var GetURL = require('./GetURL'); var CONST = require('./const'); var XHRLoader = require('./XHRLoader'); var XHRSettings = require('./XHRSettings'); var File = function (type, key, url, responseType) { // file type (image, json, etc) for sorting within the Loader this.type = type; // unique cache key (unique within its file type) this.key = key; // The URL of the file, not including baseURL this.url = url; // Set when the Loader calls 'load' on this file this.src = ''; this.xhrSettings = XHRSettings(responseType); this.xhrLoader = null; this.state = CONST.FILE_PENDING; // Set by onProgress (only if loading via XHR) this.bytesTotal = 0; this.bytesLoaded = -1; this.percentComplete = -1; // For CORs based loading. // If this is undefined then the File will check BaseLoader.crossOrigin and use that (if set) this.crossOrigin = undefined; // The actual processed file data = undefined; // Multipart file? (i.e. an atlas and its json together) this.linkFile = undefined; this.linkType = ''; this.callback = null; }; File.prototype.constructor = File; File.prototype = { resetXHR: function () { this.xhrLoader.onload = undefined; this.xhrLoader.onerror = undefined; this.xhrLoader.onprogress = undefined; }, // Called when the Image loads // ProgressEvent onLoad: function (event) { this.resetXHR(); this.callback(this, true); }, onError: function (event) { this.resetXHR(); this.callback(this, false); }, onProgress: function (event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { this.bytesLoaded = event.loaded; this.bytesTotal =; this.percentComplete = Math.min((this.bytesLoaded / this.bytesTotal), 1); } // console.log(this.percentComplete + '% (' + this.bytesLoaded + ' bytes)'); }, onProcess: function (callback) { this.state = CONST.FILE_PROCESSING; // If overridden by another class, it must call the callback when finished, then onComplete callback(this); this.onComplete(); }, onComplete: function () { if (this.linkFile) { if (this.linkFile.state === CONST.FILE_WAITING_LINKFILE) { // The linkfile has finished processing, and is waiting for this file, so let's do them both this.state = CONST.FILE_COMPLETE; this.linkFile.state = CONST.FILE_COMPLETE; } else { // The linkfile still hasn't finished loading and/or processing yet this.state = CONST.FILE_WAITING_LINKFILE; } } else { this.state = CONST.FILE_COMPLETE; } }, // Called by the Loader, starts the actual file downloading load: function (callback, baseURL, globalXHR) { if (baseURL === undefined) { baseURL = ''; } this.callback = callback; this.src = GetURL(this, baseURL); this.xhrLoader = XHRLoader(this, globalXHR); } }; module.exports = File;