var Between = require('../../math/Between'); var Class = require('../../utils/Class'); var Components = require('../components'); var DegToRad = require('../../math/DegToRad'); var Easing = require('../../math/easing'); var GameObject = require('../GameObject'); var GetEaseFunction = require('../../tweens/builder/GetEaseFunction'); var MinMax2 = require('../../math/MinMax2'); var MinMax4 = require('../../math/MinMax4'); var Particle = require('./Particle'); var StableSort = require('../../utils/array/StableSort'); var ParticleEmitter = new Class({ Mixins: [ Components.BlendMode, Components.RenderTarget, Components.ScrollFactor, Components.Visible ], initialize: function ParticleEmitter (manager, config) { if (config === undefined) { config = {}; } this.manager = manager; this.key = ''; this.frame = manager.frame; this.particleClass = Particle; this.dead = []; this.alive = []; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; // Implement ease into the MinMax component? this.velocity = new MinMax4(); this.scale = new MinMax4(1); this.gravity = new MinMax4(); this.alpha = new MinMax2(1); this.angle = new MinMax2(0, 360); this.particleAngle = new MinMax2(); // The lifespan of the particles (in ms) this.lifespan = new MinMax2(1000); this.deathCallback = null; this.deathCallbackScope = null; this.emitCount = 1; /** * @property {number} frequency - How often a particle is emitted in ms (if emitter is started with Explode === false). */ this.frequency = 100; /** * @property {boolean} on - Determines whether the emitter is currently emitting particles. It is totally safe to directly toggle this. * @default */ this.on = false; // this.enabled = true; /** * @property {boolean} particleBringToTop - If this is `true` then when the Particle is emitted it will be bought to the top of the Emitters display list. * @default */ this.particleBringToTop = false; /** * @property {boolean} particleSendToBack - If this is `true` then when the Particle is emitted it will be sent to the back of the Emitters display list. * @default */ this.particleSendToBack = false; this.timeScale = 1; // this.delay = 0; // this.delayCounter = 0; // this.allowCreation = true; this.emitShape = null; this.easingFunctionAlpha = Easing.Linear; this.easingFunctionScale = Easing.Linear; this.easingFunctionRotation = Easing.Linear; = true; }, setFrame: function (frame) { this.frame = this.manager.texture.get(frame); return this; }, setPosition: function (x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; }, /* setEase: function (easeName, easeParam) { var ease = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam); this.easingFunctionAlpha = ease; this.easingFunctionScale = ease; this.easingFunctionRotation = ease; return this; }, setAlphaEase: function (easeName, easeParam) { this.easingFunctionAlpha = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam); return this; }, setScaleEase: function (easeName, easeParam) { this.easingFunctionScale = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam); return this; }, setRotationEase: function (easeName, easeParam) { this.easingFunctionRotation = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam); return this; }, */ // Particle Emission setVelocity: function (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) { this.velocity.set(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax); return this; }, setScale: function (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) { this.scale.set(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax); return this; }, setGravity: function (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) { this.gravity.set(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax); return this; }, setAlpha: function (min, max) { this.alpha.set(min, max); return this; }, setAngle: function (min, max) { this.angle.set(min, max); return this; }, setParticleAngle: function (min, max) { this.particleAngle.set(min, max); return this; }, setLifespan: function (min, max) { this.lifespan.set(min, max); return this; }, setDelay: function (delay) { this.delay = delay; this.delayCounter = delay / 1000; return this; }, setShape: function (shape) { this.emitShape = shape; return this; }, // Particle Management reserve: function (particleCount) { var dead = this.dead; for (var count = 0; count < particleCount; ++count) { dead.push(new this.particleClass(this.x, this.y, this.frame)); } return this; }, getAliveParticleCount: function () { return this.alive.length; }, getDeadParticleCount: function () { return this.dead.length; }, getParticleCount: function () { return this.getAliveParticleCount() + this.getDeadParticleCount(); }, onParticleDeath: function (callback, context) { if (callback === undefined) { // Clear any previously set callback this.deathCallback = null; this.deathCallbackScope = null; } else if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.deathCallback = callback; if (context) { this.deathCallbackScope = context; } } return this; }, killAll: function () { var dead = this.dead; var alive = this.alive; while (alive.length > 0) { dead.push(alive.pop()); } return this; }, forEachAlive: function (callback, thisArg) { var alive = this.alive; var length = alive.length; for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) {, alive[index]); } return this; }, forEachDead: function (callback, thisArg) { var dead = this.dead; var length = dead.length; for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) {, dead[index]); } return this; }, pause: function () { = false; return this; }, resume: function () { = true; return this; }, explode: function (count) { this.emit(count); return this; }, emitAt: function (x, y, count) { var oldX = this.x; var oldY = this.y; this.x = x; this.y = y; var particle = this.emit(count); this.x = oldX; this.y = oldY; return particle; }, emit: function (count) { if (count === undefined) { count = 1; } var particle = null; var x = this.x; var y = this.y; // var shape = this.emitShape; var dead = this.dead; // var allowCreation = this.allowCreation; for (var index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (dead.length > 0) { particle = dead.pop(); particle.reset(x, y, this.frame); } else if (allowCreation) { particle = new this.particleClass(x, y, this.frame); } else { return null; } // if (shape) // { // shape.getRandomPoint(particle); // particle.x += x; // particle.y += y; // } particle.emit(this); // particle.velocityX = vx; // particle.velocityY = vy; // = Math.max(, Number.MIN_VALUE); // particle.lifeStep =; // particle.start.scale = this.startScale; // particle.end.scale = this.endScale; // particle.scaleX = this.startScale; // particle.scaleY = this.startScale; // particle.start.alpha = this.startAlpha; // particle.end.alpha = this.endAlpha; // particle.start.rotation = DegToRad(this.startAngle); // particle.end.rotation = DegToRad(this.endAngle); // particle.color = (particle.color & 0x00FFFFFF) | (((this.startAlpha * 0xFF)|0) << 24); // particle.index = this.alive.length; this.alive.push(particle); } return particle; }, preUpdate: function (time, delta) { // Scale the delta delta *= this.timeScale; var dead = this.dead; var particles = this.alive; var length = particles.length; var step = (delta / 1000); var deathCallback = this.deathCallback; var deathCallbackScope = this.deathCallbackScope; /* Simulation */ for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { var particle = particles[index]; // update returns `true` if the particle is now dead (lifeStep < 0) if (particle.update(this, step)) { // Moves the dead particle to the end of the particles array (ready for splicing out later) var last = particles[length - 1]; particles[length - 1] = particle; particles[index] = last; index -= 1; length -= 1; } /* particle.velocityX += gravityX; particle.velocityY += gravityY; particle.x += particle.velocityX * emitterStep; particle.y += particle.velocityY * emitterStep; particle.normLifeStep = particle.lifeStep /; var norm = 1 - particle.normLifeStep; var alphaEase = this.easingFunctionAlpha(norm); var scaleEase = this.easingFunctionScale(norm); var rotationEase = this.easingFunctionRotation(norm); var alphaf = (particle.end.alpha - particle.start.alpha) * alphaEase + particle.start.alpha; var scale = (particle.end.scale - particle.start.scale) * scaleEase + particle.start.scale; var rotation = (particle.end.rotation - particle.start.rotation) * rotationEase + particle.start.rotation; particle.scaleX = particle.scaleY = scale; particle.color = (particle.color & 0x00FFFFFF) | (((alphaf * 0xFF)|0) << 24); particle.rotation = rotation; if (particle.lifeStep <= 0) { var last = particles[length - 1]; particles[length - 1] = particle; particles[index] = last; index -= 1; length -= 1; if (deathCallback) {, particle); } } particle.lifeStep -= emitterStep; */ } // Move dead particles to the dead array // We can skip this for 'emitCount' number of particles if 'this.enabled' var deadLength = particles.length - length; if (deadLength > 0) { dead.push.apply(dead, particles.splice(particles.length - deadLength, deadLength)); StableSort(particles, this.indexSort); } this.delayCounter -= emitterStep; if (this.delayCounter <= 0 && this.enabled) { this.emit(this.emitCount); this.delayCounter = this.delay / 1000; } }, indexSort: function (a, b) { return a.index - b.index; } }); module.exports = ParticleEmitter;