/// /// /// /// /// /// /** * Phaser - AnimationManager * * Any Sprite that has animation contains an instance of the AnimationManager, which is used to add, play and update * sprite specific animations. */ module Phaser.Components { export class AnimationManager { /** * AnimationManager constructor * Create a new AnimationManager. * * @param parent {Sprite} Owner sprite of this manager. */ constructor(parent: Sprite) { this._parent = parent; this._game = parent.game; this._anims = {}; } /** * Local private reference to game. */ private _game: Game; /** * Local private reference to its owner sprite. */ private _parent: Sprite; /** * Animation key-value container. */ private _anims: {}; /** * Index of current frame. * @type {number} */ private _frameIndex: number; /** * Data contains animation frames. * @type {FrameData} */ private _frameData: FrameData = null; /** * Keeps track of the current animation being played. */ public currentAnim: Animation; /** * Keeps track of the current frame of animation. */ public currentFrame: Frame = null; /** * Load animation frame data. * @param frameData Data to be loaded. */ public loadFrameData(frameData: FrameData) { this._frameData = frameData; this.frame = 0; } /** * Add a new animation. * @param name {string} What this animation should be called (e.g. "run"). * @param frames {any[]} An array of numbers/strings indicating what frames to play in what order (e.g. [1, 2, 3] or ['run0', 'run1', run2]). * @param frameRate {number} The speed in frames per second that the animation should play at (e.g. 60 fps). * @param loop {boolean} Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once. * @param useNumericIndex {boolean} Use number indexes instead of string indexes? * @return {Animation} The Animation that was created */ public add(name: string, frames: any[] = null, frameRate: number = 60, loop: bool = false, useNumericIndex: bool = true): Animation { if (this._frameData == null) { return; } if (frames == null) { frames = this._frameData.getFrameIndexes(); } else { if (this.validateFrames(frames, useNumericIndex) == false) { throw Error('Invalid frames given to Animation ' + name); return; } } if (useNumericIndex == false) { frames = this._frameData.getFrameIndexesByName(frames); } this._anims[name] = new Animation(this._game, this._parent, this._frameData, name, frames, frameRate, loop); this.currentAnim = this._anims[name]; this.currentFrame = this.currentAnim.currentFrame; return this._anims[name]; } /** * Check whether the frames is valid. * @param frames {any[]} Frames to be validated. * @param useNumericIndex {boolean} Does these frames use number indexes or string indexes? * @return {boolean} True if they're valid, otherwise return false. */ private validateFrames(frames: any[], useNumericIndex: bool): bool { for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { if (useNumericIndex == true) { if (frames[i] > this._frameData.total) { return false; } } else { if (this._frameData.checkFrameName(frames[i]) == false) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Play animation with specific name. * @param name {string} The string name of the animation you want to play. * @param frameRate {number} FrameRate you want to specify instead of using default. * @param loop {boolean} Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once. */ public play(name: string, frameRate?: number = null, loop?: bool) { if (this._anims[name]) { if (this.currentAnim == this._anims[name]) { if (this.currentAnim.isPlaying == false) { this.currentAnim.play(frameRate, loop); } } else { this.currentAnim = this._anims[name]; this.currentAnim.play(frameRate, loop); } } } /** * Stop animation by name. * Current animation will be automatically set to the stopped one. */ public stop(name: string) { if (this._anims[name]) { this.currentAnim = this._anims[name]; this.currentAnim.stop(); } } /** * Update animation and parent sprite's bounds. */ public update() { if (this.currentAnim && this.currentAnim.update() == true) { this.currentFrame = this.currentAnim.currentFrame; this._parent.frameBounds.width = this.currentFrame.width; this._parent.frameBounds.height = this.currentFrame.height; } } public get frameData(): FrameData { return this._frameData; } public get frameTotal(): number { if (this._frameData) { return this._frameData.total; } else { return -1; } } public get frame(): number { return this._frameIndex; } public set frame(value: number) { if (this._frameData.getFrame(value) !== null) { this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(value); this._parent.frameBounds.width = this.currentFrame.width; this._parent.frameBounds.height = this.currentFrame.height; this._frameIndex = value; } } public get frameName(): string { return this.currentFrame.name; } public set frameName(value: string) { if (this._frameData.getFrameByName(value) !== null) { this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrameByName(value); this._parent.frameBounds.width = this.currentFrame.width; this._parent.frameBounds.height = this.currentFrame.height; //this._parent.frameBounds.width = this.currentFrame.sourceSizeW; //this._parent.frameBounds.height = this.currentFrame.sourceSizeH; this._frameIndex = this.currentFrame.index; } } /** * Removes all related references */ public destroy() { this._anims = {}; this._frameData = null; this._frameIndex = 0; this.currentAnim = null; this.currentFrame = null; } } }