Added TimerEvent.pendingDelete and checks in Timer.update, so that removing an event in a callback no longer throws an exception (thanks georgiee)
Fixed TypeScript defs on lines 1741-1748 (thanks wombatbuddy)
Added SAT.js to TypeScript definition. Now compiles properly.
Added missing Line.js to the Grunt file.
Tilemap#paste diffX and diffY equations changed, fixed issue #393 (thanks brejep)
Added missing return value in Body.hitLeft and hitRight, fixes issue #398 (thanks ram64).
Fixed easing tween example case. Issue #379 (thanks wesleywerner)
Removed SAT.js UMD wrapped, fixes issue #361 (thanks luizbills)
Removed inContact check from Body.separate.
Fixed Tilemap docs (wrongly pointed to Tileset methods)