/** * @author Richard Davey * @author Adrien Brault * @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * Creates a new Polygon. You have to provide a list of points. * This can be an array of Points that form the polygon, a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...], * or the arguments passed can be all the points of the polygon e.g. `new Phaser.Polygon(new Phaser.Point(), new Phaser.Point(), ...)`, or the * arguments passed can be flat x,y values e.g. `new Phaser.Polygon(x,y, x,y, x,y, ...)` where `x` and `y` are numbers. * * @class Phaser.Polygon * @classdesc The polygon represents a list of orderded points in space * @constructor * @param {Array|Array} points - The array of Points. */ Phaser.Polygon = function (points) { /** * @property {number} type - The base object type. */ this.type = Phaser.POLYGON; this.points = points; }; Phaser.Polygon.prototype = { /** * Creates a copy of the given Polygon. * This is a deep clone, the resulting copy contains new Phaser.Point objects * * @method Phaser.Polygon#clone * @param {Phaser.Polygon} [output] Optional Polygon object. If given the values will be set into this object, otherwise a brand new Polygon object will be created and returned. * @return {Phaser.Polygon} The new Polygon object. */ clone: function (output) { var points = []; for (var i=0; i < this.points.length; i++) { points.push(this.points[i].clone()); } if (typeof output === "undefined" || output === null) { output = new Phaser.Polygon(points); } else { output.setTo(points); } return output; }, /** * Checks whether the x and y coordinates are contained within this polygon. * * @method Phaser.Polygon#contains * @param {number} x - The X value of the coordinate to test. * @param {number} y - The Y value of the coordinate to test. * @return {boolean} True if the coordinates are within this polygon, otherwise false. */ contains: function (x, y) { var inside = false; // use some raycasting to test hits https://github.com/substack/point-in-polygon/blob/master/index.js for (var i = 0, j = this.points.length - 1; i < this.points.length; j = i++) { var xi = this.points[i].x; var yi = this.points[i].y; var xj = this.points[j].x; var yj = this.points[j].y; var intersect = ((yi > y) !== (yj > y)) && (x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi); if (intersect) { inside = !inside; } } return inside; }, setTo : function(points) { this.points = points; return this; } }; Phaser.Polygon.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Polygon; /* * Sets and modifies the points of this polygon. * * @name Phaser.Polygon#points * @property {array|array} points - The array of vertex points */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Polygon.prototype, 'points', { get: function() { return this._points; }, set: function(points) { //if points isn't an array, use arguments as the array if (!(points instanceof Array)) { points = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); } //if this is a flat array of numbers, convert it to points if (typeof points[0] === 'number') { var p = []; for (var i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i += 2) { p.push(new Phaser.Point(points[i], points[i + 1])); } points = p; } this._points = points; } }); /** * Returns the area of the polygon. * * @name Phaser.Circle#right * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Polygon.prototype, 'area', { get: function() { var p1; var p2; var avgHeight; var width; var i; var y0 = Number.MAX_VALUE; var area = 0; // Find lowest boundary for (i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) { if (this.points[i].y < y0) { y0 = this.points[i].y; } } for (i = 0; i< this.points.length; i++) { p1 = this.points[i]; if (i === this.points.length - 1) { p2 = this.points[0]; } else { p2 = this.points[i+1]; } avgHeight = ((p1.y - y0) + (p2.y - y0)) / 2; width = p1.x - p2.x; area += avgHeight * width; } return area; } }); // Because PIXI uses its own Polygon, we'll replace it with ours to avoid duplicating code or confusion. PIXI.Polygon = Phaser.Polygon;