/// /// /// /// /// class GameObject extends Basic { constructor(game:Game, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, width?: number = 16, height?: number = 16) { super(game); this.bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); this.exists = true; this.active = true; this.visible = true; this.alive = true; this.isGroup = false; this.alpha = 1; this.scale = new Point(1, 1); this.last = new Point(x, y); this.origin = new Point(this.bounds.halfWidth, this.bounds.halfHeight); this.mass = 1.0; this.elasticity = 0.0; this.health = 1; this.immovable = false; this.moves = true; this.touching = GameObject.NONE; this.wasTouching = GameObject.NONE; this.allowCollisions = GameObject.ANY; this.velocity = new Point(); this.acceleration = new Point(); this.drag = new Point(); this.maxVelocity = new Point(10000, 10000); this.angle = 0; this.angularVelocity = 0; this.angularAcceleration = 0; this.angularDrag = 0; this.maxAngular = 10000; this.scrollFactor = new Point(1.0, 1.0); } private _angle: number = 0; public _point: Point; public static LEFT: number = 0x0001; public static RIGHT: number = 0x0010; public static UP: number = 0x0100; public static DOWN: number = 0x1000; public static NONE: number = 0; public static CEILING: number = GameObject.UP; public static FLOOR: number = GameObject.DOWN; public static WALL: number = GameObject.LEFT | GameObject.RIGHT; public static ANY: number = GameObject.LEFT | GameObject.RIGHT | GameObject.UP | GameObject.DOWN; public static OVERLAP_BIAS: number = 4; public bounds: Rectangle; public alpha: number; public scale: Point; public origin: Point; // Physics properties public immovable: bool; public velocity: Point; public mass: number; public elasticity: number; public acceleration: Point; public drag: Point; public maxVelocity: Point; public angularVelocity: number; public angularAcceleration: number; public angularDrag: number; public maxAngular: number; public scrollFactor: Point; public health: number; public moves: bool = true; public touching: number; public wasTouching: number; public allowCollisions: number; public last: Point; public preUpdate() { // flicker time this.last.x = this.bounds.x; this.last.y = this.bounds.y; } public update() { } public postUpdate() { if (this.moves) { this.updateMotion(); } this.wasTouching = this.touching; this.touching = GameObject.NONE; } private updateMotion() { var delta: number; var velocityDelta: number; velocityDelta = (this._game.math.computeVelocity(this.angularVelocity, this.angularAcceleration, this.angularDrag, this.maxAngular) - this.angularVelocity) / 2; this.angularVelocity += velocityDelta; this._angle += this.angularVelocity * this._game.time.elapsed; this.angularVelocity += velocityDelta; velocityDelta = (this._game.math.computeVelocity(this.velocity.x, this.acceleration.x, this.drag.x, this.maxVelocity.x) - this.velocity.x) / 2; this.velocity.x += velocityDelta; delta = this.velocity.x * this._game.time.elapsed; this.velocity.x += velocityDelta; this.bounds.x += delta; velocityDelta = (this._game.math.computeVelocity(this.velocity.y, this.acceleration.y, this.drag.y, this.maxVelocity.y) - this.velocity.y) / 2; this.velocity.y += velocityDelta; delta = this.velocity.y * this._game.time.elapsed; this.velocity.y += velocityDelta; this.bounds.y += delta; } /** * Checks to see if some GameObject overlaps this GameObject or FlxGroup. * If the group has a LOT of things in it, it might be faster to use FlxG.overlaps(). * WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks! * * @param ObjectOrGroup The object or group being tested. * @param InScreenSpace Whether to take scroll factors numbero account when checking for overlap. Default is false, or "only compare in world space." * @param Camera Specify which game camera you want. If null getScreenXY() will just grab the first global camera. * * @return Whether or not the two objects overlap. */ public overlaps(ObjectOrGroup, InScreenSpace: bool = false, Camera: Camera = null): bool { if (ObjectOrGroup.isGroup) { var results: bool = false; var i: number = 0; var members = ObjectOrGroup.members; while (i < length) { if (this.overlaps(members[i++], InScreenSpace, Camera)) { results = true; } } return results; } /* if (typeof ObjectOrGroup === 'FlxTilemap') { //Since tilemap's have to be the caller, not the target, to do proper tile-based collisions, // we redirect the call to the tilemap overlap here. return ObjectOrGroup.overlaps(this, InScreenSpace, Camera); } */ //var object: GameObject = ObjectOrGroup; if (!InScreenSpace) { return (ObjectOrGroup.x + ObjectOrGroup.width > this.x) && (ObjectOrGroup.x < this.x + this.width) && (ObjectOrGroup.y + ObjectOrGroup.height > this.y) && (ObjectOrGroup.y < this.y + this.height); } if (Camera == null) { Camera = this._game.camera; } var objectScreenPos: Point = ObjectOrGroup.getScreenXY(null, Camera); this.getScreenXY(this._point, Camera); return (objectScreenPos.x + ObjectOrGroup.width > this._point.x) && (objectScreenPos.x < this._point.x + this.width) && (objectScreenPos.y + ObjectOrGroup.height > this._point.y) && (objectScreenPos.y < this._point.y + this.height); } /** * Checks to see if this GameObject were located at the given position, would it overlap the GameObject or FlxGroup? * This is distinct from overlapsPoint(), which just checks that ponumber, rather than taking the object's size numbero account. * WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks! * * @param X The X position you want to check. Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here. * @param Y The Y position you want to check. Pretends this object (the caller, not the parameter) is located here. * @param ObjectOrGroup The object or group being tested. * @param InScreenSpace Whether to take scroll factors numbero account when checking for overlap. Default is false, or "only compare in world space." * @param Camera Specify which game camera you want. If null getScreenXY() will just grab the first global camera. * * @return Whether or not the two objects overlap. */ public overlapsAt(X: number, Y: number, ObjectOrGroup, InScreenSpace: bool = false, Camera: Camera = null): bool { if (ObjectOrGroup.isGroup) { var results: bool = false; var basic; var i: number = 0; var members = ObjectOrGroup.members; while (i < length) { if (this.overlapsAt(X, Y, members[i++], InScreenSpace, Camera)) { results = true; } } return results; } /* if (typeof ObjectOrGroup === 'FlxTilemap') { //Since tilemap's have to be the caller, not the target, to do proper tile-based collisions, // we redirect the call to the tilemap overlap here. //However, since this is overlapsAt(), we also have to invent the appropriate position for the tilemap. //So we calculate the offset between the player and the requested position, and subtract that from the tilemap. var tilemap: FlxTilemap = ObjectOrGroup; return tilemap.overlapsAt(tilemap.x - (X - this.x), tilemap.y - (Y - this.y), this, InScreenSpace, Camera); } */ //var object: GameObject = ObjectOrGroup; if (!InScreenSpace) { return (ObjectOrGroup.x + ObjectOrGroup.width > X) && (ObjectOrGroup.x < X + this.width) && (ObjectOrGroup.y + ObjectOrGroup.height > Y) && (ObjectOrGroup.y < Y + this.height); } if (Camera == null) { Camera = this._game.camera; } var objectScreenPos: Point = ObjectOrGroup.getScreenXY(null, Camera); this._point.x = X - Camera.scroll.x * this.scrollFactor.x; //copied from getScreenXY() this._point.y = Y - Camera.scroll.y * this.scrollFactor.y; this._point.x += (this._point.x > 0) ? 0.0000001 : -0.0000001; this._point.y += (this._point.y > 0) ? 0.0000001 : -0.0000001; return (objectScreenPos.x + ObjectOrGroup.width > this._point.x) && (objectScreenPos.x < this._point.x + this.width) && (objectScreenPos.y + ObjectOrGroup.height > this._point.y) && (objectScreenPos.y < this._point.y + this.height); } /** * Checks to see if a ponumber in 2D world space overlaps this GameObject object. * * @param Point The ponumber in world space you want to check. * @param InScreenSpace Whether to take scroll factors numbero account when checking for overlap. * @param Camera Specify which game camera you want. If null getScreenXY() will just grab the first global camera. * * @return Whether or not the ponumber overlaps this object. */ public overlapsPoint(point: Point, InScreenSpace: bool = false, Camera: Camera = null): bool { if (!InScreenSpace) { return (point.x > this.x) && (point.x < this.x + this.width) && (point.y > this.y) && (point.y < this.y + this.height); } if (Camera == null) { Camera = this._game.camera; } var X: number = point.x - Camera.scroll.x; var Y: number = point.y - Camera.scroll.y; this.getScreenXY(this._point, Camera); return (X > this._point.x) && (X < this._point.x + this.width) && (Y > this._point.y) && (Y < this._point.y + this.height); } /** * Check and see if this object is currently on screen. * * @param Camera Specify which game camera you want. If null getScreenXY() will just grab the first global camera. * * @return Whether the object is on screen or not. */ public onScreen(Camera: Camera = null): bool { if (Camera == null) { Camera = this._game.camera; } this.getScreenXY(this._point, Camera); return (this._point.x + this.width > 0) && (this._point.x < Camera.width) && (this._point.y + this.height > 0) && (this._point.y < Camera.height); } /** * Call this to figure out the on-screen position of the object. * * @param Camera Specify which game camera you want. If null getScreenXY() will just grab the first global camera. * @param Point Takes a Point object and assigns the post-scrolled X and Y values of this object to it. * * @return The Point you passed in, or a new Point if you didn't pass one, containing the screen X and Y position of this object. */ public getScreenXY(point: Point = null, Camera: Camera = null): Point { if (point == null) { point = new Point(); } if (Camera == null) { Camera = this._game.camera; } point.x = this.x - Camera.scroll.x * this.scrollFactor.x; point.y = this.y - Camera.scroll.y * this.scrollFactor.y; point.x += (point.x > 0) ? 0.0000001 : -0.0000001; point.y += (point.y > 0) ? 0.0000001 : -0.0000001; return point; } /** * Whether the object collides or not. For more control over what directions * the object will collide from, use collision constants (like LEFT, FLOOR, etc) * to set the value of allowCollisions directly. */ public get solid(): bool { return (this.allowCollisions & GameObject.ANY) > GameObject.NONE; } /** * @private */ public set solid(Solid: bool) { if (Solid) { this.allowCollisions = GameObject.ANY; } else { this.allowCollisions = GameObject.NONE; } } /** * Retrieve the midponumber of this object in world coordinates. * * @Point Allows you to pass in an existing Point object if you're so inclined. Otherwise a new one is created. * * @return A Point object containing the midponumber of this object in world coordinates. */ public getMidpoint(point: Point = null): Point { if (point == null) { point = new Point(); } point.x = this.x + this.width * 0.5; point.y = this.y + this.height * 0.5; return point; } /** * Handy for reviving game objects. * Resets their existence flags and position. * * @param X The new X position of this object. * @param Y The new Y position of this object. */ public reset(X: number, Y: number) { this.revive(); this.touching = GameObject.NONE; this.wasTouching = GameObject.NONE; this.x = X; this.y = Y; this.last.x = X; this.last.y = Y; this.velocity.x = 0; this.velocity.y = 0; } /** * Handy for checking if this object is touching a particular surface. * For slightly better performance you can just & the value directly numbero touching. * However, this method is good for readability and accessibility. * * @param Direction Any of the collision flags (e.g. LEFT, FLOOR, etc). * * @return Whether the object is touching an object in (any of) the specified direction(s) this frame. */ public isTouching(Direction: number): bool { return (this.touching & Direction) > GameObject.NONE; } /** * Handy for checking if this object is just landed on a particular surface. * * @param Direction Any of the collision flags (e.g. LEFT, FLOOR, etc). * * @return Whether the object just landed on (any of) the specified surface(s) this frame. */ public justTouched(Direction: number): bool { return ((this.touching & Direction) > GameObject.NONE) && ((this.wasTouching & Direction) <= GameObject.NONE); } /** * Reduces the "health" variable of this sprite by the amount specified in Damage. * Calls kill() if health drops to or below zero. * * @param Damage How much health to take away (use a negative number to give a health bonus). */ public hurt(Damage: number) { this.health = this.health - Damage; if (this.health <= 0) { this.kill(); } } public destroy() { } public get x(): number { return this.bounds.x; } public set x(value: number) { this.bounds.x = value; } public get y(): number { return this.bounds.y; } public set y(value: number) { this.bounds.y = value; } public get rotation(): number { return this._angle; } public set rotation(value: number) { this._angle = this._game.math.wrap(value, 360, 0); } public get angle(): number { return this._angle; } public set angle(value: number) { this._angle = this._game.math.wrap(value, 360, 0); } public get width(): number { return this.bounds.width; } public get height(): number { return this.bounds.height; } }