/** * Sunlight line number/line highlighting plugin * * This creates the line number gutter in addition to creating the line highlighting * overlay (if applicable). It is bundled in sunlight-min.js. * * Options: * - lineNumbers: true/false/"automatic" (default is "automatic") * - lineNumberStart: <number> (line number to start from, default is 1) * - lineHighlight: <array> (array of line numbers to highlight) */ (function(sunlight, document, undefined){ if (sunlight === undefined) { throw "Include sunlight.js before including plugin files"; } function getLineCount(node) { //browsers don't render the last trailing newline, so we make sure that the line numbers reflect that //by disregarding the last trailing newline //get the last text node var lastTextNode = function getLastNode(node) { if (!node.lastChild) { return null; } if (node.lastChild.nodeType === 3) { return node.lastChild; } return getLastNode(node.lastChild); }(node) || { lastChild: "" }; return node.innerHTML.replace(/[^\n]/g, "").length - /\n$/.test(lastTextNode.nodeValue); } sunlight.bind("afterHighlightNode", function(context) { var lineContainer, lineCount, lineHighlightOverlay, currentLineOverlay, lineHighlightingEnabled, i, eol, link, name; if (!this.options.lineNumbers) { return; } if (this.options.lineNumbers === "automatic" && sunlight.util.getComputedStyle(context.node, "display") !== "block") { //if it's not a block level element or the lineNumbers option is not set to "automatic" return; } lineContainer = document.createElement("pre"); lineCount = getLineCount(context.node); lineHighlightingEnabled = this.options.lineHighlight.length > 0; if (lineHighlightingEnabled) { lineHighlightOverlay = document.createElement("div"); lineHighlightOverlay.className = this.options.classPrefix + "line-highlight-overlay"; } lineContainer.className = this.options.classPrefix + "line-number-margin"; eol = document.createTextNode(sunlight.util.eol) for (i = this.options.lineNumberStart; i <= this.options.lineNumberStart + lineCount; i++) { link = document.createElement("a"); name = (context.node.id ? context.node.id : this.options.classPrefix + context.count) + "-line-" + i; link.setAttribute("name", name); link.setAttribute("href", "#" + name); link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)); lineContainer.appendChild(link); lineContainer.appendChild(eol.cloneNode(false)); if (lineHighlightingEnabled) { currentLineOverlay = document.createElement("div"); if (sunlight.util.contains(this.options.lineHighlight, i)) { currentLineOverlay.className = this.options.classPrefix + "line-highlight-active"; } lineHighlightOverlay.appendChild(currentLineOverlay); } } context.codeContainer.insertBefore(lineContainer, context.codeContainer.firstChild); if (lineHighlightingEnabled) { context.codeContainer.appendChild(lineHighlightOverlay); } //enable the border on the code container context.codeContainer.style.borderWidth = "1px"; context.codeContainer.style.borderStyle = "solid"; }); sunlight.globalOptions.lineNumbers = "automatic"; sunlight.globalOptions.lineNumberStart = 1; sunlight.globalOptions.lineHighlight = []; }(this["Sunlight"], document));