/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2018 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var Components = require('../components'); var DOMElementRender = require('./DOMElementRender'); var GameObject = require('../GameObject'); var Vector4 = require('../../math/Vector4'); /** * @classdesc * [description] * * @class DOMElement * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject * @memberOf Phaser.GameObjects * @constructor * @since 3.12.0 * * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Alpha * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.BlendMode * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.ComputedSize * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Depth * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Origin * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.ScrollFactor * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform * @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible * * @param {Phaser.Scene} scene - The Scene to which this Game Object belongs. A Game Object can only belong to one Scene at a time. * @param {number} x - The horizontal position of this Game Object in the world. * @param {number} y - The vertical position of this Game Object in the world. * @param {(string|HTMLElement)} [element] - The DOM Element to use. */ var DOMElement = new Class({ Extends: GameObject, Mixins: [ Components.Alpha, Components.BlendMode, Components.ComputedSize, Components.Depth, Components.Origin, Components.ScrollFactor, Components.Transform, Components.Visible, DOMElementRender ], initialize: function DOMElement (scene, x, y, element) { GameObject.call(this, scene, 'DOMElement'); this.parent = scene.sys.game.domContainer; this.cache = scene.sys.cache.html; this.node; this.skewX = 0; this.skewY = 0; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform-function/rotate3d this.rotate3d = new Vector4(); this.rotate3dAngle = 'deg'; this.handler = this.dispatchNativeEvent.bind(this); this.setPosition(x, y); if (element) { this.setElement(element); } }, setSkew: function (x, y) { if (x === undefined) { x = 0; } if (y === undefined) { y = x; } this.skewX = x; this.skewY = y; return this; }, perspective: { get: function () { return parseFloat(this.parent.style.perspective); }, set: function (value) { this.parent.style.perspective = value + 'px'; } }, setPerspective: function (value) { // Sets it on the DOM Container! this.parent.style.perspective = value + 'px'; return this; }, addListener: function (events) { if (this.node) { events = events.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { this.node.addEventListener(events[i], this.handler, false); } } return this; }, removeListener: function (events) { if (this.node) { events = events.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { this.node.removeEventListener(events[i], this.handler); } } return this; }, dispatchNativeEvent: function (event) { this.emit(event.type, event); }, setElement: function (element) { var target; if (typeof element === 'string') { target = document.getElementById(element); } else if (typeof element === 'object' && element.nodeType === 1) { target = element; } if (!target) { return; } this.node = target; target.style.zIndex = '0'; target.style.display = 'inline'; target.style.position = 'absolute'; // Node handler target.phaser = this; if (this.parent) { this.parent.appendChild(target); } var nodeBounds = target.getBoundingClientRect(); this.setSize(nodeBounds.width || 0, nodeBounds.height || 0); return this; }, createFromCache: function (key, elementType) { return this.createFromHTML(this.cache.get(key), elementType); }, createFromHTML: function (html, elementType) { if (elementType === undefined) { elementType = 'div'; } var element = document.createElement(elementType); this.node = element; element.style.zIndex = '0'; element.style.display = 'inline'; element.style.position = 'absolute'; // Node handler element.phaser = this; if (this.parent) { this.parent.appendChild(element); } element.innerHTML = html; var nodeBounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(); this.setSize(nodeBounds.width || 0, nodeBounds.height || 0); return this; }, getChildByProperty: function (property, value) { if (this.node) { var children = this.node.querySelectorAll('*'); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i][property] === value) { return children[i]; } } } return null; }, getChildByID: function (id) { return this.getChildByProperty('id', id); }, getChildByName: function (name) { return this.getChildByProperty('name', name); }, setText: function (text) { if (this.node) { this.node.innerText = text; } return this; }, setHTML: function (html) { if (this.node) { this.node.innerHTML = html; } return this; }, /** * Compares the renderMask with the renderFlags to see if this Game Object will render or not. * * DOMElements always return `true` as they need to still set values during the render pass, even if not visible. * * @method Phaser.GameObjects.DOMElement#willRender * @since 3.12.0 * * @return {boolean} True if the Game Object should be rendered, otherwise false. */ willRender: function () { return true; }, destroy: function () { } }); module.exports = DOMElement;