var NOOP = require('../utils/NOOP'); // Abstracts away the use of RAF or setTimeOut for the core game update loop. var RequestAnimationFrame = function () { // @property {boolean} isRunning - true if RequestAnimationFrame is running, otherwise false. this.isRunning = false; this.callback = NOOP; this.tick = 0; // @property {boolean} isSetTimeOut - True if the browser is using setTimeout instead of rAf. this.isSetTimeOut = false; // @property {number} timeOutID - The callback setTimeout or rAf callback ID used when calling cancel. this.timeOutID = null; var _this = this; // timestamp = DOMHighResTimeStamp var step = function (timestamp) { _this.tick = timestamp; _this.callback(timestamp); _this.timeOutID = window.requestAnimationFrame(step); }; var stepTimeout = function () { var d =; _this.tick = d; _this.callback(d); _this.timeOutID = window.setTimeout(stepTimeout, _this.timeToCall); }; this.step = step; this.stepTimeout = stepTimeout; }; RequestAnimationFrame.prototype.constructor = RequestAnimationFrame; RequestAnimationFrame.prototype = { // Starts the requestAnimationFrame running or setTimeout if unavailable in browser start: function (callback, forceSetTimeOut) { this.callback = callback; this.isSetTimeOut = forceSetTimeOut; this.isRunning = true; var _this = this; this.timeOutID = (forceSetTimeOut) ? window.setTimeout(_this.stepTimeout, 0) : window.requestAnimationFrame(_this.step); }, // Stops the requestAnimationFrame from running. stop: function () { this.isRunning = false; if (this.isSetTimeOut) { clearTimeout(this.timeOutID); } else { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.timeOutID); } }, destroy: function () { this.stop(); this.callback = NOOP; } }; module.exports = RequestAnimationFrame;