/** * @author Richard Davey * @copyright 2016 Photon Storm Ltd. * @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License} */ /** * The Children Component features quick access to Group sorting related methods. * * @class */ export default class Children { gameObject: any; position: number; list: any; children: any; constructor(gameObject: any); add(child: any, skipTransform?: boolean): any; addAt(child: any, index?: number, skipTransform?: boolean): any; addMultiple(children: any, skipTransform: any): any; getAt(index: any): any; getIndex(child: any): any; /** * Gets the first item from the set based on the property strictly equaling the value given. * Returns null if not found. * * @method Phaser.ArraySet#getByKey * @param {string} property - The property to check against the value. * @param {any} value - The value to check if the property strictly equals. * @return {any} The item that was found, or null if nothing matched. */ getByKey(property: any, value: any): any; /** * Searches the Group for the first instance of a child with the `name` * property matching the given argument. Should more than one child have * the same name only the first instance is returned. * * @method Phaser.Group#getByName * @param {string} name - The name to search for. * @return {any} The first child with a matching name, or null if none were found. */ getByName(name: any): any; /** * Returns a random child from the group. * * @method Phaser.Group#getRandom * @param {integer} [startIndex=0] - Offset from the front of the group (lowest child). * @param {integer} [length=(to top)] - Restriction on the number of values you want to randomly select from. * @return {any} A random child of this Group. */ getRandom(startIndex: any, length: any): any; /** * Returns all children in this Group. * * You can optionally specify a matching criteria using the `property` and `value` arguments. * * For example: `getAll('exists', true)` would return only children that have their exists property set. * * Optionally you can specify a start and end index. For example if this Group had 100 children, * and you set `startIndex` to 0 and `endIndex` to 50, it would return matches from only * the first 50 children in the Group. * * @method Phaser.Group#getAll * @param {string} [property] - An optional property to test against the value argument. * @param {any} [value] - If property is set then Child.property must strictly equal this value to be included in the results. * @param {integer} [startIndex=0] - The first child index to start the search from. * @param {integer} [endIndex] - The last child index to search up until. * @return {any} A random existing child of this Group. */ getAll(property: any, value: any, startIndex: any, endIndex: any): any[]; swap(child1: any, child2: any): void; moveTo(child: any, index: any): any; remove(child: any, skipTransform?: any): any; removeAt(index: any, skipTransform: any): any; removeBetween(beginIndex: any, endIndex: any): any; /** * Removes all the items. * * @method Phaser.ArraySet#removeAll */ removeAll(): this; contains(child: any): any; /** * Brings the given child to the top of this group so it renders above all other children. * * @method Phaser.Group#bringToTop * @param {any} child - The child to bring to the top of this group. * @return {any} The child that was moved. */ bringToTop(child: any): any; /** * Sends the given child to the bottom of this group so it renders below all other children. * * @method Phaser.Group#sendToBack * @param {any} child - The child to send to the bottom of this group. * @return {any} The child that was moved. */ sendToBack(child: any): any; /** * Moves the given child up one place in this group unless it's already at the top. * * @method Phaser.Group#moveUp * @param {any} child - The child to move up in the group. * @return {any} The child that was moved. */ moveUp(child: any): any; /** * Moves the given child down one place in this group unless it's already at the bottom. * * @method Phaser.Group#moveDown * @param {any} child - The child to move down in the group. * @return {any} The child that was moved. */ moveDown(child: any): any; /** * Reverses all children in this group. * * This operation applies only to immediate children and does not propagate to subgroups. * * @method Phaser.Group#reverse */ reverse(): this; shuffle(): this; /** * Replaces a child of this Group with the given newChild. The newChild cannot be a member of this Group. * * If `Group.enableBody` is set, then a physics body will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist. * * If `Group.inputEnableChildren` is set, then an Input Handler will be created on the object, so long as one does not already exist. * * @method Phaser.Group#replace * @param {any} oldChild - The child in this group that will be replaced. * @param {any} newChild - The child to be inserted into this group. * @return {any} Returns the oldChild that was replaced within this group. */ replace(oldChild: any, newChild: any, skipTransform: any): any; exchange(child1: any, child2: any, skipTransform: any): void; /** * Checks for the item within this list. * * @method Phaser.ArraySet#exists * @param {any} item - The element to get the list index for. * @return {boolean} True if the item is found in the list, otherwise false. */ exists(child: any): boolean; /** * Sets the property `key` to the given value on all members of this list. * * @method Phaser.ArraySet#setAll * @param {any} key - The property of the item to set. * @param {any} value - The value to set the property to. */ setAll(key: any, value: any): void; /** * Passes all children to the given callback. * * @method each * @param {function} callback - The function to call. * @param {object} [thisArg] - Value to use as `this` when executing callback. * @param {...*} [arguments] - Additional arguments that will be passed to the callback, after the child. */ each(callback: any, thisArg: any): void; /** * Moves all children from this Group to the Group given. * * @method Phaser.Group#moveAll * @param {Phaser.Group} group - The new Group to which the children will be moved to. * @param {boolean} [silent=false] - If true the children will not dispatch the `onAddedToGroup` event for the new Group. * @return {Phaser.Group} The Group to which all the children were moved. */ reparent(newParent: any): any; /** * Returns the first item and resets the cursor to the start. * * @name Phaser.ArraySet#first * @property {any} first */ readonly length: any; /** * Returns the first item and resets the cursor to the start. * * @name Phaser.ArraySet#first * @property {any} first */ readonly first: any; /** * Returns the last item and resets the cursor to the end. * * @name Phaser.ArraySet#last * @property {any} last */ readonly last: any; /** * Returns the the next item (based on the cursor) and advances the cursor. * * @name Phaser.ArraySet#next * @property {any} next */ readonly next: any; /** * Returns the the previous item (based on the cursor) and retreats the cursor. * * @name Phaser.ArraySet#previous * @property {any} previous */ readonly previous: any; }