The Material to be applied to the given Bodies.
    * @param {array<Phaser.Physics.P2.Body>} bodies - An Array of Body objects that the given Material will be set on.
    setMaterial: function (material, bodies) {

        var i = bodies.length;

        while (i--)


    * Creates a Material. Materials are applied to Shapes owned by a Body and can be set with Body.setMaterial().
    * Materials are a way to control what happens when Shapes collide. Combine unique Materials together to create Contact Materials.
    * Contact Materials have properties such as friction and restitution that allow for fine-grained collision control between different Materials.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createMaterial
    * @param {string} [name] - Optional name of the Material. Each Material has a unique ID but string names are handy for debugging.
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body} [body] - Optional Body. If given it will assign the newly created Material to the Body shapes.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material} The Material that was created. This is also stored in Phaser.Physics.P2.materials.
    createMaterial: function (name, body) {

        name = name || '';

        var material = new Phaser.Physics.P2.Material(name);


        if (typeof body !== 'undefined')

        return material;


    * Creates a Contact Material from the two given Materials. You can then edit the properties of the Contact Material directly.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createContactMaterial
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material} [materialA] - The first Material to create the ContactMaterial from. If undefined it will create a new Material object first.
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material} [materialB] - The second Material to create the ContactMaterial from. If undefined it will create a new Material object first.
    * @param {object} [options] - Material options object.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial} The Contact Material that was created.
    createContactMaterial: function (materialA, materialB, options) {

        if (typeof materialA === 'undefined') { materialA = this.createMaterial(); }
        if (typeof materialB === 'undefined') { materialB = this.createMaterial(); }

        var contact = new Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial(materialA, materialB, options);

        return this.addContactMaterial(contact);


    * Populates and returns an array with references to of all current Bodies in the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#getBodies
    * @return {array<Phaser.Physics.P2.Body>} An array containing all current Bodies in the world.
    getBodies: function () {

        var output = [];
        var i =;

        while (i--)

        return output;


    * Checks the given object to see if it has a p2.Body and if so returns it.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#getBody
    * @param {object} object - The object to check for a p2.Body on.
    * @return {p2.Body} The p2.Body, or null if not found.
    getBody: function (object) {

        if (object instanceof p2.Body)
            //  Native p2 body
            return object;
        else if (object instanceof Phaser.Physics.P2.Body)
            //  Phaser P2 Body
        else if (object['body'] && object['body'].type === Phaser.Physics.P2JS)
            //  Sprite, TileSprite, etc

        return null;


    * Populates and returns an array of all current Springs in the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#getSprings
    * @return {array<Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring>} An array containing all current Springs in the world.
    getSprings: function () {

        var output = [];
        var i =;

        while (i--)

        return output;


    * Populates and returns an array of all current Constraints in the world.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#getConstraints
    * @return {array<Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint>} An array containing all current Constraints in the world.
    getConstraints: function () {

        var output = [];
        var i =;

        while (i--)

        return output;


    * Test if a world point overlaps bodies. You will get an array of actual P2 bodies back. You can find out which Sprite a Body belongs to
    * (if any) by checking the Body.parent.sprite property. Body.parent is a Phaser.Physics.P2.Body property.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#hitTest
    * @param {Phaser.Point} worldPoint - Point to use for intersection tests. The points values must be in world (pixel) coordinates.
    * @param {Array<Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|Phaser.Sprite|p2.Body>} [bodies] - A list of objects to check for intersection. If not given it will check (i.e. all world bodies)
    * @param {number} [precision=5] - Used for matching against particles and lines. Adds some margin to these infinitesimal objects.
    * @param {boolean} [filterStatic=false] - If true all Static objects will be removed from the results array.
    * @return {Array} Array of bodies that overlap the point.
    hitTest: function (worldPoint, bodies, precision, filterStatic) {

        if (typeof bodies === 'undefined') { bodies =; }
        if (typeof precision === 'undefined') { precision = 5; }
        if (typeof filterStatic === 'undefined') { filterStatic = false; }

        var physicsPosition = [ this.pxmi(worldPoint.x), this.pxmi(worldPoint.y) ];

        var query = [];
        var i = bodies.length;

        while (i--)
            if (bodies[i] instanceof Phaser.Physics.P2.Body && !(filterStatic && bodies[i].data.motionState === p2.Body.STATIC))
            else if (bodies[i] instanceof p2.Body && bodies[i].parent && !(filterStatic && bodies[i].motionState === p2.Body.STATIC))
            else if (bodies[i] instanceof Phaser.Sprite && bodies[i].hasOwnProperty('body') && !(filterStatic && bodies[i] === p2.Body.STATIC))

        return, query, precision);


    * Converts the current world into a JSON object.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#toJSON
    * @return {object} A JSON representation of the world.
    toJSON: function () {



    * Creates a new Collision Group and optionally applies it to the given object.
    * Collision Groups are handled using bitmasks, therefore you have a fixed limit you can create before you need to re-use older groups.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createCollisionGroup
    * @param {Phaser.Group|Phaser.Sprite} [object] - An optional Sprite or Group to apply the Collision Group to. If a Group is given it will be applied to all top-level children.
    createCollisionGroup: function (object) {

        var bitmask = Math.pow(2, this._collisionGroupID);

        if (this.walls.left)
            this.walls.left.shapes[0].collisionMask = this.walls.left.shapes[0].collisionMask | bitmask;

        if (this.walls.right)
            this.walls.right.shapes[0].collisionMask = this.walls.right.shapes[0].collisionMask | bitmask;

        if (
  [0].collisionMask =[0].collisionMask | bitmask;

        if (this.walls.bottom)
            this.walls.bottom.shapes[0].collisionMask = this.walls.bottom.shapes[0].collisionMask | bitmask;


        var group = new Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup(bitmask);


        if (object)
            this.setCollisionGroup(object, group);

        return group;


    * Sets the given CollisionGroup to be the collision group for all shapes in this Body, unless a shape is specified.
    * Note that this resets the collisionMask and any previously set groups. See Body.collides() for appending them.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2y#setCollisionGroup
    * @param {Phaser.Group|Phaser.Sprite} object - A Sprite or Group to apply the Collision Group to. If a Group is given it will be applied to all top-level children.
    * @param {Phaser.Physics.CollisionGroup} group - The Collision Group that this Bodies shapes will use.
    setCollisionGroup: function (object, group) {

        if (object instanceof Phaser.Group)
            for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
                if (object.children[i]['body'] && object.children[i]['body'].type === Phaser.Physics.P2JS)


    * Creates a spring, connecting two bodies. A spring can have a resting length, a stiffness and damping.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createSpring
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyA - First connected body.
    * @param {Phaser.Sprite|Phaser.Physics.P2.Body|p2.Body} bodyB - Second connected body.
    * @param {number} [restLength=1] - Rest length of the spring. A number > 0.
    * @param {number} [stiffness=100] - Stiffness of the spring. A number >= 0.
    * @param {number} [damping=1] - Damping of the spring. A number >= 0.
    * @param {number} [restLength=1] - Rest length of the spring. A number > 0.
    * @param {number} [stiffness=100] - Stiffness of the spring. A number >= 0.
    * @param {number} [damping=1] - Damping of the spring. A number >= 0.
    * @param {Array} [worldA] - Where to hook the spring to body A in world coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {Array} [worldB] - Where to hook the spring to body B in world coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {Array} [localA] - Where to hook the spring to body A in local body coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @param {Array} [localB] - Where to hook the spring to body B in local body coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring} The spring
    createSpring: function (bodyA, bodyB, restLength, stiffness, damping, worldA, worldB, localA, localB) {

        bodyA = this.getBody(bodyA);
        bodyB = this.getBody(bodyB);

        if (!bodyA || !bodyB)
            console.warn('Cannot create Spring, invalid body objects given');
            return this.addSpring(new Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring(this, bodyA, bodyB, restLength, stiffness, damping, worldA, worldB, localA, localB));


    * Creates a new Body and adds it to the World.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createBody
    * @param {number} x - The x coordinate of Body.
    * @param {number} y - The y coordinate of Body.
    * @param {number} mass - The mass of the Body. A mass of 0 means a 'static' Body is created.
    * @param {boolean} [addToWorld=false] - Automatically add this Body to the world? (usually false as it won't have any shapes on construction).
    * @param {object} options - An object containing the build options:
    * @param {boolean} [options.optimalDecomp=false] - Set to true if you need optimal decomposition. Warning: very slow for polygons with more than 10 vertices.
    * @param {boolean} [options.skipSimpleCheck=false] - Set to true if you already know that the path is not intersecting itself.
    * @param {boolean|number} [options.removeCollinearPoints=false] - Set to a number (angle threshold value) to remove collinear points, or false to keep all points.
    * @param {(number[]|...number)} points - An array of 2d vectors that form the convex or concave polygon.
    *                                       Either [[0,0], [0,1],...] or a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...],
    *                                       or the arguments passed can be flat x,y values e.g. `setPolygon(options, x,y, x,y, x,y, ...)` where `x` and `y` are numbers.
    * @return {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body} The body
    createBody: function (x, y, mass, addToWorld, options, data) {

        if (typeof addToWorld === 'undefined') { addToWorld = false; }

        var body = new Phaser.Physics.P2.Body(, null, x, y, mass);

        if (data)
            var result = body.addPolygon(options, data);

            if (!result)
                return false;

        if (addToWorld)

        return body;


    * Creates a new Particle and adds it to the World.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#createParticle
    * @param {number} x - The x coordinate of Body.
    * @param {number} y - The y coordinate of Body.
    * @param {number} mass - The mass of the Body. A mass of 0 means a 'static' Body is created.
    * @param {boolean} [addToWorld=false] - Automatically add this Body to the world? (usually false as it won't have any shapes on construction).
    * @param {object} options - An object containing the build options:
    * @param {boolean} [options.optimalDecomp=false] - Set to true if you need optimal decomposition. Warning: very slow for polygons with more than 10 vertices.
    * @param {boolean} [options.skipSimpleCheck=false] - Set to true if you already know that the path is not intersecting itself.
    * @param {boolean|number} [options.removeCollinearPoints=false] - Set to a number (angle threshold value) to remove collinear points, or false to keep all points.
    * @param {(number[]|...number)} points - An array of 2d vectors that form the convex or concave polygon.
    *                                       Either [[0,0], [0,1],...] or a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...],
    *                                       or the arguments passed can be flat x,y values e.g. `setPolygon(options, x,y, x,y, x,y, ...)` where `x` and `y` are numbers.
    createParticle: function (x, y, mass, addToWorld, options, data) {

        if (typeof addToWorld === 'undefined') { addToWorld = false; }

        var body = new Phaser.Physics.P2.Body(, null, x, y, mass);

        if (data)
            var result = body.addPolygon(options, data);

            if (!result)
                return false;

        if (addToWorld)

        return body;


    * Converts all of the polylines objects inside a Tiled ObjectGroup into physics bodies that are added to the world.
    * Note that the polylines must be created in such a way that they can withstand polygon decomposition.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#convertCollisionObjects
    * @param {Phaser.Tilemap} map - The Tilemap to get the map data from.
    * @param {number|string|Phaser.TilemapLayer} [layer] - The layer to operate on. If not given will default to map.currentLayer.
    * @param {boolean} [addToWorld=true] - If true it will automatically add each body to the world.
    * @return {array} An array of the Phaser.Physics.Body objects that have been created.
    convertCollisionObjects: function (map, layer, addToWorld) {

        if (typeof addToWorld === 'undefined') { addToWorld = true; }

        var output = [];

        for (var i = 0, len = map.collision[layer].length; i < len; i++)
            // name: json.layers[i].objects[v].name,
            // x: json.layers[i].objects[v].x,
            // y: json.layers[i].objects[v].y,
            // width: json.layers[i].objects[v].width,
            // height: json.layers[i].objects[v].height,
            // visible: json.layers[i].objects[v].visible,
            // properties: json.layers[i].objects[v].properties,
            // polyline: json.layers[i].objects[v].polyline

            var object = map.collision[layer][i];

            var body = this.createBody(object.x, object.y, 0, addToWorld, {}, object.polyline);

            if (body)

        return output;


    * Clears all physics bodies from the given TilemapLayer that were created with `World.convertTilemap`.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#clearTilemapLayerBodies
    * @param {Phaser.Tilemap} map - The Tilemap to get the map data from.
    * @param {number|string|Phaser.TilemapLayer} [layer] - The layer to operate on. If not given will default to map.currentLayer.
    clearTilemapLayerBodies: function (map, layer) {

        layer = map.getLayer(layer);

        var i = map.layers[layer].bodies.length;

        while (i--)

        map.layers[layer].bodies.length = 0;


    * Goes through all tiles in the given Tilemap and TilemapLayer and converts those set to collide into physics bodies.
    * Only call this *after* you have specified all of the tiles you wish to collide with calls like Tilemap.setCollisionBetween, etc.
    * Every time you call this method it will destroy any previously created bodies and remove them from the world.
    * Therefore understand it's a very expensive operation and not to be done in a core game update loop.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#convertTilemap
    * @param {Phaser.Tilemap} map - The Tilemap to get the map data from.
    * @param {number|string|Phaser.TilemapLayer} [layer] - The layer to operate on. If not given will default to map.currentLayer.
    * @param {boolean} [addToWorld=true] - If true it will automatically add each body to the world, otherwise it's up to you to do so.
    * @param {boolean} [optimize=true] - If true adjacent colliding tiles will be combined into a single body to save processing. However it means you cannot perform specific Tile to Body collision responses.
    * @return {array} An array of the Phaser.Physics.P2.Body objects that were created.
    convertTilemap: function (map, layer, addToWorld, optimize) {

        layer = map.getLayer(layer);

        if (typeof addToWorld === 'undefined') { addToWorld = true; }
        if (typeof optimize === 'undefined') { optimize = true; }

        //  If the bodies array is already populated we need to nuke it
        this.clearTilemapLayerBodies(map, layer);

        var width = 0;
        var sx = 0;
        var sy = 0;

        for (var y = 0, h = map.layers[layer].height; y < h; y++)
            width = 0;

            for (var x = 0, w = map.layers[layer].width; x < w; x++)
                var tile = map.layers[layer].data[y][x];

                if (tile && tile.index > -1 && tile.collides)
                    if (optimize)
                        var right = map.getTileRight(layer, x, y);

                        if (width === 0)
                            sx = tile.x * tile.width;
                            sy = tile.y * tile.height;
                            width = tile.width;

                        if (right && right.collides)
                            width += tile.width;
                            var body = this.createBody(sx, sy, 0, false);

                            body.addRectangle(width, tile.height, width / 2, tile.height / 2, 0);

                            if (addToWorld)


                            width = 0;
                        var body = this.createBody(tile.x * tile.width, tile.y * tile.height, 0, false);

                        body.addRectangle(tile.width, tile.height, tile.width / 2, tile.height / 2, 0);

                        if (addToWorld)


        return map.layers[layer].bodies;


    * Convert p2 physics value (meters) to pixel scale.
    * By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
    * If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#mpx
    * @param {number} v - The value to convert.
    * @return {number} The scaled value.
    mpx: function (v) {

        return v *= 20;


    * Convert pixel value to p2 physics scale (meters).
    * By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
    * If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#pxm
    * @param {number} v - The value to convert.
    * @return {number} The scaled value.
    pxm: function (v) {

        return v * 0.05;


    * Convert p2 physics value (meters) to pixel scale and inverses it.
    * By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
    * If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#mpxi
    * @param {number} v - The value to convert.
    * @return {number} The scaled value.
    mpxi: function (v) {

        return v *= -20;


    * Convert pixel value to p2 physics scale (meters) and inverses it.
    * By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
    * If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#pxmi
    * @param {number} v - The value to convert.
    * @return {number} The scaled value.
    pxmi: function (v) {

        return v * -0.05;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#friction
* @property {number} friction - Friction between colliding bodies. This value is used if no matching ContactMaterial is found for a Material pair.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "friction", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#defaultFriction
* @property {number} defaultFriction - DEPRECATED: Use World.friction instead.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "defaultFriction", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#restitution
* @property {number} restitution - Default coefficient of restitution between colliding bodies. This value is used if no matching ContactMaterial is found for a Material pair.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "restitution", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#defaultRestitution
* @property {number} defaultRestitution - DEPRECATED: Use World.restitution instead.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "defaultRestitution", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#contactMaterial
* @property {p2.ContactMaterial} contactMaterial - The default Contact Material being used by the World.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "contactMaterial", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#applySpringForces
* @property {boolean} applySpringForces - Enable to automatically apply spring forces each step.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "applySpringForces", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#applyDamping
* @property {boolean} applyDamping - Enable to automatically apply body damping each step.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "applyDamping", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#applyGravity
* @property {boolean} applyGravity - Enable to automatically apply gravity each step.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "applyGravity", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#solveConstraints
* @property {boolean} solveConstraints - Enable/disable constraint solving in each step.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "solveConstraints", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#time
* @property {boolean} time - The World time.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "time", {

    get: function () {




* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#emitImpactEvent
* @property {boolean} emitImpactEvent - Set to true if you want to the world to emit the "impact" event. Turning this off could improve performance.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "emitImpactEvent", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#enableBodySleeping
* @property {boolean} enableBodySleeping - Enable / disable automatic body sleeping.
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "enableBodySleeping", {

    get: function () {



    set: function (value) { = value;



* @name Phaser.Physics.P2#total
* @property {number} total - The total number of bodies in the world.
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Physics.P2.prototype, "total", {

    get: function () {



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Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.0-dev on Fri Jul 18 2014 12:36:36 GMT+0100 (BST) using the DocStrap template.