- Updated `readOnly` doclet to `readonly`
- `array` refined to `type[]`, where such information was immediately
- Updated {Any}/{*} to {any}; {...*} is standard exception
- Udated {Object} to {object}
- Removed `Time.pausedTime`
Time.pausedTime has not been used / updated since
b255fea85f in Feb 2014.
There might be a case to re-explore how pause time is
reported/observable, possibly with a distinction of 'current' and 'last'
and the semantics of such. For instance, pause duration is only updated
after the resume occurs and reflects the duration-of-the-last-pause..
- Removed `Time` _i and _len properties These are better suited by local
- General documentation updates.
- Marked several methods such as `Timer.order` as protected - there are
advanced use-cases for them, but different user-facing methods and
documentations are likely in order. Also marked `Timer.sortHandler` as
private; but did not change any interfaces.