/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2019 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT|MIT License} */ var Pick = require('./Pick'); var ParseGID = require('./ParseGID'); var copyPoints = function (p) { return { x: p.x, y: p.y }; }; var commonObjectProps = [ 'id', 'name', 'type', 'rotation', 'properties', 'visible', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height' ]; /** * Convert a Tiled object to an internal parsed object normalising and copying properties over, while applying optional x and y offsets. The parsed object will always have the properties `id`, `name`, `type`, `rotation`, `properties`, `visible`, `x`, `y`, `width` and `height`. Other properties will be added according to the object type (such as text, polyline, gid etc.) * * @function Phaser.Tilemaps.Parsers.Tiled.ParseObject * @since 3.0.0 * * @param {object} tiledObject - Tiled object to convert to an internal parsed object normalising and copying properties over. * @param {number} [offsetX=0] - Optional additional offset to apply to the object's x property. Defaults to 0. * @param {number} [offsetY=0] - Optional additional offset to apply to the object's y property. Defaults to 0. * * @return {object} The parsed object containing properties read from the Tiled object according to it's type with x and y values updated according to the given offsets. */ var ParseObject = function (tiledObject, offsetX, offsetY) { if (offsetX === undefined) { offsetX = 0; } if (offsetY === undefined) { offsetY = 0; } var parsedObject = Pick(tiledObject, commonObjectProps); parsedObject.x += offsetX; parsedObject.y += offsetY; if (tiledObject.gid) { // Object tiles var gidInfo = ParseGID(tiledObject.gid); parsedObject.gid = gidInfo.gid; parsedObject.flippedHorizontal = gidInfo.flippedHorizontal; parsedObject.flippedVertical = gidInfo.flippedVertical; parsedObject.flippedAntiDiagonal = gidInfo.flippedAntiDiagonal; } else if (tiledObject.polyline) { parsedObject.polyline = tiledObject.polyline.map(copyPoints); } else if (tiledObject.polygon) { parsedObject.polygon = tiledObject.polygon.map(copyPoints); } else if (tiledObject.ellipse) { parsedObject.ellipse = tiledObject.ellipse; parsedObject.width = tiledObject.width; parsedObject.height = tiledObject.height; } else if (tiledObject.text) { parsedObject.width = tiledObject.width; parsedObject.height = tiledObject.height; parsedObject.text = tiledObject.text; } else { // Otherwise, assume it is a rectangle parsedObject.rectangle = true; parsedObject.width = tiledObject.width; parsedObject.height = tiledObject.height; } return parsedObject; }; module.exports = ParseObject;