# Phaser 3 Development Roadmap The following is a list of all the key areas of the Phaser 2 API, and how they'll map to the Phaser 3 API. ## Animation V2: Animation Manager Animation Parser Animation Class FrameData Frame Class Creature run-times libs V3: The Texture Manager now handles all Texture parsing. It splits up Texture Atlases, creates Frame objects and handles Frame functions like Crop. TODO: * Define the format and API calls that Animations will take in Phaser 3, and decide upon if we require a 'central' Animation registry, rather than creating them multiple times, per Sprite instance. * Decide if the Creature libs can still be supported. ## Camera V2: The Camera was essentially a Rectangle object with some special commands, to allow for Camera effects (shake, flash) and the tracking of Game Objects. It could never properly handle rotation or scaling. V3: The Camera is now a display level object with its own Transform, allowing you to rotate and scale, and have it update the scene correctly. TODO: * Camera effects (fade, flash) * Camera follow / target Filter Group Plugins Scale Manager Signals Stage State Manager World Game Objects BitmapData BitmapText Button Creature Graphics Image Particle RenderTexture RetroFont Rope Sprite SpriteBatch Text TileSprite Video Geometry Circle Ellipse Hermite Line Matrix Point Polygon Rectangle RoundedRectangle Input Input Manager Keyboard + Key Mouse MSPointer Touch Pointer Gamepad Loader Cache Math Math functions QuadTree Random Data Generator Net Particles Arcade Physics Emitter + Particle Physics Arcade Physics Ninja Physics P2 Physics Renderer Canvas Graphics Primitives Canvas Tint WebGL RenderTextures Sprite Batch Filters Graphics Primitives Sound Sound Manager Sound AudioSprite Tilemap Tilemap class Tilemap Layer Tileset Tile ImageCollection Time Master Time Timer TimerEvent Tween Tween Manager Tween + TweenData Easing functions Utils ArraySet ArrayUtils Canvas Utils Canvas Pool Color Debug Device DOM EarCut LinkedList RequestAnimationFrame Generic Utils