Source: tilemap/Tileset.js

* @author       Richard Davey <>
* @copyright    2014 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license      {@link|MIT License}

* A Tile set is a combination of an image containing the tiles and collision data per tile.
* You should not normally instantiate this class directly.
* @class Phaser.Tileset
* @constructor
* @param {string} name - The name of the tileset in the map data.
* @param {number} firstgid - The Tiled firstgid value. In non-Tiled data this should be considered the starting index value of the first tile in this set.
* @param {number} [width=32] - Width of each tile in pixels.
* @param {number} [height=32] - Height of each tile in pixels.
* @param {number} [margin=0] - The amount of margin around the tilesheet.
* @param {number} [spacing=0] - The amount of spacing between each tile in the sheet.
* @param {object} [properties] - Tileset properties.
Phaser.Tileset = function (name, firstgid, width, height, margin, spacing, properties) {

    if (typeof width === 'undefined' || width <= 0) { width = 32; }
    if (typeof height === 'undefined' || height <= 0) { height = 32; }
    if (typeof margin === 'undefined') { margin = 0; }
    if (typeof spacing === 'undefined') { spacing = 0; }

    * @property {string} name - The name of the Tileset.
    */ = name;

    * @property {number} firstgid - The Tiled firstgid value. In non-Tiled data this should be considered the starting index value of the first tile in this set.
    this.firstgid = firstgid;

    * @property {number} tileWidth - The width of a tile in pixels.
    this.tileWidth = width;

    * @property {number} tileHeight - The height of a tile in pixels.
    this.tileHeight = height;

    * @property {number} tileMargin - The margin around the tiles in the tileset.
    this.tileMargin = margin;

    * @property {number} tileSpacing - The spacing in pixels between each tile in the tileset.
    this.tileSpacing = spacing;

    * @property {object} properties - Tileset specific properties (typically defined in the Tiled editor).
    */ = properties;

    * @property {object} image - The image used for rendering. This is a reference to the image stored in Phaser.Cache.
    this.image = null;

    * @property {number} rows - The number of rows in the tile sheet.
    this.rows = 0;

    * @property {number} columns - The number of columns in the tile sheet.
    this.columns = 0;

    * @property {number} total - The total number of tiles in the tilesheet.
    */ = 0;

    * @property {array} draw - The tile drawImage look-up table
    * @private
    this.drawCoords = [];


Phaser.Tileset.prototype = {

    * Draws a tile from this Tileset at the given coordinates on the context.
    * @method Phaser.Tileset#draw
    * @param {HTMLCanvasContext} context - The context to draw the tile onto.
    * @param {number} x - The x coordinate to draw to.
    * @param {number} y - The y coordinate to draw to.
    * @param {number} index - The index of the tile within the set to draw.
    draw: function (context, x, y, index) {

        if (!this.image || !this.drawCoords[index])



    * Adds a reference from this Tileset to an Image stored in the Phaser.Cache.
    * @method Phaser.Tileset#setImage
    * @param {Image} image - The image this tileset will use to draw with.
    setImage: function (image) {

        this.image = image;

        this.rows = Math.round((image.height - this.tileMargin) / (this.tileHeight + this.tileSpacing));
        this.columns = Math.round((image.width - this.tileMargin) / (this.tileWidth + this.tileSpacing)); = this.rows * this.columns;

        //  Create the index look-up
        this.drawCoords.length = 0;

        var tx = this.tileMargin;
        var ty = this.tileMargin;
        var i = this.firstgid;

        for (var y = 0; y < this.rows; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < this.columns; x++)
                this.drawCoords[i] = [ tx, ty ];
                tx += this.tileWidth + this.tileSpacing;

            tx = this.tileMargin;
            ty += this.tileHeight + this.tileSpacing;


    * Sets tile spacing and margins.
    * @method Phaser.Tileset#setSpacing
    * @param {number} [tileMargin] - The margin around the tiles in the sheet.
    * @param {number} [tileSpacing] - The spacing between the tiles in the sheet.
    setSpacing: function (margin, spacing) {

        this.tileMargin = margin;
        this.tileSpacing = spacing;




Phaser.Tileset.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Tileset;
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