var GetAdvancedValue = require('../utils/object/GetAdvancedValue'); var GetEaseFunction = require('./GetEaseFunction'); var GetValue = require('../utils/object/GetValue'); var RESERVED = require('./ReservedProps'); var Tween = require('./Tween'); var TweenData = require('./TweenData'); var GetTargets = function (config) { var targets = GetValue(config, 'targets', null); if (typeof targets === 'function') { targets =; } if (!Array.isArray(targets)) { targets = [ targets ]; } return targets; }; var GetProps = function (config) { var key; var keys = []; // First see if we have a props object if (config.hasOwnProperty('props')) { for (key in config.props) { // Skip any property that starts with an underscore if (key.substr(0, 1) !== '_') { keys.push({ key: key, value: config.props[key] }); } } } else { for (key in config) { // Skip any property that is in the ReservedProps list or that starts with an underscore if (RESERVED.indexOf(key) === -1 && key.substr(0, 1) !== '_') { keys.push({ key: key, value: config[key] }); } } } return keys; }; var GetValueOp = function (key, value) { var valueCallback; var t = typeof(value); if (t === 'number') { // props: { // x: 400, // y: 300 // } valueCallback = function () { return value; }; } else if (t === 'string') { // props: { // x: '+=400', // y: '-=300', // z: '*=2', // w: '/=2' // } var op = value[0]; var num = parseFloat(value.substr(2)); switch (op) { case '+': valueCallback = function (i) { return i + num; }; break; case '-': valueCallback = function (i) { return i - num; }; break; case '*': valueCallback = function (i) { return i * num; }; break; case '/': valueCallback = function (i) { return i / num; }; break; default: valueCallback = function () { return parseFloat(value); }; } } else if (t === 'function') { // props: { // x: function (startValue, target, index, totalTargets) { return startValue + (index * 50); }, // } valueCallback = function (startValue, target, index, total) { return value(startValue, target, index, total); }; } else if (value.hasOwnProperty('value')) { // Value may still be a string, function or a number // props: { // x: { value: 400, ... }, // y: { value: 300, ... } // } valueCallback = GetValueOp(key, value.value); } return valueCallback; }; var GetBoolean = function (source, key, defaultValue) { if (!source) { return defaultValue; } else if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return source[key]; } else { return defaultValue; } }; var GetNewValue = function (source, key, defaultValue) { var valueCallback; if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var t = typeof(source[key]); if (t === 'function') { valueCallback = function (index, totalTargets, target) { return source[key](index, totalTargets, target); }; } else { valueCallback = function () { return source[key]; }; } } else if (typeof defaultValue === 'function') { valueCallback = defaultValue; } else { valueCallback = function () { return defaultValue; }; } return valueCallback; }; var TweenBuilder = function (manager, config) { // Create arrays of the Targets and the Properties var targets = GetTargets(config); var props = GetProps(config); // Default Tween values var delay = GetNewValue(config, 'delay', 0); var duration = GetNewValue(config, 'duration', 1000); var ease = GetEaseFunction(GetValue(config, 'ease', 'Power0'), easeParams); var easeParams = GetValue(config, 'easeParams', null); var hold = GetNewValue(config, 'hold', 0); var repeat = GetNewValue(config, 'repeat', 0); var repeatDelay = GetNewValue(config, 'repeatDelay', 0); var startAt = GetNewValue(config, 'startAt', null); var yoyo = GetBoolean(config, 'yoyo', false); var flipX = GetBoolean(config, 'flipX', false); var flipY = GetBoolean(config, 'flipY', false); var data = []; // Loop through every property defined in the Tween, i.e.: props { x, y, alpha } for (var p = 0; p < props.length; p++) { var key = props[p].key; var value = props[p].value; // Create 1 TweenData per target, per property for (var t = 0; t < targets.length; t++) { var tweenData = TweenData( targets[t], key, GetValueOp(key, value), GetEaseFunction(GetValue(value, 'ease', ease), easeParams), GetNewValue(value, 'delay', delay), GetNewValue(value, 'duration', duration), GetBoolean(value, 'yoyo', yoyo), GetNewValue(value, 'hold', hold), GetNewValue(value, 'repeat', repeat), GetNewValue(value, 'repeatDelay', repeatDelay), GetNewValue(value, 'startAt', startAt), GetBoolean(value, 'flipX', flipX), GetBoolean(value, 'flipY', flipY) ); data.push(tweenData); } } var tween = new Tween(manager, data); tween.totalTargets = targets.length; tween.completeDelay = GetAdvancedValue(config, 'completeDelay', 0); tween.loop = GetAdvancedValue(config, 'loop', 0); tween.loopDelay = GetAdvancedValue(config, 'loopDelay', 0); tween.paused = GetBoolean(config, 'paused', false); tween.useFrames = GetBoolean(config, 'useFrames', false); // Callbacks var scope = GetValue(config, 'callbackScope', tween); var tweenArray = [ tween ]; var onStart = GetValue(config, 'onStart', false); // The Start of the Tween if (onStart) { var onStartScope = GetValue(config, 'onStartScope', scope); var onStartParams = GetValue(config, 'onStartParams', []); tween.setCallback('onStart', onStart, tweenArray.concat(onStartParams), onStartScope); } var onUpdate = GetValue(config, 'onUpdate', false); // Every time the tween updates (regardless which TweenDatas are running) if (onUpdate) { var onUpdateScope = GetValue(config, 'onUpdateScope', scope); var onUpdateParams = GetValue(config, 'onUpdateParams', []); tween.setCallback('onUpdate', onUpdate, tweenArray.concat(onUpdateParams), onUpdateScope); } var onRepeat = GetValue(config, 'onRepeat', false); // When a TweenData repeats if (onRepeat) { var onRepeatScope = GetValue(config, 'onRepeatScope', scope); var onRepeatParams = GetValue(config, 'onRepeatParams', []); tween.setCallback('onRepeat', onRepeat, tweenArray.concat(null, onRepeatParams), onRepeatScope); } var onLoop = GetValue(config, 'onLoop', false); // Called when the whole Tween loops if (onLoop) { var onLoopScope = GetValue(config, 'onLoopScope', scope); var onLoopParams = GetValue(config, 'onLoopParams', []); tween.setCallback('onLoop', onLoop, tweenArray.concat(onLoopParams), onLoopScope); } var onYoyo = GetValue(config, 'onYoyo', false); // Called when a TweenData yoyos if (onYoyo) { var onYoyoScope = GetValue(config, 'onYoyoScope', scope); var onYoyoParams = GetValue(config, 'onYoyoParams', []); tween.setCallback('onYoyo', onYoyo, tweenArray.concat(null, onYoyoParams), onYoyoScope); } var onComplete = GetValue(config, 'onComplete', false); // Called when the Tween completes, after the completeDelay, etc. if (onComplete) { var onCompleteScope = GetValue(config, 'onCompleteScope', scope); var onCompleteParams = GetValue(config, 'onCompleteParams', []); tween.setCallback('onComplete', onComplete, tweenArray.concat(onCompleteParams), onCompleteScope); } return tween; }; module.exports = TweenBuilder;