/// <reference path="../_definitions.ts" /> /** * Animation * * An Animation instance contains a single animation and the controls to play it. * It is created by the AnimationManager and belongs to Game Objects such as Sprite. * * @package Phaser.Animation * @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com> * @copyright 2013 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt MIT License */ module Phaser { export class Animation { /** * Animation constructor * Create a new <code>Animation</code>. * * @param parent {Sprite} Owner sprite of this animation. * @param frameData {FrameData} The FrameData object contains animation data. * @param name {string} Unique name of this animation. * @param frames {number[]/string[]} An array of numbers or strings indicating what frames to play in what order. * @param delay {number} Time between frames in ms. * @param looped {bool} Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once. */ constructor(game: Game, parent: Sprite, frameData: FrameData, name: string, frames, delay: number, looped: bool) { this.game = game; this._parent = parent; this._frames = frames; this._frameData = frameData; this.name = name; this.delay = 1000 / delay; this.looped = looped; this.isFinished = false; this.isPlaying = false; this._frameIndex = 0; this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]); } public game: Phaser.Game; /** * Local private reference to its owner sprite. * @type {Sprite} */ private _parent: Sprite; /** * Animation frame container. * @type {number[]} */ private _frames: number[]; /** * Frame data of this animation.(parsed from sprite sheet) * @type {FrameData} */ private _frameData: FrameData; /** * Index of current frame. * @type {number} */ private _frameIndex: number; /** * Time when switched to last frame (in ms). * @type number */ private _timeLastFrame: number; /** * Time when this will switch to next frame (in ms). * @type number */ private _timeNextFrame: number; /** * Name of this animation. * @type {string} */ public name: string; /** * Currently played frame instance. * @type {Frame} */ public currentFrame: Frame; /** * Whether or not this animation finished playing. * @type {bool} */ public isFinished: bool; /** * Whethor or not this animation is currently playing. * @type {bool} */ public isPlaying: bool; /** * Whether or not the animation is looped. * @type {bool} */ public looped: bool; /** * Time between frames in ms. * @type {number} */ public delay: number; public get frameTotal(): number { return this._frames.length; } public get frame(): number { if (this.currentFrame !== null) { return this.currentFrame.index; } else { return this._frameIndex; } } public set frame(value: number) { this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(value); if (this.currentFrame !== null) { this._parent.texture.width = this.currentFrame.width; this._parent.texture.height = this.currentFrame.height; this._frameIndex = value; } } /** * Play this animation. * @param frameRate {number} FrameRate you want to specify instead of using default. * @param loop {bool} Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once. */ public play(frameRate: number = null, loop: bool = null) { if (frameRate !== null) { this.delay = 1000 / frameRate; } if (loop !== null) { // If they set a new loop value then use it, otherwise use the default set on creation this.looped = loop; } this.isPlaying = true; this.isFinished = false; this._timeLastFrame = this.game.time.now; this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.now + this.delay; this._frameIndex = 0; this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]); this._parent.events.onAnimationStart.dispatch(this._parent, this); return this; } /** * Play this animation from the first frame. */ public restart() { this.isPlaying = true; this.isFinished = false; this._timeLastFrame = this.game.time.now; this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.now + this.delay; this._frameIndex = 0; this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]); } /** * Stop playing animation and set it finished. */ public stop() { this.isPlaying = false; this.isFinished = true; } /** * Update animation frames. */ public update(): bool { if (this.isPlaying == true && this.game.time.now >= this._timeNextFrame) { this._frameIndex++; if (this._frameIndex == this._frames.length) { if (this.looped) { this._frameIndex = 0; this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]); this._parent.events.onAnimationLoop.dispatch(this._parent, this); } else { this.onComplete(); } } else { this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]); } this._timeLastFrame = this.game.time.now; this._timeNextFrame = this.game.time.now + this.delay; return true; } return false; } /** * Clean up animation memory. */ public destroy() { this.game = null; this._parent = null; this._frames = null; this._frameData = null; this.currentFrame = null; this.isPlaying = false; } /** * Animation complete callback method. */ private onComplete() { this.isPlaying = false; this.isFinished = true; this._parent.events.onAnimationComplete.dispatch(this._parent, this); } } }