/// /// /** * Phaser - Plugins - Camera FX - Border * * Creates a border around a camera. */ module Phaser.Plugins.CameraFX { export class Border extends Phaser.Plugin { constructor(game: Phaser.Game, parent) { super(game, parent); this.camera = parent; } public camera: Phaser.Camera; /** * Whether render border of this camera or not. (default is true) * @type {bool} */ public showBorder: bool = true; /** * Color of border of this camera. (in css color string) * @type {string} */ public borderColor: string = 'rgb(255,255,255)'; public postRender() { if (this.showBorder == true) { this.game.stage.context.strokeStyle = this.borderColor; this.game.stage.context.lineWidth = 1; this.game.stage.context.rect(this.camera.x, this.camera.y, this.camera.width, this.camera.height); this.game.stage.context.stroke(); } } } }