(function() { var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, preload, create, null, render); var container: Phaser.Group; function preload() { game.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/buttons/number-buttons.png', 160, 160); } function create() { // Container for sorting the buttons, which we'll use to make buttons // to the top later. container = game.add.group(); // Add buttons to container. container.add(game.add.button(200, 100, 'button', bringMeToTop, this, 0, 0, 0)); container.add(game.add.button(300, 100, 'button', bringMeToTop, this, 1, 1, 1)); container.add(game.add.button(100, 200, 'button', bringMeToTop, this, 2, 2, 2)); container.add(game.add.button(400, 200, 'button', bringMeToTop, this, 3, 3, 3)); container.add(game.add.button(300, 300, 'button', bringMeToTop, this, 4, 4, 4)); container.add(game.add.button(200, 300, 'button', bringMeToTop, this, 5, 5, 5)); } function render() { Phaser.DebugUtils.context.fillStyle = '#fff'; Phaser.DebugUtils.context.fillText('Tap or click buttons to bring it to the top.', 32, 32); } function bringMeToTop(btn) { container.bringToTop(btn); } })();