var BlendModes = require('../../renderer/BlendModes'); var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var Components = require('../components'); var DeathZone = require('./zones/DeathZone'); var EdgeZone = require('./zones/EdgeZone'); var EmitterOp = require('./EmitterOp'); var GetFastValue = require('../../utils/object/GetFastValue'); var GetRandomElement = require('../../utils/array/GetRandomElement'); var GetValue = require('../../utils/object/GetValue'); var HasValue = require('../../utils/object/HasValue'); var HasAny = require('../../utils/object/HasAny'); var Particle = require('./Particle'); var RandomZone = require('./zones/RandomZone'); var Rectangle = require('../../geom/rectangle/Rectangle'); var StableSort = require('../../utils/array/StableSort'); var Vector2 = require('../../math/Vector2'); var Wrap = require('../../math/Wrap'); var ParticleEmitter = new Class({ Mixins: [ Components.BlendMode, Components.ScrollFactor, Components.Visible ], initialize: function ParticleEmitter (manager, config) { this.manager = manager; this.texture = manager.texture; this.frames = [ manager.defaultFrame ]; this.defaultFrame = manager.defaultFrame; this.configFastMap = [ 'active', 'blendMode', 'collideBottom', 'collideLeft', 'collideRight', 'collideTop', 'deathCallback', 'deathCallbackScope', 'emitCallback', 'emitCallbackScope', 'follow', 'frequency', 'gravityX', 'gravityY', 'maxParticles', 'name', 'on', 'particleBringToTop', 'particleClass', 'radial', 'timeScale', 'trackVisible', 'visible' ]; this.configOpMap = [ 'accelerationX', 'accelerationY', 'alpha', 'bounce', 'delay', 'lifespan', 'maxVelocityX', 'maxVelocityY', 'moveToX', 'moveToY', 'quantity', 'rotate', 'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'speedX', 'speedY', 'tint', 'x', 'y' ]; = ''; this.particleClass = Particle; this.x = new EmitterOp(config, 'x', 0); this.y = new EmitterOp(config, 'y', 0); // A radial emitter will emit particles in all directions between angle min and max, using speed as the value // A point emitter will emit particles only in the direction derived from the speedX and speedY values this.radial = true; this.gravityX = 0; this.gravityY = 0; this.acceleration = false; this.accelerationX = new EmitterOp(config, 'accelerationX', 0, true); this.accelerationY = new EmitterOp(config, 'accelerationY', 0, true); this.maxVelocityX = new EmitterOp(config, 'maxVelocityX', 10000, true); this.maxVelocityY = new EmitterOp(config, 'maxVelocityY', 10000, true); this.speedX = new EmitterOp(config, 'speedX', 0, true); this.speedY = new EmitterOp(config, 'speedY', 0, true); this.moveTo = false; this.moveToX = new EmitterOp(config, 'moveToX', 0, true); this.moveToY = new EmitterOp(config, 'moveToY', 0, true); this.bounce = new EmitterOp(config, 'bounce', 0, true); this.scaleX = new EmitterOp(config, 'scaleX', 1); this.scaleY = new EmitterOp(config, 'scaleY', 1); this.tint = new EmitterOp(config, 'tint', 0xffffffff); this.alpha = new EmitterOp(config, 'alpha', 1); this.lifespan = new EmitterOp(config, 'lifespan', 1000); this.angle = new EmitterOp(config, 'angle', { min: 0, max: 360 }); this.rotate = new EmitterOp(config, 'rotate', 0); this.emitCallback = null; this.emitCallbackScope = null; this.deathCallback = null; this.deathCallbackScope = null; // Set to hard limit the amount of particle objects this emitter is allowed to create. 0 means unlimited. this.maxParticles = 0; // How many particles are emitted each time the emitter updates this.quantity = new EmitterOp(config, 'quantity', 1, true); // How many ms to wait after emission before the particles start updating this.delay = new EmitterOp(config, 'delay', 0, true); // How often a particle is emitted in ms (if emitter is a constant / flow emitter) // If emitter is an explosion emitter this value will be -1. // Anything > -1 sets this to be a flow emitter this.frequency = 0; // Controls if the emitter is currently emitting particles. Already alive particles will continue to update until they expire. this.on = true; // Newly emitted particles are added to the top of the particle list, i.e. rendered above those already alive. Set to false to send them to the back. this.particleBringToTop = true; this.timeScale = 1; this.emitZone = null; this.deathZone = null; this.bounds = null; this.collideLeft = true; this.collideRight = true; this.collideTop = true; this.collideBottom = true; = true; this.visible = true; this.blendMode = BlendModes.NORMAL; this.follow = null; this.followOffset = new Vector2(); this.trackVisible = false; this.currentFrame = 0; this.randomFrame = true; this.frameQuantity = 1; // private this.dead = []; this.alive = []; this._counter = 0; this._frameCounter = 0; if (config) { this.fromJSON(config); } }, fromJSON: function (config) { if (!config) { return this; } // Only update properties from their current state if they exist in the given config var i = 0; var key = ''; for (i = 0; i < this.configFastMap.length; i++) { key = this.configFastMap[i]; if (HasValue(config, key)) { this[key] = GetFastValue(config, key); } } for (i = 0; i < this.configOpMap.length; i++) { key = this.configOpMap[i]; if (HasValue(config, key)) { this[key].loadConfig(config); } } this.acceleration = (this.accelerationX.propertyValue !== 0 || this.accelerationY.propertyValue !== 0); this.moveTo = (this.moveToX.propertyValue !== 0 || this.moveToY.propertyValue !== 0); // Special 'speed' override if (HasValue(config, 'speed')) { this.speedX.loadConfig(config, 'speed'); this.speedY = null; } // If you specify speedX, speedY ot moveTo then it changes the emitter from radial to a point emitter if (HasAny(config, [ 'speedX', 'speedY' ]) || this.moveTo) { this.radial = false; } // Special 'scale' override if (HasValue(config, 'scale')) { this.scaleX.loadConfig(config, 'scale'); this.scaleY = null; } if (HasValue(config, 'callbackScope')) { var callbackScope = GetFastValue(config, 'callbackScope', null); this.emitCallbackScope = callbackScope; this.deathCallbackScope = callbackScope; } if (HasValue(config, 'emitZone')) { this.setEmitZone(config.emitZone); } if (HasValue(config, 'deathZone')) { this.setDeathZone(config.deathZone); } if (HasValue(config, 'bounds')) { this.setBounds(config.bounds); } if (HasValue(config, 'followOffset')) { this.followOffset.setFromObject(GetFastValue(config, 'followOffset', 0)); } if (HasValue(config, 'frame')) { this.setFrame(config.frame); } return this; }, toJSON: function (output) { if (output === undefined) { output = {}; } var i = 0; var key = ''; for (i = 0; i < this.configFastMap.length; i++) { key = this.configFastMap[i]; output[key] = this[key]; } for (i = 0; i < this.configOpMap.length; i++) { key = this.configOpMap[i]; if (this[key]) { output[key] = this[key].toJSON(); } } // special handlers if (!this.speedY) { delete output.speedX; output.speed = this.speedX.toJSON(); } if (!this.scaleY) { delete output.scaleX; output.scale = this.scaleX.toJSON(); } return output; }, startFollow: function (target, offsetX, offsetY, trackVisible) { if (offsetX === undefined) { offsetX = 0; } if (offsetY === undefined) { offsetY = 0; } if (trackVisible === undefined) { trackVisible = false; } this.follow = target; this.followOffset.set(offsetX, offsetY); this.trackVisible = trackVisible; return this; }, stopFollow: function () { this.follow = null; this.followOffset.set(0, 0); this.trackVisible = false; return this; }, getFrame: function () { if (this.frames.length === 1) { return this.defaultFrame; } else if (this.randomFrame) { return GetRandomElement(this.frames); } else { var frame = this.frames[this.currentFrame]; this._frameCounter++; if (this._frameCounter === this.frameQuantity) { this._frameCounter = 0; this.currentFrame = Wrap(this.currentFrame + 1, 0, this._frameLength); } return frame; } }, // frame: 0 // frame: 'red' // frame: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] // frame: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'white' ] // frame: { frames: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'white' ], [cycle: bool], [quantity: int] } setFrame: function (frames, pickRandom, quantity) { if (pickRandom === undefined) { pickRandom = true; } if (quantity === undefined) { quantity = 1; } this.randomFrame = pickRandom; this.frameQuantity = quantity; this.currentFrame = 0; this._frameCounter = 0; var t = typeof (frames); if (Array.isArray(frames) || t === 'string' || t === 'number') { this.manager.setEmitterFrames(frames, this); } else if (t === 'object') { var frameConfig = frames; var frames = GetFastValue(frameConfig, 'frames', null); if (frames) { this.manager.setEmitterFrames(frames, this); } var isCycle = GetFastValue(frameConfig, 'cycle', false); this.randomFrame = (isCycle) ? false : true; this.frameQuantity = GetFastValue(frameConfig, 'quantity', quantity); } this._frameLength = this.frames.length; if (this._frameLength === 1) { this.frameQuantity = 1; this.randomFrame = false; } return this; }, setRadial: function (value) { if (value === undefined) { value = true; } this.radial = value; return this; }, setPosition: function (x, y) { this.x.onChange(x); this.y.onChange(y); return this; }, setBounds: function (x, y, width, height) { if (typeof x === 'object') { var obj = x; var x = obj.x; var y = obj.y; var width = (HasValue(obj, 'w')) ? obj.w : obj.width; var height = (HasValue(obj, 'h')) ? obj.h : obj.height; } if (this.bounds) { this.bounds.setTo(x, y, width, height); } else { this.bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } return this; }, // Particle Emission setSpeedX: function (value) { this.speedX.onChange(value); // If you specify speedX and Y then it changes the emitter from radial to a point emitter this.radial = false; return this; }, setSpeedY: function (value) { if (this.speedY) { this.speedY.onChange(value); // If you specify speedX and Y then it changes the emitter from radial to a point emitter this.radial = false; } return this; }, setSpeed: function (value) { this.speedX.onChange(value); this.speedY = null; // If you specify speedX and Y then it changes the emitter from radial to a point emitter this.radial = true; return this; }, setScaleX: function (value) { this.scaleX.onChange(value); return this; }, setScaleY: function (value) { this.scaleY.onChange(value); return this; }, setScale: function (value) { this.scaleX.onChange(value); this.scaleY = null; return this; }, setGravityX: function (value) { this.gravityX = value; return this; }, setGravityY: function (value) { this.gravityY = value; return this; }, setGravity: function (x, y) { this.gravityX = x; this.gravityY = y; return this; }, setAlpha: function (value) { this.alpha.onChange(value); return this; }, setEmitterAngle: function (value) { this.angle.onChange(value); return this; }, setAngle: function (value) { this.angle.onChange(value); return this; }, setLifespan: function (value) { this.lifespan.onChange(value); return this; }, setQuantity: function (quantity) { this.quantity.onChange(quantity); return this; }, setFrequency: function (frequency, quantity) { this.frequency = frequency; this._counter = 0; if (quantity) { this.quantity.onChange(quantity); } return this; }, // The zone must have a function called `getPoint` that takes a particle object and sets // its x and y properties accordingly then returns that object setEmitZone: function (zoneConfig) { if (zoneConfig === undefined) { this.emitZone = null; } else { // Where source = Geom like Circle, or a Path or Curve // emitZone: { type: 'random', source: X } // emitZone: { type: 'edge', source: X, quantity: 32, [stepRate=0], [yoyo=false], [seamless=true] } var type = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'type', 'random'); var source = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'source', null); if (source && typeof source.getPoint === 'function') { switch (type) { case 'random': this.emitZone = new RandomZone(source); break; case 'edge': var quantity = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'quantity', 1); var stepRate = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'stepRate', 0); var yoyo = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'yoyo', false); var seamless = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'seamless', true); this.emitZone = new EdgeZone(source, quantity, stepRate, yoyo, seamless); break; } } } return this; }, setDeathZone: function (zoneConfig) { if (zoneConfig === undefined) { this.deathZone = null; } else { // Where source = Geom like Circle or Rect that suppors a 'contains' function // deathZone: { type: 'onEnter', source: X } // deathZone: { type: 'onLeave', source: X } var type = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'type', 'onEnter'); var source = GetFastValue(zoneConfig, 'source', null); if (source && typeof source.contains === 'function') { var killOnEnter = (type === 'onEnter') ? true : false; this.deathZone = new DeathZone(source, killOnEnter); } } return this; }, // Particle Management reserve: function (particleCount) { var dead = this.dead; for (var i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) { dead.push(new this.particleClass(this)); } return this; }, getAliveParticleCount: function () { return this.alive.length; }, getDeadParticleCount: function () { return this.dead.length; }, getParticleCount: function () { return this.getAliveParticleCount() + this.getDeadParticleCount(); }, atLimit: function () { return (this.maxParticles > 0 && this.getParticleCount() === this.maxParticles); }, onParticleEmit: function (callback, context) { if (callback === undefined) { // Clear any previously set callback this.emitCallback = null; this.emitCallbackScope = null; } else if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.emitCallback = callback; if (context) { this.emitCallbackScope = context; } } return this; }, onParticleDeath: function (callback, context) { if (callback === undefined) { // Clear any previously set callback this.deathCallback = null; this.deathCallbackScope = null; } else if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.deathCallback = callback; if (context) { this.deathCallbackScope = context; } } return this; }, killAll: function () { var dead = this.dead; var alive = this.alive; while (alive.length > 0) { dead.push(alive.pop()); } return this; }, forEachAlive: function (callback, thisArg) { var alive = this.alive; var length = alive.length; for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) { // Sends the Particle and the Emitter, alive[index], this); } return this; }, forEachDead: function (callback, thisArg) { var dead = this.dead; var length = dead.length; for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) { // Sends the Particle and the Emitter, dead[index], this); } return this; }, start: function () { this.on = true; this._counter = 0; return this; }, pause: function () { = false; return this; }, resume: function () { = true; return this; }, depthSort: function () { StableSort.inplace(this.alive, this.depthSortCallback); return this; }, flow: function (frequency, count) { if (count === undefined) { count = 1; } this.frequency = frequency; this.quantity.onChange(count); return this.start(); }, explode: function (count, x, y) { this.frequency = -1; return this.emitParticle(count, x, y); }, emitParticleAt: function (x, y, count) { return this.emitParticle(count, x, y); }, emitParticle: function (count, x, y) { if (this.atLimit()) { return; } if (count === undefined) { count = this.quantity.onEmit(); } var dead = this.dead; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var particle; if (dead.length > 0) { particle = dead.pop(); } else { particle = new this.particleClass(this); }, y); if (this.particleBringToTop) { this.alive.push(particle); } else { this.alive.unshift(particle); } if (this.emitCallback) {, particle, this); } if (this.atLimit()) { break; } } return particle; }, preUpdate: function (time, delta) { // Scale the delta delta *= this.timeScale; var step = (delta / 1000); if (this.trackVisible) { this.visible = this.follow.visible; } // Any particle processors? var processors = this.manager.getProcessors(); var particles = this.alive; var length = particles.length; for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { var particle = particles[index]; // update returns `true` if the particle is now dead (lifeStep < 0) if (particle.update(delta, step, processors)) { // Moves the dead particle to the end of the particles array (ready for splicing out later) var last = particles[length - 1]; particles[length - 1] = particle; particles[index] = last; index -= 1; length -= 1; } } // Move dead particles to the dead array var deadLength = particles.length - length; if (deadLength > 0) { var rip = particles.splice(particles.length - deadLength, deadLength); var deathCallback = this.deathCallback; var deathCallbackScope = this.deathCallbackScope; if (deathCallback) { for (var i = 0; i < rip.length; i++) {, rip[i]); } } this.dead.concat(rip); StableSort.inplace(particles, this.indexSortCallback); } if (!this.on) { return; } if (this.frequency === 0) { this.emitParticle(); } else if (this.frequency > 0) { this._counter -= delta; if (this._counter <= 0) { this.emitParticle(); // counter = frequency - remained from previous delta this._counter = (this.frequency - Math.abs(this._counter)); } } }, depthSortCallback: function (a, b) { return a.y - b.y; }, indexSortCallback: function (a, b) { return a.index - b.index; } }); module.exports = ParticleEmitter;