module Phaser { /** * Constants used to define game object types (faster than doing typeof object checks in core loops) */ export class Types { static RENDERER_AUTO_DETECT: number = 0; static RENDERER_HEADLESS: number = 1; static RENDERER_CANVAS: number = 2; static RENDERER_WEBGL: number = 3; static GROUP: number = 0; static SPRITE: number = 1; static GEOMSPRITE: number = 2; static PARTICLE: number = 3; static EMITTER: number = 4; static TILEMAP: number = 5; static SCROLLZONE: number = 6; static GEOM_POINT: number = 0; static GEOM_CIRCLE: number = 1; static GEOM_RECTANGLE: number = 2; static GEOM_LINE: number = 3; static GEOM_POLYGON: number = 4; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide on their left side * @type {number} */ static LEFT: number = 0x0001; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide on their right side * @type {number} */ static RIGHT: number = 0x0010; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide on their top side * @type {number} */ static UP: number = 0x0100; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide on their bottom side * @type {number} */ static DOWN: number = 0x1000; /** * Flag used with GameObjects to disable collision * @type {number} */ static NONE: number = 0; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide with a ceiling * @type {number} */ static CEILING: number = Types.UP; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide with a floor * @type {number} */ static FLOOR: number = Types.DOWN; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide with a wall (same as LEFT+RIGHT) * @type {number} */ static WALL: number = Types.LEFT | Types.RIGHT; /** * Flag used to allow GameObjects to collide on any face * @type {number} */ static ANY: number = Types.LEFT | Types.RIGHT | Types.UP | Types.DOWN; } }