var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var GameObject = require('../GameObject'); var Components = require('../../components'); var Render = require('./EffectLayerRender'); var TexturedAndNormalizedTintedShader = require('../../renderer/webgl/shaders/TexturedAndNormalizedTintedShader'); // EffectLayer renders all elements on the layer to an offscreen render target // and then when rendering the color buffer of that render target to the main screen // it applies the effect layer shader. var EffectLayer = new Class({ Extends: GameObject, Mixins: [ Components.Alpha, Components.BlendMode, Components.Flip, Components.GetBounds, Components.Origin, Components.RenderTarget, Components.ScaleMode, Components.Size, Components.Transform, Components.Visible, Render ], initialize: function EffectLayer (state, x, y, width, height, effectName, fragmentShader) {, state, 'EffectLayer'); var resourceManager =; var gl; this.dstRenderTarget = null; this.renderTexture = null; this.dstShader = null; this.uniforms = {}; if (resourceManager !== undefined) { gl =; this.dstShader = resourceManager.createShader(effectName, { vert: TexturedAndNormalizedTintedShader.vert, frag: fragmentShader }); this.renderTexture = resourceManager.createTexture( 0, gl.LINEAR, gl.LINEAR, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, gl.RGBA, null, width, height ); this.dstRenderTarget = resourceManager.createRenderTarget(width, height, this.renderTexture, null); = null; // force rebinding of prev texture } this.flipY = true; this.setPosition(x, y); this.setSize(width, height); this.setOrigin(0, 0); }, renderOffScreen: function () { this.renderTarget = this.dstRenderTarget; }, renderOnScreen: function () { this.renderTarget = null; }, add: function (gameObject) { if (gameObject.renderTarget !== undefined) { gameObject.renderTarget = this.dstRenderTarget; } }, remove: function (gameObject) { if (gameObject.renderTarget !== undefined) { gameObject.renderTarget = null; } }, getUniformLocation: function (uniformName) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; var uniforms = this.uniforms; var location; if (uniformName in uniforms) { location = uniforms[uniformName]; } else { location = dstShader.getUniformLocation(uniformName); uniforms[uniformName] = location; } return location; }, setFloat: function (uniformName, x) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantFloat1(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x); }, setFloat2: function (uniformName, x, y) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantFloat2(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x, y); }, setFloat3: function (uniformName, x, y, z) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantFloat3(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x, y, z); }, setFloat4: function (uniformName, x, y, z, w) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantFloat4(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x, y, z, w); }, setInt: function (uniformName, x) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantInt1(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x); }, setInt2: function (uniformName, x, y) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantInt2(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x, y); }, setInt3: function (uniformName, x, y, z) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantInt3(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x, y, z); }, setInt4: function (uniformName, x, y, z, w) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantInt4(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), x, y, z, w); }, setMatrix2x2: function (uniformName, matrix) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantMatrix2x2(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), matrix); }, setMatrix3x3: function (uniformName, matrix) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantMatrix3x3(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), matrix); }, setMatrix4x4: function (uniformName, matrix) { var dstShader = this.dstShader; if (dstShader === null) { return; } dstShader.setConstantMatrix4x4(this.getUniformLocation(uniformName), matrix); } }); module.exports = EffectLayer;