// Everything is unrolled with no method chaining (even if it means duplicate code) var Vec2 = function (x, y) { if (x === undefined) { x = 0; } if (y === undefined) { y = 0; } // This may look ugly, but it allows for seamless exchange between // Vec2, Float32Array and Array data types. this[0] = x; this[1] = y; }; Vec2.prototype.constructor = Vec2; Vec2.prototype = { }; get x () { return this[0]; } get y () { return this[1]; } set x (v) { this[0] = v; } set y (v) { this[1] = v; } set (x, y = x) { this[0] = x; this[1] = y; return this; } setTo (x, y = x) { this[0] = x; this[1] = y; return this; } zero () { this[0] = 0; this[1] = 0; return this; } add (v) { this[0] += v[0]; this[1] += v[1]; return this; } addScalar (s) { this[0] += s; this[1] += s; return this; } addVectors (a, b) { this[0] = a[0] + b[0]; this[1] = a[1] + b[1]; return this; } addScaledVector (v, s) { this[0] += v[0] * s; this[1] += v[1] * s; return this; } sub (v) { this[0] -= v[0]; this[1] -= v[1]; return this; } subScalar (s) { this[0] -= s; this[1] -= s; return this; } subVectors (a, b) { this[0] = a[0] - b[0]; this[1] = a[1] - b[1]; return this; } // Same as scaleV, kept for compatibility between 3rd party libs multiply (v) { this[0] *= v[0]; this[1] *= v[1]; return this; } multiplyScalar (s) { if (isFinite(s)) { this[0] *= s; this[1] *= s; } else { this[0] = 0; this[1] = 0; } return this; } scale (x, y = x) { this[0] *= x; this[1] *= y; return this; } scaleV (v) { this[0] *= v[0]; this[1] *= v[1]; return this; } divide (n) { this[0] /= n; this[1] /= n; return this; } divideScalar (s) { const c = 1 / s; if (isFinite(c)) { this[0] *= c; this[1] *= c; } else { this[0] = 0; this[1] = 0; } return this; } min (v) { this[0] = Math.min(this[0], v[0]); this[1] = Math.min(this[1], v[1]); return this; } max (v) { this[0] = Math.max(this[0], v[0]); this[1] = Math.max(this[1], v[1]); return this; } clamp (min, max) { // This function assumes min < max, if this assumption isn't true it will not operate correctly this[0] = Math.max(min[0], Math.min(max[0], this[0])); this[1] = Math.max(min[1], Math.min(max[1], this[1])); return this; } floor () { this[0] = Math.floor(this[0]); this[1] = Math.floor(this[1]); return this; } ceil () { this[0] = Math.ceil(this[0]); this[1] = Math.ceil(this[1]); return this; } round () { this[0] = Math.round(this[0]); this[1] = Math.round(this[1]); return this; } roundToZero () { if (this[0] < 0) { this[0] = Math.ceil(this[0]); } else { this[0] = Math.floor(this[0]); } if (this[1] < 1) { this[1] = Math.ceil(this[1]); } else { this[1] = Math.floor(this[1]); } return this; } negate () { this[0] = -this[0]; this[1] = -this[1]; return this; } normalize () { let l = this.length(); if (l > 0) { this[0] /= l; this[1] /= l; } return this; } perp () { let x = this[0]; let y = this[1]; this[0] = y; this[1] = -x; return this; } dot (v) { return this[0] * v[0] + this[1] * v[1]; } lengthSq () { return this[0] * this[0] + this[1] * this[1]; } set length (v) { const angle = Math.atan2(this[1], this[0]); this[0] = Math.cos(angle) * v; this[1] = Math.sin(angle) * v; } get length () { return Math.sqrt(this[0] * this[0] + this[1] * this[1]); } lengthManhattan () { return Math.abs(this[0]) + Math.abs(this[1]); } toString () { return `[Vec2 (x=${this[0]}, y=${this[1]})]`; } }