/** * Original shader from http://glsl.heroku.com/e#9213.0 * Tweaked, uniforms added and converted to Phaser/PIXI by Richard Davey */ Phaser.Filter.Marble = function (game) { Phaser.Filter.call(this, game); this.uniforms.alpha = { type: '1f', value: 1.0 } // Drives speed, higher number will make it slower. this.uniforms.fluid_speed = { type: '1f', value: 10.0 } this.uniforms.color_intensity = { type: '1f', value: 0.30 } // The fragment shader source this.fragmentSrc = [ "precision mediump float;", "uniform vec2 resolution;", "uniform float time;", "uniform vec2 mouse;", "uniform float alpha;", "uniform float fluid_speed;", "uniform float color_intensity;", "const int complexity = 40; // More points of color.", "const float mouse_factor = 25.0; // Makes it more/less jumpy.", "const float mouse_offset = 5.0; // Drives complexity in the amount of curls/cuves. Zero is a single whirlpool.", "const float Pi = 3.14159;", "float sinApprox(float x) {", "x = Pi + (2.0 * Pi) * floor(x / (2.0 * Pi)) - x;", "return (4.0 / Pi) * x - (4.0 / Pi / Pi) * x * abs(x);", "}", "float cosApprox(float x) {", "return sinApprox(x + 0.5 * Pi);", "}", "void main()", "{", "vec2 p=(2.0*gl_FragCoord.xy-resolution)/max(resolution.x,resolution.y);", "for(int i=1;i