Set the Style properties `boundsAlignH` and `boundsAlignV` or adjust them via the Text setters to change the alignment.
It works by calculating the final position based on the Text.canvas size, which is modified as the text is updated. Some fonts have additional padding around them which you can mitigate by tweaking the Text.padding property.
Setting a textBounds _doesn't_ update the wordWrapWidth, so be aware of the relationship between the two.
Call this method with nothing defined for any of the parameters to reset an existing textBounds.
InputHandler._setHandCursor private var wasn't properly set, meaning the hand cursor could sometimes remain (during destroy sequence for example)
All Game Objects have a new property: destroyPhase (boolean) which is true if the object is in the process of being destroyed, otherwise false.
The PIXI.AbstractFilter is now included in the Phaser Pixi build by default, allowing for easier use of external Pixi Filters.