/** * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ @Doormat23 */ /** * A DisplayObjectContainer represents a collection of display objects. * It is the base class of all display objects that act as a container for other objects. * * @class DisplayObjectContainer * @extends DisplayObject * @constructor */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer = function() { PIXI.DisplayObject.call( this ); /** * [read-only] The array of children of this container. * * @property children * @type Array * @readOnly */ this.children = []; // fast access to update transform.. }; // constructor PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype ); PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.constructor = PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer; /** * The width of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set * * @property width * @type Number */ Object.defineProperty(PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype, 'width', { get: function() { return this.scale.x * this.getLocalBounds().width; }, set: function(value) { var width = this.getLocalBounds().width; if(width !== 0) { this.scale.x = value / width; } else { this.scale.x = 1; } this._width = value; } }); /** * The height of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set * * @property height * @type Number */ Object.defineProperty(PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype, 'height', { get: function() { return this.scale.y * this.getLocalBounds().height; }, set: function(value) { var height = this.getLocalBounds().height; if(height !== 0) { this.scale.y = value / height ; } else { this.scale.y = 1; } this._height = value; } }); /** * Adds a child to the container. * * @method addChild * @param child {DisplayObject} The DisplayObject to add to the container * @return {DisplayObject} The child that was added. */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.addChild = function(child) { return this.addChildAt(child, this.children.length); }; /** * Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown * * @method addChildAt * @param child {DisplayObject} The child to add * @param index {Number} The index to place the child in * @return {DisplayObject} The child that was added. */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.addChildAt = function(child, index) { if(index >= 0 && index <= this.children.length) { if(child.parent) { child.parent.removeChild(child); } child.parent = this; this.children.splice(index, 0, child); if(this.stage)child.setStageReference(this.stage); return child; } else { throw new Error(child + 'addChildAt: The index '+ index +' supplied is out of bounds ' + this.children.length); } }; /** * Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container. * * @method swapChildren * @param child {DisplayObject} * @param child2 {DisplayObject} */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.swapChildren = function(child, child2) { if(child === child2) { return; } var index1 = this.getChildIndex(child); var index2 = this.getChildIndex(child2); if(index1 < 0 || index2 < 0) { throw new Error('swapChildren: Both the supplied DisplayObjects must be a child of the caller.'); } this.children[index1] = child2; this.children[index2] = child; }; /** * Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance * * @method getChildIndex * @param child {DisplayObject} The DisplayObject instance to identify * @return {Number} The index position of the child display object to identify */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.getChildIndex = function(child) { var index = this.children.indexOf(child); if (index === -1) { throw new Error('The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller'); } return index; }; /** * Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container * * @method setChildIndex * @param child {DisplayObject} The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number * @param index {Number} The resulting index number for the child display object */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.setChildIndex = function(child, index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.length) { throw new Error('The supplied index is out of bounds'); } var currentIndex = this.getChildIndex(child); this.children.splice(currentIndex, 1); //remove from old position this.children.splice(index, 0, child); //add at new position }; /** * Returns the child at the specified index * * @method getChildAt * @param index {Number} The index to get the child from * @return {DisplayObject} The child at the given index, if any. */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.getChildAt = function(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.children.length) { throw new Error('getChildAt: Supplied index '+ index +' does not exist in the child list, or the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller'); } return this.children[index]; }; /** * Removes a child from the container. * * @method removeChild * @param child {DisplayObject} The DisplayObject to remove * @return {DisplayObject} The child that was removed. */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.removeChild = function(child) { var index = this.children.indexOf( child ); if(index === -1)return; return this.removeChildAt( index ); }; /** * Removes a child from the specified index position. * * @method removeChildAt * @param index {Number} The index to get the child from * @return {DisplayObject} The child that was removed. */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.removeChildAt = function(index) { var child = this.getChildAt( index ); if(this.stage) child.removeStageReference(); child.parent = undefined; this.children.splice( index, 1 ); return child; }; /** * Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes. * * @method removeChildren * @param beginIndex {Number} The beginning position. Default value is 0. * @param endIndex {Number} The ending position. Default value is size of the container. */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.removeChildren = function(beginIndex, endIndex) { var begin = beginIndex || 0; var end = typeof endIndex === 'number' ? endIndex : this.children.length; var range = end - begin; if (range > 0 && range <= end) { var removed = this.children.splice(begin, range); for (var i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) { var child = removed[i]; if(this.stage) child.removeStageReference(); child.parent = undefined; } return removed; } else if (range === 0 && this.children.length === 0) { return []; } else { throw new Error( 'removeChildren: Range Error, numeric values are outside the acceptable range' ); } }; /* * Updates the transform on all children of this container for rendering * * @method updateTransform * @private */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.updateTransform = function() { if(!this.visible)return; this.displayObjectUpdateTransform(); //PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.updateTransform.call( this ); if(this._cacheAsBitmap)return; for(var i=0,j=this.children.length; i childMaxX ? maxX : childMaxX; maxY = maxY > childMaxY ? maxY : childMaxY; } if(!childVisible) return PIXI.EmptyRectangle; var bounds = this._bounds; bounds.x = minX; bounds.y = minY; bounds.width = maxX - minX; bounds.height = maxY - minY; // TODO: store a reference so that if this function gets called again in the render cycle we do not have to recalculate //this._currentBounds = bounds; return bounds; }; /** * Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle. The calculation takes all visible children into consideration. * * @method getLocalBounds * @return {Rectangle} The rectangular bounding area */ PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.getLocalBounds = function() { var matrixCache = this.worldTransform; this.worldTransform = PIXI.identityMatrix; for(var i=0,j=this.children.length; i