/// (function () { var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, preload, create, update); function preload() { // Starling/Sparrow XML Texture Atlas Method 1 // // In this example we assume that the XML data is stored in an external file game.load.atlas('bits', 'assets/sprites/shoebox.png', 'assets/sprites/shoebox.xml', null, Phaser.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING); game.load.atlas('bot', 'assets/sprites/shoebot.png', 'assets/sprites/shoebot.xml', null, Phaser.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING); } var bits; var bot; function create() { bot = game.add.sprite(800, 200, 'bot'); bot.animations.add('run'); bot.animations.play('run', 20, true); bits = game.add.sprite(200, 200, 'bits'); bits.frame = 0; } function update() { bot.x -= 5; if(bot.x < -bot.width) { bot.x = game.stage.width; bits.frame++; if(bits.frame == bits.animations.frameTotal - 1) { bits.frame = 0; } } } })();