var GetBounds = function (transform) { transform.updateAncestors(); var min = Math.min; var max = Math.max; var parent = transform.parent; var matrix = (parent) ? :; var bounds = {}; var frame = transform.gameObject.frame; var width = frame ? frame.cutWidth : 0; var height = frame ? frame.cutHeight : 0; var children = transform.children; var x0 = transform._posX + transform._pivotX; var y0 = transform._posY + transform._pivotY; var x1 = x0 + width; var y1 = y0 + height; // Apply transformation to every corner of our AABB var topLeftX = x0 * matrix.a + y0 * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var topLeftY = x0 * matrix.b + y0 * matrix.d + matrix.ty; var topRightX = x1 * matrix.a + y0 * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var topRightY = x1 * matrix.b + y0 * matrix.d + matrix.ty; var bottomLeftX = x0 * matrix.a + y1 * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var bottomLeftY = x0 * matrix.b + y1 * matrix.d + matrix.ty; var bottomRightX = x1 * matrix.a + y1 * matrix.c + matrix.tx; var bottomRightY = x1 * matrix.b + y1 * matrix.d + matrix.ty; // Get the minimum bounding rectangle var xMin = min(topLeftX, topRightX, bottomLeftX, bottomRightX); var xMax = max(topLeftX, topRightX, bottomLeftX, bottomRightX); var yMin = min(topLeftY, topRightY, bottomLeftY, bottomRightY); var yMax = max(topLeftY, topRightY, bottomLeftY, bottomRightY); var index; var childBounds; var tx; var ty; var tw; var th; var length = children.length; bounds.x = xMin; bounds.y = yMin; bounds.width = xMax - xMin; bounds.height = yMax - yMin; if ((width === 0 || height === 0) && length > 0) { index = 1; // The current game object doesn't have a size so we skip it. bounds = children[0].getBounds(); } for (; index < length; ++index) { childBounds = children[index].getBounds(); // Wrap around the child bounds tx = min(childBounds.x, bounds.x); ty = min(childBounds.y, bounds.y); tw = max(childBounds.x + childBounds.width, bounds.x + bounds.width) - tx; th = max(childBounds.y + childBounds.height, bounds.y + bounds.height) - ty; bounds.x = tx; bounds.y = ty; bounds.width = tw; bounds.height = th; } return bounds; }; module.exports = GetBounds;