/****************************************************************************** * Creature Runtimes License * * Copyright (c) 2015, Kestrel Moon Studios * All rights reserved. * * Preamble: This Agreement governs the relationship between Licensee and Kestrel Moon Studios(Hereinafter: Licensor). * This Agreement sets the terms, rights, restrictions and obligations on using [Creature Runtimes] (hereinafter: The Software) created and owned by Licensor, * as detailed herein: * License Grant: Licensor hereby grants Licensee a Sublicensable, Non-assignable & non-transferable, Commercial, Royalty free, * Including the rights to create but not distribute derivative works, Non-exclusive license, all with accordance with the terms set forth and * other legal restrictions set forth in 3rd party software used while running Software. * Limited: Licensee may use Software for the purpose of: * Running Software on Licensee’s Website[s] and Server[s]; * Allowing 3rd Parties to run Software on Licensee’s Website[s] and Server[s]; * Publishing Software’s output to Licensee and 3rd Parties; * Distribute verbatim copies of Software’s output (including compiled binaries); * Modify Software to suit Licensee’s needs and specifications. * Binary Restricted: Licensee may sublicense Software as a part of a larger work containing more than Software, * distributed solely in Object or Binary form under a personal, non-sublicensable, limited license. Such redistribution shall be limited to unlimited codebases. * Non Assignable & Non-Transferable: Licensee may not assign or transfer his rights and duties under this license. * Commercial, Royalty Free: Licensee may use Software for any purpose, including paid-services, without any royalties * Including the Right to Create Derivative Works: Licensee may create derivative works based on Software, * including amending Software’s source code, modifying it, integrating it into a larger work or removing portions of Software, * as long as no distribution of the derivative works is made * * THE RUNTIMES IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE RUNTIMES OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * RUNTIMES. *****************************************************************************/ // dualQuat var Q_X = 0; var Q_Y = 1; var Q_Z = 2; var Q_W = 3; function dualQuat() { this.real = quat.create(); this.real[Q_W] = 0; this.imaginary = quat.create(); this.imaginary[Q_W] = 0; this.tmpQ1 = quat.create(); }; dualQuat.prototype.reset = function() { quat.identity(this.real); this.real[Q_W] = 0; quat.identity(this.imaginary); this.imaginary[Q_W] = 0; quat.identity(this.tmpQ1); }; dualQuat.prototype.createFromData = function(q0, t) { this.real = q0; this.imaginary = quat.create(); this.imaginary[Q_W] = -0.5 * ( t[Q_X] * q0[Q_X] + t[Q_Y] * q0[Q_Y] + t[Q_Z] * q0[Q_Z]); this.imaginary[Q_X] = 0.5 * ( t[Q_X] * q0[Q_W] + t[Q_Y] * q0[Q_Z] - t[Q_Z] * q0[Q_Y]); this.imaginary[Q_Y] = 0.5 * (-t[Q_X] * q0[Q_Z] + t[Q_Y] * q0[Q_W] + t[Q_Z] * q0[Q_X]); this.imaginary[Q_Z] = 0.5 * ( t[Q_X] * q0[Q_Y] - t[Q_Y] * q0[Q_X] + t[Q_Z] * q0[Q_W]); }; dualQuat.prototype.add = function(quat_in, real_factor, imaginary_factor) { //real = real.add((quat_in.real.cpy().mul(real_factor))); //var tmpQ = quat.clone(quat_in.real); quat.copy(this.tmpQ1, quat_in.real); quat.scale(this.tmpQ1, this.tmpQ1, real_factor); quat.add(this.real, this.tmpQ1, this.real); //imaginary = imaginary.add(quat_in.imaginary.cpy().mul(imaginary_factor)); //tmpQ = quat.clone(quat_in.imaginary); quat.copy(this.tmpQ1, quat_in.imaginary); quat.scale(this.tmpQ1, this.tmpQ1, imaginary_factor); quat.add(this.imaginary, this.tmpQ1, this.imaginary); }; dualQuat.prototype.normalize = function() { var norm = quat.length(this.real); this.real = quat.scale(this.real, this.real, 1.0 / norm); this.imaginary = quat.scale(this.imaginary, this.imaginary, 1.0 / norm); }; var v0 = vec3.create(); var ve = vec3.create(); var trans = vec3.create(); var tmpVec1 = vec3.create(); var tmpVec2 = vec3.create(); var tmpVec0 = vec3.create(); var aVec = vec3.create(); var rot = vec3.create(); dualQuat.prototype.transform = function(p) { v0[Q_X] = this.real[Q_X]; v0[Q_Y] = this.real[Q_Y]; v0[Q_Z] = this.real[Q_Z]; ve[Q_X] = this.imaginary[Q_X]; ve[Q_Y] = this.imaginary[Q_Y]; ve[Q_Z] = this.imaginary[Q_Z]; //trans = (ve*real.w - v0*imaginary.w + Vector3.Cross(v0, ve)) * 2.0f; // var tmpVec1 = v0.cpy().scl((float)imaginary.w); tmpVec1 = vec3.scale(tmpVec1, v0, this.imaginary[Q_W]); // var tmpVec2 = v0.cpy().crs(ve); tmpVec2 = vec3.cross(tmpVec2, v0, ve); //var tmpVec0 = ve.cpy().scl(real.w); //trans = tmpVec0.sub(tmpVec1).add(tmpVec2); //trans.scl(2.0f); tmpVec0 = vec3.scale(tmpVec0, ve, this.real[Q_W]); aVec = vec3.subtract(aVec, tmpVec0, tmpVec1); trans = vec3.add(trans, aVec, tmpVec2); trans = vec3.scale(trans, trans, 2.0); //var rot = real.transform(p.cpy()); rot = vec3.transformQuat(rot, p, this.real); //return rot.add(trans); rot = vec3.add(rot, rot, trans); return rot; }; // Utils var Utils = {}; Utils.setAxisMatrix = function(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis) { var retMat = mat4.create(); var M00 = 0; var M01 = 4; var M02 = 8; var M03 = 12; var M10 = 1; var M11 = 5; var M12 = 9; var M13 = 13; var M20 = 2; var M21 = 6; var M22 = 10; var M23 = 14; var M30 = 3; var M31 = 7; var M32 = 11; var M33 = 15; retMat[M00] = xAxis[Q_X]; retMat[M01] = xAxis[Q_Y]; retMat[M02] = xAxis[Q_Z]; retMat[M10] = yAxis[Q_X]; retMat[M11] = yAxis[Q_Y]; retMat[M12] = yAxis[Q_Z]; retMat[M20] = zAxis[Q_X]; retMat[M21] = zAxis[Q_Y]; retMat[M22] = zAxis[Q_Z]; retMat[M03] = 0; retMat[M13] = 0; retMat[M23] = 0; retMat[M30] = 0; retMat[M31] = 0; retMat[M32] = 0; retMat[M33] = 1; retMat = mat4.transpose(retMat, retMat); return retMat; }; Utils.matrixToQuat = function(mat_in) { var retQuat = quat.create(); var te = mat_in, m11 = te[ 0 ], m12 = te[ 4 ], m13 = te[ 8 ], m21 = te[ 1 ], m22 = te[ 5 ], m23 = te[ 9 ], m31 = te[ 2 ], m32 = te[ 6 ], m33 = te[ 10 ], trace = m11 + m22 + m33, s; if ( trace > 0 ) { s = 0.5 / Math.sqrt( trace + 1.0 ); retQuat[Q_W] = 0.25 / s; retQuat[Q_X] = ( m32 - m23 ) * s; retQuat[Q_Y] = ( m13 - m31 ) * s; retQuat[Q_Z] = ( m21 - m12 ) * s; } else if ( m11 > m22 && m11 > m33 ) { s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m11 - m22 - m33 ); retQuat[Q_W] = ( m32 - m23 ) / s; retQuat[Q_X] = 0.25 * s; retQuat[Q_Y] = ( m12 + m21 ) / s; retQuat[Q_Z] = ( m13 + m31 ) / s; } else if ( m22 > m33 ) { s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m22 - m11 - m33 ); retQuat[Q_W] = ( m13 - m31 ) / s; retQuat[Q_X] = ( m12 + m21 ) / s; retQuat[Q_Y] = 0.25 * s; retQuat[Q_Z] = ( m23 + m32 ) / s; } else { s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt( 1.0 + m33 - m11 - m22 ); retQuat[Q_W] = ( m21 - m12 ) / s; retQuat[Q_X] = ( m13 + m31 ) / s; retQuat[Q_Y] = ( m23 + m32 ) / s; retQuat[Q_Z] = 0.25 * s; } return retQuat; }; Utils.rotateVec_90 = function(vec_in) { var ret_vec = vec3.fromValues(-vec_in[Q_Y], vec_in[Q_X], vec_in[Q_Z]); return ret_vec; }; Utils.calcRotateMat = function(vec_in) { var dir = vec3.clone(vec_in); dir = vec3.normalize(dir, dir); var pep_dir = Utils.rotateVec_90(dir); var cur_tangent = vec3.fromValues(dir[Q_X], dir[Q_Y], 0); var cur_normal = vec3.fromValues(pep_dir[Q_X], pep_dir[Q_Y], 0); var cur_binormal = vec3.fromValues(0, 0, 1); var cur_rotate = mat4.create(); cur_rotate = Utils.setAxisMatrix(cur_tangent, cur_normal, cur_binormal); return cur_rotate; }; Utils.getMatTranslate = function(mat_in) { var ret_pos = vec3.create(); ret_pos[Q_X] = mat_in[12]; ret_pos[Q_Y] = mat_in[13]; ret_pos[Q_Z] = mat_in[14]; return ret_pos; }; Utils.addMat = function(mat1, mat2) { var retMat = mat4.create(); for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { retMat[i] = mat1[i] + mat2[i]; } return retMat; }; Utils.mulMat = function(mat_in, factor) { var retMat = mat4.create(); for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { retMat[i] = mat_in[i] * factor; } return retMat; }; Utils.clamp = function(num, min, max) { return num < min ? min : (num > max ? max : num); }; var newVec1 = vec3.create(); var newVec2 = vec3.create(); Utils.vecInterp = function(vec1, vec2, ratio) { newVec1 = vec3.scale(newVec1, vec1, 1.0 - ratio); newVec2 = vec3.scale(newVec2, vec2, ratio); var retVec = vec3.create(); retVec = vec3.add(retVec, newVec1, newVec2); return retVec; }; Utils.vec2Interp = function(vec_1, vec_2, ratio) { var newVec1 = vec2.create(); var newVec2 = vec2.create(); newVec1 = vec2.scale(newVec1, vec_1, 1.0 - ratio); newVec2 = vec2.scale(newVec2, vec_2, ratio); var retVec = vec2.create(); retVec = vec2.add(retVec, newVec1, newVec2); return retVec; }; // MeshBone function MeshBone(key_in, start_pt_in, end_pt_in, parent_transform) { this.key = key_in; this.world_rest_angle = 0; this.rest_parent_mat = mat4.create(); this.rest_parent_inv_mat = mat4.create(); this.rest_world_mat = mat4.create(); this.rest_world_inv_mat = mat4.create(); this.bind_world_mat = mat4.create(); this.bind_world_inv_mat = mat4.create(); this.parent_world_mat = mat4.create(); this.parent_world_inv_mat = mat4.create(); this.local_rest_start_pt = null; this.local_rest_end_pt = null; this.setRestParentMat(parent_transform, null); this.setLocalRestStartPt(start_pt_in); this.setLocalRestEndPt(end_pt_in); this.setParentWorldInvMat(mat4.create()); this.setParentWorldMat(mat4.create()); this.local_binormal_dir = vec3.fromValues(0.0,0.0,1.0); this.tag_id = 0; this.children = []; }; MeshBone.prototype.setRestParentMat = function(transform_in, inverse_in) { this.rest_parent_mat = transform_in; if(inverse_in == null) { this.rest_parent_inv_mat = mat4.clone(this.rest_parent_mat); //rest_parent_inv_mat.inv(); mat4.invert(this.rest_parent_inv_mat, this.rest_parent_inv_mat); } else { this.rest_parent_inv_mat = mat4.clone(inverse_in); } }; MeshBone.prototype.setParentWorldMat = function(transform_in) { this.parent_world_mat = transform_in; }; MeshBone.prototype.setParentWorldInvMat = function(transform_in) { this.parent_world_inv_mat = transform_in; }; MeshBone.prototype.getLocalRestStartPt = function() { return this.local_rest_start_pt; }; MeshBone.prototype.getLocalRestEndPt = function() { return this.local_rest_end_pt; }; MeshBone.prototype.setLocalRestStartPt = function(world_pt_in) { //local_rest_start_pt = Vector3.Transform(world_pt_in, rest_parent_inv_mat); //this.local_rest_start_pt = world_pt_in.cpy().traMul(rest_parent_inv_mat); this.local_rest_start_pt = vec3.create(); this.local_rest_start_pt = vec3.transformMat4(this.local_rest_start_pt, world_pt_in, this.rest_parent_inv_mat); this.calcRestData(); }; MeshBone.prototype.setLocalRestEndPt = function(world_pt_in) { //local_rest_end_pt = Vector3.Transform(world_pt_in, rest_parent_inv_mat); //this.local_rest_end_pt = world_pt_in.cpy().traMul(rest_parent_inv_mat); this.local_rest_end_pt = vec3.create(); this.local_rest_end_pt = vec3.transformMat4(this.local_rest_end_pt, world_pt_in, this.rest_parent_inv_mat); this.calcRestData(); }; MeshBone.prototype.calcRestData = function() { if(this.local_rest_start_pt == null || this.local_rest_end_pt == null) { return; } var calc = this.computeDirs(this.local_rest_start_pt, this.local_rest_end_pt); this.local_rest_dir = calc.first; this.local_rest_normal_dir = calc.second; this.computeRestLength(); }; MeshBone.prototype.setWorldStartPt = function(world_pt_in) { this.world_start_pt = world_pt_in; }; MeshBone.prototype.setWorldEndPt = function(world_pt_in) { this.world_end_pt = world_pt_in; }; MeshBone.prototype.fixDQs = function(ref_dq) { // if( Quaternion.Dot(world_dq.real, ref_dq.real) < 0) { //if( world_dq.real.dot(ref_dq.real) < 0) { if(quat.dot(this.world_dq.real, ref_dq.real) < 0) { //this.world_dq.real = world_dq.real.cpy().mul(-1); this.world_dq.real = quat.scale(this.world_dq.real, this.world_dq.real, -1); //this.world_dq.imaginary = world_dq.imaginary.cpy().mul(-1); this.world_dq.imaginary = quat.scale(this.world_dq.imaginary, this.world_dq.imaginary, -1); } for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var cur_child = this.children[i]; cur_child.fixDQs(this.world_dq); } }; MeshBone.prototype.initWorldPts = function() { this.setWorldStartPt(this.getWorldRestStartPt()); this.setWorldEndPt(this.getWorldRestEndPt()); for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].initWorldPts(); } }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldRestStartPt = function() { //Vector3 ret_vec = Vector3.Transform(local_rest_start_pt, rest_parent_mat); var tmp_mat = this.rest_parent_mat; var ret_vec = vec3.create(); ret_vec = vec3.transformMat4(ret_vec, this.local_rest_start_pt, tmp_mat); return ret_vec; }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldRestEndPt = function() { // Vector3 ret_vec = Vector3.Transform(local_rest_end_pt, rest_parent_mat); var tmp_mat = this.rest_parent_mat; var ret_vec = vec3.create(); ret_vec = vec3.transformMat4(ret_vec, this.local_rest_end_pt, tmp_mat); return ret_vec; }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldRestAngle = function() { return this.world_rest_angle; }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldRestPos = function() { return this.world_rest_pos; }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldStartPt = function() { return this.world_start_pt; }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldEndPt = function() { return this.world_end_pt; }; MeshBone.prototype.getRestParentMat = function() { return this.rest_parent_mat; }; MeshBone.prototype.getRestWorldMat = function() { return this.rest_world_mat; }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldDeltaMat = function() { return this.world_delta_mat; }; MeshBone.prototype.getParentWorldMat = function() { return this.parent_world_mat; }; MeshBone.prototype.getParentWorldInvMat = function() { return this.parent_world_inv_mat; }; MeshBone.prototype.getWorldDq = function() { return this.world_dq; }; MeshBone.prototype.computeRestParentTransforms = function() { var cur_tangent = vec3.fromValues(this.local_rest_dir[Q_X], this.local_rest_dir[Q_Y], 0); var cur_binormal = vec3.fromValues(this.local_binormal_dir[Q_X], this.local_binormal_dir[Q_Y], this.local_binormal_dir[Q_Z]); var cur_normal = vec3.fromValues(this.local_rest_normal_dir[Q_X], this.local_rest_normal_dir[Q_Y], 0); var cur_translate = mat4.create(); //cur_translate.setTranslation(local_rest_end_pt.x, local_rest_end_pt.y, 0); mat4.translate(cur_translate, cur_translate, this.local_rest_end_pt); var cur_rotate = mat4.create(); /* cur_rotate.Right = cur_tangent; cur_rotate.Up = cur_normal; cur_rotate.Backward = cur_binormal; */ //cur_rotate.set(cur_tangent, cur_normal, cur_binormal, new Vector3(0,0,0)); cur_rotate = Utils.setAxisMatrix(cur_tangent, cur_normal, cur_binormal); //cur_rotate.tra(); //Matrix4 cur_final = cur_translate.cpy().mul(cur_rotate); var cur_final = mat4.create(); cur_final = mat4.multiply(cur_final, cur_translate, cur_rotate); //rest_world_mat = rest_parent_mat.cpy().mul(cur_final); this.rest_world_mat = mat4.create(); this.rest_world_mat = mat4.multiply(this.rest_world_mat, this.rest_parent_mat, cur_final); this.rest_world_inv_mat = mat4.clone(this.rest_world_mat); this.rest_world_inv_mat = mat4.invert(this.rest_world_inv_mat, this.rest_world_inv_mat); //Matrix4.Invert(ref rest_world_mat, out rest_world_inv_mat); // var world_rest_dir = getWorldRestEndPt().cpy().sub( getWorldRestStartPt()); var world_rest_dir = vec3.clone(this.getWorldRestEndPt()); world_rest_dir = vec3.subtract(world_rest_dir, world_rest_dir, this.getWorldRestStartPt()); world_rest_dir = vec3.normalize(world_rest_dir, world_rest_dir); this.world_rest_pos = this.getWorldRestStartPt(); var bind_translate = mat4.create(); //bind_translate.setTranslation(getWorldRestStartPt().x, getWorldRestStartPt().y, 0); bind_translate = mat4.translate(bind_translate, bind_translate, this.getWorldRestStartPt()); var tVec = vec3.create(); tVec = vec3.sub(tVec, this.getWorldRestEndPt(), this.getWorldRestStartPt()); var bind_rotate = Utils.calcRotateMat(tVec); //Matrix4 cur_bind_final = bind_translate.cpy().mul(bind_rotate); var cur_bind_final = mat4.create(); cur_bind_final = mat4.multiply(cur_bind_final, bind_translate, bind_rotate); this.bind_world_mat = mat4.clone(cur_bind_final); this.bind_world_inv_mat = mat4.clone(this.bind_world_mat); this.bind_world_inv_mat = mat4.invert(this.bind_world_inv_mat, this.bind_world_inv_mat); //Matrix4.Invert(ref bind_world_mat, out bind_world_inv_mat); for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var cur_bone = this.children[i]; cur_bone.setRestParentMat(this.rest_world_mat, this.rest_world_inv_mat); cur_bone.computeRestParentTransforms(); } }; MeshBone.prototype.computeParentTransforms = function() { var translate_parent = mat4.create(); translate_parent = mat4.translate(translate_parent, translate_parent, this.getWorldEndPt()); var tVec = vec3.create(); tVec = vec3.subtract(tVec, this.getWorldEndpt(), this.getWorldStartPt()); var rotate_parent = Utils.calcRotateMat(tVec); var final_transform = mat4.create(); final_transform = mat4.multiply(final_transform, translate_parent, rotate_parent); var final_inv_transform = mat4.clone(final_transform); //final_inv_transform.inv(); final_inv_transform = mat4.invert(final_inv_transform, final_inv_transform); for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var cur_bone = children[i]; cur_bone.setParentWorldMat(final_transform); cur_bone.setParentWorldInvMat(final_inv_transform); cur_bone.computeParentTransforms(); } }; MeshBone.prototype.computeWorldDeltaTransforms = function() { var calc = this.computeDirs(this.world_start_pt, this.world_end_pt); var cur_tangent = vec3.fromValues(calc["first"][Q_X], calc["first"][Q_Y], 0); var cur_normal = vec3.fromValues(calc["second"][Q_X], calc["second"][Q_Y], 0); var cur_binormal = vec3.fromValues(this.local_binormal_dir[Q_X], this.local_binormal_dir[Q_Y], this.local_binormal_dir[Q_Z]); var cur_rotate = mat4.create(); /* cur_rotate.Right = cur_tangent; cur_rotate.Up = cur_normal; cur_rotate.Backward = cur_binormal; */ //cur_rotate.set(cur_tangent, cur_normal, cur_binormal, new Vector3(0,0,0)); cur_rotate = Utils.setAxisMatrix(cur_tangent, cur_normal, cur_binormal); //cur_rotate.tra(); var cur_translate = mat4.create(); //cur_translate.setTranslation(world_start_pt.x, world_start_pt.y, 0); cur_translate = mat4.translate(cur_translate, cur_translate, this.world_start_pt); /* world_delta_mat = (cur_translate * cur_rotate) * bind_world_inv_mat; */ this.world_delta_mat = mat4.create(); // world_delta_mat = (cur_translate.cpy().mul(cur_rotate)).mul(bind_world_inv_mat); this.world_delta_mat = mat4.multiply(this.world_delta_mat, cur_translate, cur_rotate); this.world_delta_mat = mat4.multiply(this.world_delta_mat, this.world_delta_mat, this.bind_world_inv_mat); // Quaternion cur_quat = XnaGeometry.Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(world_delta_mat); //var tmpMat = mat3.create(); //tmpMat = mat3.fromMat4(tmpMat, this.world_delta_mat); var cur_quat = Utils.matrixToQuat(this.world_delta_mat); var tmp_pos = Utils.getMatTranslate(this.world_delta_mat); this.world_dq = new dualQuat(); this.world_dq.createFromData(cur_quat, tmp_pos); for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var cur_bone = this.children[i]; cur_bone.computeWorldDeltaTransforms(); } }; MeshBone.prototype.addChild = function(bone_in) { bone_in.setRestParentMat(this.rest_world_mat, this.rest_world_inv_mat); this.children.push(bone_in); }; MeshBone.prototype.getChildren = function() { return this.children; }; MeshBone.prototype.hasBone = function(bone_in) { for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var cur_bone = this.children[i]; if(cur_bone == bone_in) { return true; } } return false; }; MeshBone.prototype.getChildByKey = function(search_key) { if(this.key === search_key) { return this; } var ret_data = null; for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var cur_bone = this.children[i]; var result = cur_bone.getChildByKey(search_key); if(result != null) { ret_data = result; break; } } return ret_data; }; MeshBone.prototype.getKey = function() { return this.key; }; MeshBone.prototype.getAllBoneKeys = function() { var ret_data = []; ret_data.push(this.getKey()); for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var append_data = this.children[i].getAllBoneKeys(); ret_data = ret_data.concat(append_data); } return ret_data; }; MeshBone.prototype.getAllChildren = function() { var ret_data = []; ret_data.push(this); for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var append_data = this.children[i].getAllChildren(); ret_data = ret_data.concat(append_data); } return ret_data; }; MeshBone.prototype.getBoneDepth = function(bone_in, depth) { if(bone_in == this) { return depth; } for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var cur_bone = this.children[i]; var ret_val = cur_bone.getBoneDepth(bone_in, depth + 1); if(ret_val != -1) { return ret_val; } } return -1; }; MeshBone.prototype.isLeaf = function() { return this.children.length == 0; }; MeshBone.prototype.deleteChildren = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var cur_bone = this.children[i]; cur_bone.deleteChildren(); } this.children = []; }; MeshBone.prototype.setTagId = function(value_in) { this.tag_id = value_in; }; MeshBone.prototype.getTagId = function() { return this.tag_id; }; MeshBone.prototype.computeDirs = function(start_pt, end_pt) { var tangent = vec3.create(); tangent = vec3.subtract(tangent, end_pt, start_pt); tangent = vec3.normalize(tangent, tangent); var normal = Utils.rotateVec_90(tangent); var retData = {}; retData["first"] = tangent; retData["second"] = normal; return retData; }; MeshBone.prototype.computeRestLength = function() { var tmp_dir = vec3.create(); //Vector3 tmp_dir = local_rest_end_pt.cpy().sub(local_rest_start_pt); tmp_dir = vec3.subtract(tmp_dir, this.local_rest_end_pt, this.local_rest_start_pt); this.rest_length = vec3.length(tmp_dir); }; // MeshRenderRegion function MeshRenderRegion(indices_in, rest_pts_in, uvs_in, start_pt_index_in, end_pt_index_in, start_index_in, end_index_in) { this.store_indices = indices_in; this.store_rest_pts = rest_pts_in; this.store_uvs = uvs_in; this.use_local_displacements = false; this.use_post_displacements = false; this.use_uv_warp = false; this.uv_warp_local_offset = vec2.fromValues(0,0); this.uv_warp_global_offset = vec2.fromValues(0,0); this.uv_warp_scale = vec2.fromValues(1,1); this.start_pt_index = start_pt_index_in; this.end_pt_index = end_pt_index_in; this.start_index = start_index_in; this.end_index = end_index_in; this.main_bone = null; this.local_displacements = []; this.post_displacements = []; this.uv_warp_ref_uvs = []; this.normal_weight_map = {}; this.fast_normal_weight_map = []; this.fast_bones_map = []; this.relevant_bones_indices = []; this.use_dq = true; this.tag_id = -1; this.initUvWarp(); }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getIndicesIndex = function() { // return store_indices + (start_index); return this.start_index; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getRestPtsIndex = function() { // return store_rest_pts + (3 * start_pt_index); return 3 * this.start_pt_index; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getUVsIndex = function() { // return store_uvs + (2 * start_pt_index); return 2 * this.start_pt_index; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getNumPts = function() { return this.end_pt_index - this.start_pt_index + 1; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getStartPtIndex = function() { return this.start_pt_index; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getEndPtIndex = function() { return this.end_pt_index; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getNumIndices = function() { return this.end_index - this.start_index + 1; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getStartIndex = function() { return this.start_index; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getEndIndex = function() { return this.end_index; }; var accum_dq = new dualQuat(); var accum_mat = mat4.create(); var final_pt = vec3.create(); var tmp1 = vec3.create(); var tmp2 = vec3.create(); MeshRenderRegion.prototype.poseFinalPts = function(output_pts, output_start_index, bones_map) { var read_pt_index = this.getRestPtsIndex(); var write_pt_index = output_start_index; // point posing for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { accum_mat[i] = 0.0; } var boneKeys = Object.keys(bones_map); var boneKeyLength = boneKeys.length; for(var i = 0, l = this.getNumPts(); i < l; i++) { var cur_rest_pt = vec3.set(tmp1, this.store_rest_pts[0 + read_pt_index], this.store_rest_pts[1 + read_pt_index], this.store_rest_pts[2 + read_pt_index]); // vec3.fromValues(this.store_rest_pts[0 + read_pt_index], // this.store_rest_pts[1 + read_pt_index], // this.store_rest_pts[2 + read_pt_index]); if(this.use_local_displacements == true) { cur_rest_pt[Q_X] += this.local_displacements[i][Q_X]; cur_rest_pt[Q_Y] += this.local_displacements[i][Q_Y]; } for(var j = 0; j < 16; j++) { accum_mat[j] = 0.0; } // reuse // var accum_dq = new dualQuat(); accum_dq.reset(); var curBoneIndices = this.relevant_bones_indices[i]; var relevantIndicesLength = curBoneIndices.length; for (var j = 0; j < relevantIndicesLength; j++) { var idx_lookup = curBoneIndices[j]; var cur_bone = this.fast_bones_map[idx_lookup]; var cur_weight_val = this.fast_normal_weight_map[idx_lookup][i]; var cur_im_weight_val = cur_weight_val; var world_dq = cur_bone.getWorldDq(); accum_dq.add(world_dq, cur_weight_val, cur_im_weight_val); } accum_dq.normalize(); var tmp_pt = vec3.set(tmp2, cur_rest_pt[Q_X], cur_rest_pt[Q_Y], cur_rest_pt[Q_Z]); // var tmp_pt = vec3.fromValues(cur_rest_pt[Q_X], cur_rest_pt[Q_Y], cur_rest_pt[Q_Z]); final_pt = accum_dq.transform(tmp_pt); // debug start // debug end if(this.use_post_displacements == true) { final_pt[Q_X] += this.post_displacements[i][Q_X]; final_pt[Q_Y] += this.post_displacements[i][Q_Y]; } output_pts[0 + write_pt_index] = final_pt[Q_X]; output_pts[1 + write_pt_index] = final_pt[Q_Y]; output_pts[2 + write_pt_index] = final_pt[Q_Z]; read_pt_index += 3; write_pt_index += 3; } // uv warping if(this.use_uv_warp == true) { this.runUvWarp(); } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setMainBoneKey = function(key_in) { this.main_bone_key = key_in; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.determineMainBone = function(root_bone_in) { this.main_bone = root_bone_in.getChildByKey(this.main_bone_key); }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setUseDq = function(flag_in) { this.use_dq = flag_in; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setName = function(name_in) { this.name = name_in; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setUseLocalDisplacements = function(flag_in) { this.use_local_displacements = flag_in; if((this.local_displacements.length != this.getNumPts()) && this.use_local_displacements) { this.local_displacements = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.getNumPts(); i++) { this.local_displacements.push (vec2.create()); } } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype. getUseLocalDisplacements = function() { return this.use_local_displacements; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setUsePostDisplacements = function(flag_in) { this.use_post_displacements = flag_in; if((this.post_displacements.length != this.getNumPts()) && this.use_post_displacements) { this.post_displacements = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.getNumPts(); i++) { this.post_displacements.push(vec2.create()); } } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getUsePostDisplacements = function() { return this.use_post_displacements; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getRestLocalPt = function(index_in) { var read_pt_index = this.getRestPtsIndex() + (3 * index_in); var return_pt = vec2.fromValues(this.store_rest_pts[0 + read_pt_index], this.store_rest_pts[1 + read_pt_index]); return return_pt; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getLocalIndex = function(index_in) { var read_index = this.getIndicesIndex() + index_in; return this.store_indices[read_index]; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.clearLocalDisplacements = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.local_displacements.length; i++) { this.local_displacements[i] = vec2.create(); } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.clearPostDisplacements = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.post_displacements.length; i++) { this.post_displacements[i] = vec2.create(); } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setUseUvWarp = function(flag_in) { this.use_uv_warp = flag_in; if(this.use_uv_warp == false) { this.restoreRefUv(); } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype. getUseUvWarp = function() { return this.use_uv_warp; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setUvWarpLocalOffset = function(vec_in) { this.uv_warp_local_offset = vec_in; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setUvWarpGlobalOffset = function(vec_in) { this.uv_warp_global_offset = vec_in; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setUvWarpScale = function(vec_in) { this.uv_warp_scale = vec_in; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype. getUvWarpLocalOffset = function() { return this.uv_warp_local_offset; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype. getUvWarpGlobalOffset = function() { return this.uv_warp_global_offset; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype. getUvWarpScale = function() { return this.uv_warp_scale; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.runUvWarp = function() { var cur_uvs_index = this.getUVsIndex(); for(var i = 0; i < this.uv_warp_ref_uvs.length; i++) { var set_uv = vec2.clone(this.uv_warp_ref_uvs[i]); set_uv = vec2.subtract(set_uv, set_uv, this.uv_warp_local_offset); set_uv[Q_X] *= this.uv_warp_scale[Q_X]; set_uv[Q_Y] *= this.uv_warp_scale[Q_Y]; set_uv = vec2.add(set_uv, set_uv, this.uv_warp_global_offset); /* set_uv.sub(uv_warp_local_offset); set_uv.scl(uv_warp_scale); set_uv.add(uv_warp_global_offset); */ this.store_uvs[0 + cur_uvs_index] = set_uv[Q_X]; this.store_uvs[1 + cur_uvs_index] = set_uv[Q_Y]; cur_uvs_index += 2; } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.restoreRefUv = function() { var cur_uvs_index = this.getUVsIndex(); for(var i = 0; i < this.uv_warp_ref_uvs.length; i++) { var set_uv = this.uv_warp_ref_uvs[i]; this.store_uvs[0 + cur_uvs_index] = set_uv[Q_X]; this.store_uvs[1 + cur_uvs_index] = set_uv[Q_Y]; cur_uvs_index += 2; } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.getTagId = function() { return this.tag_id; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.setTagId = function(value_in) { this.tag_id = value_in; }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.initFastNormalWeightMap = function(bones_map) { this.relevant_bones_indices = []; // fast normal weight map lookup, avoids hash lookups for (var cur_key in bones_map) { var values = this.normal_weight_map[cur_key]; this.fast_normal_weight_map.push(values); } // relevant bone indices var cutoff_val = 0.05; for(var i = 0; i < this.getNumPts(); i++) { var curIndicesArray = []; for (var j = 0; j < this.fast_normal_weight_map.length; j++) { var cur_val = this.fast_normal_weight_map[j][i]; if(cur_val > cutoff_val) { curIndicesArray.push(j); } } this.relevant_bones_indices.push(curIndicesArray); } // fast bone map lookup for (var cur_key in bones_map) { var cur_bone = bones_map[cur_key]; this.fast_bones_map.push(cur_bone); } }; MeshRenderRegion.prototype.initUvWarp = function() { var cur_uvs_index = this.getUVsIndex(); // uv_warp_ref_uvs = new java.util.Vector(new Vector2[getNumPts()]); this.uv_warp_ref_uvs = [];; for(var i = 0; i < this.getNumPts(); i++) { this.uv_warp_ref_uvs.push(vec2.create()); this.uv_warp_ref_uvs[i] = vec2.fromValues(this.store_uvs[cur_uvs_index], this.store_uvs[cur_uvs_index + 1]); cur_uvs_index += 2; } }; // MeshRenderBoneComposition function MeshRenderBoneComposition() { this.root_bone = null; this.bones_map = {}; this.regions = []; this.regions_map = {}; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.addRegion = function(region_in) { this.regions.push(region_in); }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.setRootBone = function(root_bone_in) { this.root_bone = root_bone_in; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.getRootBone = function() { return this.root_bone; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.initBoneMap = function() { this.bones_map = MeshRenderBoneComposition.genBoneMap(this.root_bone); }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.initRegionsMap = function() { this.regions_map = {}; for(var i = 0; i < this.regions.length; i++) { cur_key = this.regions[i].getName(); this.regions_map[cur_key] = this.regions[i]; } }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.genBoneMap = function(input_bone) { var ret_map = {}; var all_keys = input_bone.getAllBoneKeys(); for(var i = 0; i < all_keys.length; i++) { var cur_key = all_keys[i]; ret_map[cur_key] = input_bone.getChildByKey(cur_key); } return ret_map; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.getBonesMap = function() { return this.bones_map; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.getRegionsMap = function() { return this.regions_map; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.getRegions = function() { return this.regions; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.getRegionWithId = function(id_in) { for(var i = 0; i < this.regions.length; i++) { var cur_region = this.regions[i]; if(cur_region.getTagId() == id_in) { return cur_region; } } return null; }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.resetToWorldRestPts = function() { this.getRootBone().initWorldPts(); }; MeshRenderBoneComposition.prototype.updateAllTransforms = function(update_parent_xf) { if(update_parent_xf) { this.getRootBone().computeParentTransforms(); } this.getRootBone().computeWorldDeltaTransforms(); this.getRootBone().fixDQs(this.getRootBone().getWorldDq()); }; // MeshBoneCache function MeshBoneCache(key_in) { this.key = key_in; }; MeshBoneCache.prototype.setWorldStartPt = function(pt_in) { this.world_start_pt = pt_in; }; MeshBoneCache.prototype.setWorldEndPt = function(pt_in) { this.world_end_pt = pt_in; }; MeshBoneCache.prototype.getWorldStartPt = function() { return this.world_start_pt; }; MeshBoneCache.prototype.getWorldEndPt = function() { return this.world_end_pt; }; MeshBoneCache.prototype.getKey = function() { return this.key; }; // MeshDisplacementCache function MeshDisplacementCache(key_in) { this.key = key_in; this.local_displacements = []; this.post_displacements = []; }; MeshDisplacementCache.prototype.setLocalDisplacements = function(displacements_in) { this.local_displacements = displacements_in; }; MeshDisplacementCache.prototype.setPostDisplacements = function(displacements_in) { this.post_displacements = displacements_in; }; MeshDisplacementCache.prototype.getKey = function() { return this.key; }; MeshDisplacementCache.prototype.getLocalDisplacements = function() { return this.local_displacements; }; MeshDisplacementCache.prototype.getPostDisplacements = function() { return this.post_displacements; }; // MeshUVWarpCache function MeshUVWarpCache(key_in) { this.uv_warp_global_offset = vec2.create(); this.uv_warp_local_offset = vec2.create(); this.uv_warp_scale = vec2.fromValues(-1,-1); this.key = key_in; this.enabled = false; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.setUvWarpLocalOffset = function(vec_in) { this.uv_warp_local_offset = vec_in; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.setUvWarpGlobalOffset = function(vec_in) { this.uv_warp_global_offset = vec_in; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.setUvWarpScale = function(vec_in) { this.uv_warp_scale = vec_in; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.getUvWarpLocalOffset = function() { return this.uv_warp_local_offset; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.getUvWarpGlobalOffset = function() { return this.uv_warp_global_offset; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.getUvWarpScale = function() { return this.uv_warp_scale; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.getKey = function() { return this.key; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.setEnabled = function(flag_in) { this.enabled = flag_in; }; MeshUVWarpCache.prototype.getEnabled = function() { return this.enabled; }; // MeshBoneCacheManager function MeshBoneCacheManager() { this.is_ready = false; this.bone_cache_table = null; this.bone_cache_data_ready = null; this.bone_cache_table = []; this.bone_cache_data_ready = []; }; MeshBoneCacheManager.prototype.init = function(start_time_in, end_time_in) { this.start_time = start_time_in; this.end_time = end_time_in; var num_frames = this.end_time - this.start_time + 1; this.bone_cache_table = []; this.bone_cache_data_ready = []; for(var i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) { this.bone_cache_table.push([]); this.bone_cache_data_ready.push(false); } this.is_ready = false; }; MeshBoneCacheManager.prototype.getStartTime = function() { return this.start_time; }; MeshBoneCacheManager.prototype.getEndime = function() { return this.end_time; }; MeshBoneCacheManager.prototype.getIndexByTime = function(time_in) { var retval = time_in - this.start_time; retval = Utils.clamp(retval, 0, (this.bone_cache_table.length) - 1); return retval; }; MeshBoneCacheManager.prototype.retrieveValuesAtTime = function(time_in, bone_map) { var base_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.floor(time_in)); var end_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.ceil(time_in)); var ratio = (time_in - Math.floor(time_in)); if(this.bone_cache_data_ready.length == 0) { return; } if((this.bone_cache_data_ready[base_time] == false) || ((this.bone_cache_data_ready[end_time] == false))) { return; } var base_cache = this.bone_cache_table[base_time]; var end_cache = this.bone_cache_table[end_time]; for(var i = 0, l = base_cache.length; i < l; i++) { var base_data = base_cache[i]; var end_data = end_cache[i]; var cur_key = base_data.getKey(); var final_world_start_pt = Utils.vecInterp(base_data.getWorldStartPt(), end_data.getWorldStartPt(), ratio); var final_world_end_pt = Utils.vecInterp(base_data.getWorldEndPt(), end_data.getWorldEndPt(), ratio); /* Vector3 final_world_start_pt = ((1.0f - ratio) * base_data.getWorldStartPt()) + (ratio * end_data.getWorldStartPt()); Vector3 final_world_end_pt = ((1.0f - ratio) * base_data.getWorldEndPt()) + (ratio * end_data.getWorldEndPt()); */ bone_map[cur_key].setWorldStartPt(final_world_start_pt); bone_map[cur_key].setWorldEndPt(final_world_end_pt); } }; MeshBoneCacheManager.prototype.allReady = function() { if(this.is_ready) { return true; } else { var num_frames = this.end_time - this.start_time + 1; var ready_cnt = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.bone_cache_data_ready.size(); i++) { if(this.bone_cache_data_ready[i]) { ready_cnt++; } } if(ready_cnt == num_frames) { this.is_ready = true; } } return this.is_ready; }; MeshBoneCacheManager.prototype.makeAllReady = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.bone_cache_data_ready.length; i++) { this.bone_cache_data_ready[i] = true; } }; // MeshDisplacementCacheManager function MeshDisplacementCacheManager() { this.is_ready = false; this.displacement_cache_table = null; this.displacement_cache_data_ready = null; this.displacement_cache_table = []; this.displacement_cache_data_ready = []; }; MeshDisplacementCacheManager.prototype.init = function(start_time_in, end_time_in) { this.start_time = start_time_in; this.end_time = end_time_in; var num_frames = this.end_time - this.start_time + 1; this.displacement_cache_table = []; this.displacement_cache_data_ready = []; for(var i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) { this.displacement_cache_table.push([]); this.displacement_cache_data_ready.push(false); } this.is_ready = false; }; MeshDisplacementCacheManager.prototype.getStartTime = function() { return this.start_time; }; MeshDisplacementCacheManager.prototype.getEndime = function() { return this.end_time; }; MeshDisplacementCacheManager.prototype.getIndexByTime = function(time_in) { var retval = time_in - this.start_time; retval = Utils.clamp(retval, 0, (this.displacement_cache_table.length) - 1); return retval; }; MeshDisplacementCacheManager.prototype.retrieveValuesAtTime = function(time_in, regions_map) { var base_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.floor(time_in)); var end_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.ceil(time_in)); var ratio = (time_in - Math.floor(time_in)); if(this.displacement_cache_data_ready.length == 0) { return; } if((this.displacement_cache_data_ready[base_time] == false) || (this.displacement_cache_data_ready[end_time] == false)) { return; } var base_cache = this.displacement_cache_table[base_time]; var end_cache = this.displacement_cache_table[end_time]; for(var i = 0; i < base_cache.length; i++) { var base_data = base_cache[i]; var end_data = end_cache[i]; var cur_key = base_data.getKey(); var set_region = regions_map[cur_key]; if(set_region.getUseLocalDisplacements()) { var displacements = set_region.local_displacements; if((base_data.getLocalDisplacements().length == displacements.length) && (end_data.getLocalDisplacements().length == displacements.length)) { for(var j = 0; j < displacements.length; j++) { var interp_val = Utils.vec2Interp(base_data.getLocalDisplacements()[j], end_data.getLocalDisplacements()[j], ratio); /* Vector2 interp_val = ((1.0f - ratio) * base_data.getLocalDisplacements().get(j)) + (ratio * end_data.getLocalDisplacements().get(j)); */ displacements[j] = interp_val; } } else { for(var j = 0; j < displacements.length; j++) { displacements[j] = vec2.create(); } } } if(set_region.getUsePostDisplacements()) { var displacements = set_region.post_displacements; if((base_data.getPostDisplacements().length == displacements.length) && (end_data.getPostDisplacements().length == displacements.length)) { for(var j = 0; j < displacements.length; j++) { var interp_val = Utils.vec2Interp(base_data.getPostDisplacements()[j], end_data.getPostDisplacements()[j], ratio); /* Vector2 interp_val = ((1.0f - ratio) * base_data.getPostDisplacements()[j]) + (ratio * end_data.getPostDisplacements()[j]); */ displacements[j] = interp_val; } } else { for(var j = 0; j < displacements.length; j++) { displacements.set[j] = vec2.create(); } } } } }; MeshDisplacementCacheManager.prototype.allReady = function() { if(this.is_ready) { return true; } else { var num_frames = this.end_time - this.start_time + 1; var ready_cnt = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.displacement_cache_data_ready.length; i++) { if(this.displacement_cache_data_ready[i]) { ready_cnt++; } } if(ready_cnt == num_frames) { this.is_ready = true; } } return this.is_ready; }; MeshDisplacementCacheManager.prototype.makeAllReady = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.displacement_cache_data_ready.length; i++) { this.displacement_cache_data_ready[i] = true; } }; // MeshUVWarpCacheManager function MeshUVWarpCacheManager() { this.is_ready = false; this.uv_cache_table = null; this.uv_cache_data_ready = null; this.uv_cache_table = []; this.uv_cache_data_ready = []; }; MeshUVWarpCacheManager.prototype.init = function(start_time_in, end_time_in) { this.start_time = start_time_in; this.end_time = end_time_in; var num_frames = this.end_time - this.start_time + 1; this.uv_cache_table = []; this.uv_cache_data_ready = []; for(var i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) { this.uv_cache_table.push([]); this.uv_cache_data_ready.push(false); } this.is_ready = false; }; MeshUVWarpCacheManager.prototype.getStartTime = function() { return this.start_time; }; MeshUVWarpCacheManager.prototype.getEndime = function() { return this.end_time; }; MeshUVWarpCacheManager.prototype.getIndexByTime = function(time_in) { var retval = time_in - this.start_time; retval = Utils.clamp(retval, 0, (this.uv_cache_table.length) - 1); return retval; }; MeshUVWarpCacheManager.prototype.retrieveValuesAtTime = function(time_in, regions_map) { var base_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.floor(time_in)); var end_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.ceil(time_in)); var ratio = (time_in - Math.floor(time_in)); if(this.uv_cache_data_ready.length == 0) { return; } if((this.uv_cache_data_ready[base_time] == false) || (this.uv_cache_data_ready[end_time] == false)) { return; } var base_cache = this.uv_cache_table[base_time]; var end_cache = this.uv_cache_table[end_time]; for(var i = 0; i < base_cache.length; i++) { var base_data = base_cache[i]; var end_data = end_cache[i]; var cur_key = base_data.getKey(); var set_region = regions_map[cur_key]; if(set_region.getUseUvWarp()) { var final_local_offset = base_data.getUvWarpLocalOffset(); var final_global_offset = base_data.getUvWarpGlobalOffset(); var final_scale = base_data.getUvWarpScale(); /* Vector2 final_local_offset = ((1.0f - ratio) * base_data.getUvWarpLocalOffset()) + (ratio * end_data.getUvWarpLocalOffset()); Vector2 final_global_offset = ((1.0f - ratio) * base_data.getUvWarpGlobalOffset()) + (ratio * end_data.getUvWarpGlobalOffset()); Vector2 final_scale = ((1.0f - ratio) * base_data.getUvWarpScale()) + (ratio * end_data.getUvWarpScale()); */ set_region.setUvWarpLocalOffset(final_local_offset); set_region.setUvWarpGlobalOffset(final_global_offset); set_region.setUvWarpScale(final_scale); } } }; MeshUVWarpCacheManager.prototype.allReady = function() { if(this.is_ready) { return true; } else { var num_frames = this.end_time - this.start_time + 1; var ready_cnt = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.uv_cache_data_ready.length; i++) { if(uv_cache_data_ready[i]) { ready_cnt++; } } if(ready_cnt == num_frames) { this.is_ready = true; } } return this.is_ready; }; MeshUVWarpCacheManager.prototype.makeAllReady = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.uv_cache_data_ready.length; i++) { this.uv_cache_data_ready[i] = true; } }; // CreatureModuleUtils var CreatureModuleUtils = {}; CreatureModuleUtils.GetAllAnimationNames = function(json_data) { var json_animations = json_data["animation"]; var keys = []; for (var name in json_animations) { keys.push(name); } return keys; }; CreatureModuleUtils.getFloatArray = function(raw_data) { return raw_data; }; CreatureModuleUtils.getIntArray = function(raw_data) { return raw_data; }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadPointsArray2DJSON = function(data, key) { var raw_array = CreatureModuleUtils.getFloatArray(data[key]); var ret_list = []; var num_points = raw_array.length / 2; for (var i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { var cur_index = i * 2; ret_list.push( vec2.fromValues(raw_array[0 + cur_index], raw_array[1 + cur_index])); } return ret_list; }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadFloatArray3DJSON = function(data, key) { var raw_array = CreatureModuleUtils.getFloatArray(data[key]); var ret_list = []; var num_points = raw_array.length / 2; for (var i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { var cur_index = i * 2; ret_list.push(raw_array[0 + cur_index]); ret_list.push(raw_array[1 + cur_index]); ret_list.push(0); } return ret_list; }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadBoolJSON = function(data, key) { var val = data[key]; return val; }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadFloatArrayJSON = function(data, key) { /* var raw_array = getFloatArray(data.get[key]); var ret_list = []; for(var i = 0; i < raw_array.length; i++) { ret_list.push(raw_array[i]); } return ret_list; */ return data[key]; }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadIntArrayJSON = function(data, key) { /* int[] raw_array = getIntArray (data.get(key)); java.util.Vector ret_list = new java.util.Vector(); for(int i = 0; i < raw_array.length; i++) { ret_list.add(raw_array[i]); } return ret_list; */ return data[key]; }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadMatrixJSON = function(data, key) { var raw_array = CreatureModuleUtils.getFloatArray(data[key]); var retMat = mat4.create(); for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { retMat[i] = raw_array[i]; } return retMat; }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector2JSON = function(data, key) { var raw_array = CreatureModuleUtils.getFloatArray(data[key]); return vec2.fromValues(raw_array[0], raw_array[1]); }; CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector3JSON = function(data, key) { var raw_array = CreatureModuleUtils.getFloatArray(data[key]); return vec3.fromValues(raw_array[0], raw_array[1], 0); }; CreatureModuleUtils.CreateBones = function(json_obj, key) { var root_bone = null; var base_obj = json_obj[key]; //var bone_data = new HashMap>>(); var bone_data = {}; var child_set = {}; // layout bones for (var cur_name in base_obj) { var cur_node = base_obj[cur_name]; var cur_id = cur_node["id"]; //GetJSONNodeFromKey(*cur_node, "id")->value.toNumber(); var cur_parent_mat = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadMatrixJSON(cur_node, "restParentMat"); var cur_local_rest_start_pt = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector3JSON(cur_node, "localRestStartPt"); var cur_local_rest_end_pt = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector3JSON(cur_node, "localRestEndPt"); var cur_children_ids = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadIntArrayJSON(cur_node, "children"); var new_bone = new MeshBone(cur_name, vec3.create(), vec3.create(), cur_parent_mat); new_bone.local_rest_start_pt = cur_local_rest_start_pt; new_bone.local_rest_end_pt = cur_local_rest_end_pt; new_bone.calcRestData(); new_bone.setTagId(cur_id); bone_data[cur_id] = {first:new_bone, second:cur_children_ids}; for(var i = 0; i < cur_children_ids.length; i++){ var cur_child_id = cur_children_ids[i]; child_set[cur_child_id] = cur_child_id; } } // Find root for(var cur_id in bone_data) { if( (cur_id in child_set) == false) { // not a child, so is root var cur_data = bone_data[cur_id]; root_bone = cur_data.first; break; } } // construct hierarchy for(var cur_id in bone_data) { var cur_data = bone_data[cur_id]; var cur_bone = cur_data.first; var children_ids = cur_data.second; for(var i = 0; i < children_ids.length; i++) { var cur_child_id = children_ids[i]; var child_bone = bone_data[cur_child_id].first; cur_bone.addChild(child_bone); } } return root_bone; }; CreatureModuleUtils.CreateRegions = function(json_obj, key, indices_in, rest_pts_in, uvs_in) { var ret_regions = []; var base_obj = json_obj[key]; for (var cur_name in base_obj) { var cur_node = base_obj[cur_name]; var cur_id = cur_node["id"]; //(int)GetJSONNodeFromKey(*cur_node, "id")->value.toNumber(); var cur_start_pt_index = cur_node["start_pt_index"]; //(int)GetJSONNodeFromKey(*cur_node, "start_pt_index")->value.toNumber(); var cur_end_pt_index = cur_node["end_pt_index"]; //(int)GetJSONNodeFromKey(*cur_node, "end_pt_index")->value.toNumber(); var cur_start_index = cur_node["start_index"]; //(int)GetJSONNodeFromKey(*cur_node, "start_index")->value.toNumber(); var cur_end_index = cur_node["end_index"]; //(int)GetJSONNodeFromKey(*cur_node, "end_index")->value.toNumber(); var new_region = new MeshRenderRegion(indices_in, rest_pts_in, uvs_in, cur_start_pt_index, cur_end_pt_index, cur_start_index, cur_end_index); new_region.setName(cur_name); new_region.setTagId(cur_id); // Read in weights var weight_map = new_region.normal_weight_map; var weight_obj = cur_node["weights"]; for (var w_key in weight_obj) { var w_node = weight_obj[w_key]; var values = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadFloatArrayJSON(weight_obj, w_key); weight_map[w_key] = values; } ret_regions.push(new_region); } return ret_regions; }; CreatureModuleUtils.GetStartEndTimes = function(json_obj, key) { var start_time = 0; var end_time = 0; var first = true; var base_obj = json_obj[key]; for (var cur_val in base_obj) { var cur_node = base_obj[cur_val]; var cur_num = parseInt(cur_val); if(first) { start_time = cur_num; end_time = cur_num; first = false; } else { if(cur_num > end_time) { end_time = cur_num; } if(cur_num < start_time) { start_time = cur_num; } } } return {first:start_time, second:end_time}; }; CreatureModuleUtils.FillBoneCache = function(json_obj, key, start_time, end_time, cache_manager) { var base_obj = json_obj[key]; cache_manager.init(start_time, end_time); for (var cur_time in base_obj) { var cur_node = base_obj[cur_time]; cache_list = []; for (var cur_name in cur_node) { var bone_node = cur_node[cur_name]; var cur_start_pt = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector3JSON(bone_node, "start_pt"); //ReadJSONVec4_2(*bone_node, "start_pt"); var cur_end_pt = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector3JSON(bone_node, "end_pt"); //ReadJSONVec4_2(*bone_node, "end_pt"); var cache_data = new MeshBoneCache(cur_name); cache_data.setWorldStartPt(cur_start_pt); cache_data.setWorldEndPt(cur_end_pt); cache_list.push(cache_data); } var set_index = cache_manager.getIndexByTime(cur_time); cache_manager.bone_cache_table[set_index] = cache_list; } cache_manager.makeAllReady(); }; CreatureModuleUtils.FillDeformationCache = function(json_obj, key, start_time, end_time, cache_manager) { var base_obj = json_obj[key]; cache_manager.init(start_time, end_time); for (var cur_time in base_obj) { var cur_node = base_obj[cur_time]; var cache_list = []; for (var cur_name in cur_node) { var mesh_node = cur_node[cur_name]; var cache_data = new MeshDisplacementCache(cur_name); var use_local_displacement = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadBoolJSON(mesh_node, "use_local_displacements"); //GetJSONNodeFromKey(*mesh_node, "use_local_displacements")->value.toBool(); var use_post_displacement = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadBoolJSON(mesh_node, "use_post_displacements"); //GetJSONNodeFromKey(*mesh_node, "use_post_displacements")->value.toBool(); if(use_local_displacement == true) { var read_pts = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadPointsArray2DJSON(mesh_node, "local_displacements"); //ReadJSONPoints2DVector(*mesh_node, "local_displacements"); cache_data.setLocalDisplacements(read_pts); } if(use_post_displacement == true) { var read_pts = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadPointsArray2DJSON(mesh_node, "post_displacements"); //ReadJSONPoints2DVector(*mesh_node, "post_displacements"); cache_data.setPostDisplacements(read_pts); } cache_list.push(cache_data); } var set_index = cache_manager.getIndexByTime(cur_time); cache_manager.displacement_cache_table[set_index] = cache_list; } cache_manager.makeAllReady(); }; CreatureModuleUtils.FillUVSwapCache = function(json_obj, key, start_time, end_time, cache_manager) { var base_obj = json_obj[key]; cache_manager.init(start_time, end_time); for (var cur_time in base_obj) { var cur_node = base_obj[cur_time]; var cache_list = []; for (var cur_name in cur_node) { var uv_node = cur_node[cur_name]; var cache_data = new MeshUVWarpCache(cur_name); var use_uv = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadBoolJSON(uv_node, "enabled"); //GetJSONNodeFromKey(*uv_node, "enabled")->value.toBool(); cache_data.setEnabled(use_uv); if(use_uv == true) { var local_offset = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector2JSON(uv_node, "local_offset"); //ReadJSONVec2(*uv_node, "local_offset"); var global_offset = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector2JSON(uv_node, "global_offset"); //ReadJSONVec2(*uv_node, "global_offset"); var scale = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadVector2JSON(uv_node, "scale"); //ReadJSONVec2(*uv_node, "scale"); cache_data.setUvWarpLocalOffset(local_offset); cache_data.setUvWarpGlobalOffset(global_offset); cache_data.setUvWarpScale(scale); } cache_list.push(cache_data); } var set_index = cache_manager.getIndexByTime(cur_time); cache_manager.uv_cache_table[set_index] = cache_list; } cache_manager.makeAllReady(); }; // Creature function Creature(load_data) { this.total_num_pts = 0; this.total_num_indices = 0; this.global_indices = null; this.global_pts = null; this.global_uvs = null; this.render_pts = null; this.render_colours = null; this.render_composition = null; this.boundary_indices = []; this.boundary_min = vec2.create(); this.boundary_max = vec2.create(); this.LoadFromData(load_data); }; // Fills entire mesh with (r,g,b,a) colours Creature.prototype.FillRenderColours = function(r, g, b, a) { for(var i = 0; i < this.total_num_pts; i++) { var cur_colour_index = i * 4; this.render_colours[0 + cur_colour_index] = r; this.render_colours[1 + cur_colour_index] = g; this.render_colours[2 + cur_colour_index] = b; this.render_colours[3 + cur_colour_index] = a; } }; // Compute boundary indices Creature.prototype.ComputeBoundaryIndices = function() { var freq_table = {}; for(var i = 0; i < this.total_num_pts; i++) { freq_table[i] = 0; } var cur_regions = this.render_composition.getRegions(); for(var i = 0; i < this.global_indices.length; i++) { var cur_idx = this.global_indices[i]; var is_found = false; for(var j = 0; j < cur_regions.length; j++) { var cur_region = cur_regions[j]; var cur_start_index = cur_region.getStartPtIndex(); var cur_end_index = cur_region.getEndPtIndex(); if(cur_idx >= cur_start_index && cur_idx <= cur_end_index) { is_found = true; break; } } if(is_found) { freq_table[cur_idx]++; } } // now find the boundary indices who have <= 5 referenced triangles this.boundary_indices = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.total_num_pts; i++) { if(freq_table[i] <=5) { this.boundary_indices.push(i); } } }; // Compute min and max bounds of the animated mesh Creature.prototype.ComputeBoundaryMinMax = function() { if(this.boundary_indices.length <= 0) { this.ComputeBoundaryIndices(); } var firstIdx = this.boundary_indices[0] * 3; var minPt = vec2.fromValues(this.render_pts[firstIdx + 0], this.render_pts[firstIdx + 1]); var maxPt = vec2.fromValues(minPt[0], minPt[1]); for(var i = 0; i < this.boundary_indices.length; i++) { var ref_idx = this.boundary_indices[i] * 3; var ref_x = this.render_pts[ref_idx]; var ref_y = this.render_pts[ref_idx + 1]; if(minPt[0] > ref_x) { minPt[0] = ref_x; } if(minPt[1] > ref_y) { minPt[1] = ref_y; } if(maxPt[0] < ref_x) { maxPt[0] = ref_x; } if(maxPt[1] < ref_y) { maxPt[1] = ref_y; } } this.boundary_min = minPt; this.boundary_max = maxPt; }; // Load data Creature.prototype.LoadFromData = function(load_data) { // Load points and topology var json_mesh = load_data["mesh"]; this.global_pts = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadFloatArray3DJSON(json_mesh, "points"); this.total_num_pts = this.global_pts.length / 3; this.global_indices = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadIntArrayJSON (json_mesh, "indices"); this.total_num_indices = this.global_indices.length; this.global_uvs = CreatureModuleUtils.ReadFloatArrayJSON (json_mesh, "uvs"); this.render_colours = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.total_num_pts * 4; i++) { this.render_colours.push(0); } this.FillRenderColours(1, 1, 1, 1); this.render_pts = []; // Load bones var root_bone = CreatureModuleUtils.CreateBones(load_data, "skeleton"); // Load regions var regions = CreatureModuleUtils.CreateRegions(json_mesh, "regions", this.global_indices, this.global_pts, this.global_uvs); // Add into composition this.render_composition = new MeshRenderBoneComposition(); this.render_composition.setRootBone(root_bone); this.render_composition.getRootBone().computeRestParentTransforms(); for(var i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { var cur_region = regions[i]; cur_region.setMainBoneKey(root_bone.getKey()); cur_region.determineMainBone(root_bone); this.render_composition.addRegion(cur_region); } this.render_composition.initBoneMap(); this.render_composition.initRegionsMap(); for(var i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { var cur_region = regions[i]; cur_region.initFastNormalWeightMap(this.render_composition.bones_map); } this.render_composition.resetToWorldRestPts(); }; // CreatureAnimation function CreatureAnimation(load_data, name_in) { this.name = name_in; this.bones_cache = new MeshBoneCacheManager(); this.displacement_cache = new MeshDisplacementCacheManager(); this.uv_warp_cache = new MeshUVWarpCacheManager(); this.cache_pts = []; this.fill_cache_pts = []; this.LoadFromData(name_in, load_data); }; CreatureAnimation.prototype.LoadFromData = function(name_in, load_data) { var json_anim_base = load_data["animation"]; var json_clip = json_anim_base[name_in]; var start_end_times = CreatureModuleUtils.GetStartEndTimes(json_clip, "bones"); this.start_time = start_end_times.first; this.end_time = start_end_times.second; // bone animation CreatureModuleUtils.FillBoneCache(json_clip, "bones", this.start_time, this.end_time, this.bones_cache); // mesh deformation animation CreatureModuleUtils.FillDeformationCache(json_clip, "meshes", this.start_time, this.end_time, this.displacement_cache); // uv swapping animation CreatureModuleUtils.FillUVSwapCache(json_clip, "uv_swaps", this.start_time, this.end_time, this.uv_warp_cache); }; CreatureAnimation.prototype.getIndexByTime = function(time_in) { var retval = time_in - this.start_time; retval = Utils.clamp(retval, 0, (this.cache_pts.length) - 1); return retval; }; CreatureAnimation.prototype.verifyFillCache = function() { if(this.fill_cache_pts.length == (this.end_time - this.start_time + 1)) { // ready to switch over this.cache_pts = this.fill_cache_pts; } }; CreatureAnimation.prototype.poseFromCachePts = function(time_in, target_pts, num_pts) { var cur_floor_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.floor(time_in)); var cur_ceil_time = this.getIndexByTime(Math.ceil(time_in)); var cur_ratio = time_in - Math.floor(time_in); var set_pt = target_pts; var floor_pts = this.cache_pts[cur_floor_time]; var ceil_pts = this.cache_pts[cur_ceil_time]; var set_idx = 0; var floor_idx = 0; var ceil_idx = 0; for(var i = 0; i < num_pts; i++) { set_pt[set_idx + 0] = ((1.0 - cur_ratio) * floor_pts[floor_idx + 0]) + (cur_ratio * ceil_pts[ceil_idx + 0]); set_pt[set_idx + 1] = ((1.0 - cur_ratio) * floor_pts[floor_idx + 1]) + (cur_ratio * ceil_pts[ceil_idx + 1]); set_pt[set_idx + 2] = ((1.0 - cur_ratio) * floor_pts[floor_idx + 2]) + (cur_ratio * ceil_pts[ceil_idx + 2]); set_idx += 3; floor_idx += 3; ceil_idx += 3; } }; // CreatureManager function CreatureManager(target_creature_in) { this.target_creature = target_creature_in; this.is_playing = false; this.run_time = 0; this.time_scale = 30.0; this.blending_factor = 0; this.should_loop = true; this.use_custom_time_range = false; this.custom_start_time = 0; this.custom_end_time = 0; this.animations = {}; this.bones_override_callback = null; this.blend_render_pts = []; this.blend_render_pts.push([]); this.blend_render_pts.push([]); this.do_blending = false; this.active_blend_animation_names = []; this.active_blend_animation_names.push(""); this.active_blend_animation_names.push(""); }; // Create an animation CreatureManager.prototype.CreateAnimation = function(load_data, name_in) { var new_animation = new CreatureAnimation(load_data, name_in); this.AddAnimation(new_animation); }; // Create all animations CreatureManager.prototype.CreateAllAnimations = function(load_data) { var all_animation_names = CreatureModuleUtils.GetAllAnimationNames (load_data); for(var i = 0; i < all_animation_names.length; i++) { var cur_name = all_animation_names[i]; this.CreateAnimation(load_data, cur_name); } this.SetActiveAnimationName (all_animation_names.get(0)); }; // Add an animation CreatureManager.prototype.AddAnimation = function(animation_in) { this.animations[animation_in.name] = animation_in; }; // Return an animation CreatureManager.prototype.GetAnimation = function(name_in) { return this.animations[name_in]; }; // Return the creature CreatureManager.prototype.GetCreature = function() { return this.target_creature; }; // Returns all the animation names CreatureManager.prototype.GetAnimationNames = function() { var ret_names = []; for(var cur_name in animations) { ret_names.push(cur_name); } return ret_names; }; // Sets the current animation to be active by name CreatureManager.prototype.SetActiveAnimationName = function(name_in, check_already_active) { if (name_in == null || (name_in in this.animations) == false) { return false; } if(check_already_active == true) { if(this.active_animation_name == name_in) { return false; } } this.active_animation_name = name_in; var cur_animation = this.animations[this.active_animation_name]; this.run_time = cur_animation.start_time; var displacement_cache_manager = cur_animation.displacement_cache; var displacement_table = displacement_cache_manager.displacement_cache_table[0]; var uv_warp_cache_manager = cur_animation.uv_warp_cache; var uv_swap_table = uv_warp_cache_manager.uv_cache_table[0]; var render_composition = this.target_creature.render_composition; var all_regions = render_composition.getRegions(); var index = 0; for(var i = 0; i < all_regions.length; i++) { var cur_region = all_regions[i]; // Setup active or inactive displacements var use_local_displacements = !(displacement_table[index].getLocalDisplacements().length == 0); var use_post_displacements = !(displacement_table[index].getPostDisplacements().length == 0); cur_region.setUseLocalDisplacements(use_local_displacements); cur_region.setUsePostDisplacements(use_post_displacements); // Setup active or inactive uv swaps cur_region.setUseUvWarp(uv_swap_table[index].getEnabled()); index++; } return true; }; // Returns the name of the currently active animation CreatureManager.prototype.GetActiveAnimationName = function() { return this.active_animation_name; }; // Returns the table of all animations CreatureManager.prototype.GetAllAnimations = function() { return this.animations; }; // Creates a point cache for the current animation CreatureManager.prototype.MakePointCache = function(animation_name_in) { var store_run_time = this.getRunTime(); var cur_animation = this.animations[animation_name_in]; if(cur_animation.length > 0) { // cache already generated, just exit return; } var cache_pts_list = cur_animation.cache_pts; for(var i = cur_animation.start_time; i <= cur_animation.end_time; i++) { this.setRunTime(i); var new_pts = []; for (var j = 0; j < this.target_creature.total_num_pts * 3; j++) new_pts[j] = 0; //auto new_pts = new glm::float32[target_creature->GetTotalNumPoints() * 3]; this.PoseCreature(animation_name_in, new_pts); cache_pts_list.push(new_pts); } this.setRunTime(store_run_time); }; // Fills up a single frame for a point cache animation // Point caching is only enabled when the cache is FULLY filled up // Remember the new filled cache is Appended onto the end of a list // There is no indexing by time here so MAKE SURE this cache is filled up sequentially! CreatureManager.prototype.FillSinglePointCacheFrame = function(animation_name_in, time_in) { var store_run_time = this.getRunTime(); var cur_animation = this.animations[animation_name_in]; this.setRunTime(time_in); var new_pts = []; for (var j = 0; j < this.target_creature.total_num_pts * 3; j++) new_pts[j] = 0; this.PoseCreature(animation_name_in, new_pts); cur_animation.fill_cache_pts.push(new_pts); cur_animation.verifyFillCache(); this.setRunTime(store_run_time); }; // Returns if animation is playing CreatureManager.prototype.GetIsPlaying = function() { return this.is_playing; }; // Sets whether to loop the animation CreatureManager.prototype.SetShouldLoop = function(flag_in) { this.should_loop = flag_in; }; // Sets whether to use a user defined custom time range for the currently // active animation clip CreatureManager.prototype.SetUseCustomTimeRange = function(flag_in) { this.use_custom_time_range = flag_in; }; // Sets the user defined custom time range CreatureManager.prototype.SetCustomTimeRange = function(start_time_in, end_time_in) { this.custom_start_time = start_time_in; this.custom_end_time = end_time_in; }; // Sets whether the animation is playing CreatureManager.prototype.SetIsPlaying = function(flag_in) { this.is_playing = flag_in; }; // Resets animation to start time CreatureManager.prototype.ResetToStartTimes = function() { var cur_animation = this.animations[active_animation_name]; this.run_time = cur_animation.start_time; }; // Sets the run time of the animation CreatureManager.prototype.setRunTime = function(time_in) { this.run_time = time_in; this.correctTime (); }; // Increments the run time of the animation by a delta value CreatureManager.prototype.increRunTime = function(delta_in) { this.run_time += delta_in; this.correctTime (); }; CreatureManager.prototype.correctTime = function() { var cur_animation = this.animations[this.active_animation_name]; var anim_start_time = cur_animation.start_time; var anim_end_time = cur_animation.end_time; if(this.use_custom_time_range) { anim_start_time = this.custom_start_time; anim_end_time = this.custom_end_time; } if(this.run_time > anim_end_time) { if(this.should_loop) { this.run_time = anim_start_time; } else { this.run_time = anim_end_time; } } else if(this.run_time < anim_start_time) { if(this.should_loop) { this.run_time = anim_end_time; } else { this.run_time = anim_start_time; } } }; // Returns the current run time of the animation CreatureManager.prototype.getRunTime = function() { return this.run_time; }; // Runs a single step of the animation for a given delta timestep CreatureManager.prototype.Update = function(delta) { if(!this.is_playing) { return; } this.increRunTime(delta * this.time_scale); this.RunCreature (); }; CreatureManager.prototype.RunAtTime = function(time_in) { if(!this.is_playing) { return; } this.setRunTime(time_in); this.RunCreature (); }; CreatureManager.prototype.RunCreature = function() { if(this.do_blending) { for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var cur_animation = this.animations[this.active_blend_animation_names[i]]; if(cur_animation.cache_pts.length > 0) { cur_animation.poseFromCachePts(this.getRunTime(), this.blend_render_pts[i], this.target_creature.total_num_pts); } else { this.PoseCreature(this.active_blend_animation_names[i], this.blend_render_pts[i]); } } for(var j = 0; j < this.target_creature.total_num_pts * 3; j++) { var set_data_index = j; var read_data_1 = this.blend_render_pts[0][j]; var read_data_2 = this.blend_render_pts[1][j]; /* target_creature.render_pts[set_data_index] = ((1.0f - blending_factor) * (read_data_1)) + (blending_factor * (read_data_2)); */ this.target_creature.render_pts.set(set_data_index, ((1.0 - blending_factor) * (read_data_1)) + (blending_factor * (read_data_2))); } } else { var cur_animation = this.animations[this.active_animation_name]; if(cur_animation.cache_pts.length > 0) { cur_animation.poseFromCachePts(this.getRunTime(), this.target_creature.render_pts, this.target_creature.total_num_pts); // cur_animation->poseFromCachePts(getRunTime(), target_creature->GetRenderPts(), target_creature->GetTotalNumPoints()); } else { this.PoseCreature(this.active_animation_name, this.target_creature.render_pts); } } }; // Sets scaling for time CreatureManager.prototype.SetTimeScale = function(scale_in) { this.time_scale = scale_in; }; // Enables/Disables blending CreatureManager.prototype.SetBlending = function(flag_in) { this.do_blending = flag_in; if (this.do_blending) { if (this.blend_render_pts[0].length == 0) { var new_vec = []; for(var i = 0; i < target_creature.total_num_pts * 3; i++) { new_vec.push(0); } this.blend_render_pts.set(0, new_vec); } if (this.blend_render_pts[1].length == 0) { var new_vec = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.target_creature.total_num_pts * 3; i++) { new_vec.push(0); } this.blend_render_pts[1] = new_vec; } } }; // Sets blending animation names CreatureManager.prototype.SetBlendingAnimations = function(name_1, name_2) { this.active_blend_animation_names[0] = name_1; this.active_blend_animation_names[1] = name_2; }; // Sets the blending factor CreatureManager.prototype.SetBlendingFactor = function(value_in) { this.blending_factor = value_in; }; // Given a set of coordinates in local creature space, // see if any bone is in contact CreatureManager.prototype.IsContactBone = function(pt_in, radius) { var cur_bone = this.target_creature.render_composition.getRootBone(); return this.ProcessContactBone(pt_in, radius, cur_bone); }; CreatureManager.prototype.PoseCreature = function(animation_name_in, target_pts) { var cur_animation = this.animations[animation_name_in]; var bone_cache_manager = cur_animation.bones_cache; var displacement_cache_manager = cur_animation.displacement_cache; var uv_warp_cache_manager = cur_animation.uv_warp_cache; var render_composition = this.target_creature.render_composition; // Extract values from caches var bones_map = render_composition.getBonesMap(); var regions_map = render_composition.getRegionsMap(); bone_cache_manager.retrieveValuesAtTime(this.getRunTime(), bones_map); if(this.bones_override_callback != null) { this.bones_override_callback(bones_map); } displacement_cache_manager.retrieveValuesAtTime(this.getRunTime(), regions_map); uv_warp_cache_manager.retrieveValuesAtTime(this.getRunTime(), regions_map); // Do posing, decide if we are blending or not var cur_regions = render_composition.getRegions(); var cur_bones = render_composition.getBonesMap(); render_composition.updateAllTransforms(false); for(var j = 0, l = cur_regions.length; j < l; j++) { var cur_region = cur_regions[j]; var cur_pt_index = cur_region.getStartPtIndex(); cur_region.poseFinalPts(target_pts, cur_pt_index * 3, cur_bones); // add in z offsets for different regions var start = cur_region.getStartPtIndex() * 3; var end = cur_region.getEndPtIndex() * 3; for(var k = start; k <= end; k+=3) { target_pts[k + 2] = -j * 0.001; } } };