Commit graph

1586 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
7b8a430aac TilemapLayer docs incorrectly reported it as extending Phaser.Image, but it doesn't share the same components so has been updated.
TilemapLayer was missing the Input component (thanks @uhe1231 #1700)
2015-04-13 12:23:30 +01:00
04cb3889a9 P2.getConstraints would return an array of null objects. It now returns the raw p2 constraint objects (thanks @valueerrorx #1726) 2015-04-13 12:12:18 +01:00
b41cf3bc8c AnimationManager.frameName setter wasn't checking if _frameData existed before accessing it (thanks @nesukun #1727) 2015-04-13 11:58:45 +01:00
36c064511c Added guards around context.getImageData calls in BitmapData, Text and Canvas Tinting classes to avoid crashing restricted browsers like Epic Browser. Please understand that several Phaser features won't work correctly with this browser (thanks @Erik3000 #1714) 2015-04-02 14:47:44 +01:00
645723f939 Sprite was missing the Health and InCamera components. 2015-03-30 13:51:47 +01:00
5fb1130175 The LoadTexture component has had a redundant dirty call removed from it.
TileSprites were missing a `physicsType` property, causing them to not collide with anything (thanks @numbofathma #1702)
2015-03-28 00:56:02 +00:00
49be59b0c9 Added missing resumed method to Phaser.State class template. 2015-03-26 10:54:32 +00:00
8233b0a079 Phaser 2.3.0. 2015-03-26 02:37:31 +00:00
d4e838592c Readme tweaks. 2015-03-26 02:22:05 +00:00
bd62459a56 Readme release changes. 2015-03-26 02:10:57 +00:00
93dc67be71 Graphics.drawArc would fail to draw any subsequent arcs if you set beginFill on it after drawing the first arc.
Graphics.drawArc would only move to the center position of the first arc created and ignore any subsequent arcs.
Graphics.drawArc now correctly renders multiple arcs across both WebGL and Canvas. You no longer need to specifically call moveTo to move into the correct place to draw the arc.
Graphics.drawArc now bails out if the startAngle = the endAngle and/or the sweep is invalid *before* adjusting any points.
Graphics.drawArc now correctly handles the fill on the CanvasRenderer if the arc is a subsequent arc and no line style is set.
2015-03-25 13:00:08 +00:00
f4d55b7785 When an Emitter is destroyed via Emitter.destroy it now removes itself from the Phaser Particle Manager, freeing it up for garbage collection and stopping it from being processed. 2015-03-25 05:07:39 +00:00
aa13ec0165 wouldn't correctly set the play state on the Game Objects AnimationManager causing the animation to fail to start (calling did work however), now they're both consistently working. 2015-03-25 03:59:36 +00:00
244372384e When an Animation completes playback and isn't set to loop it would change the currentFrame property to be the first frame in the set after the onComplete callback had fired. This meant if you set a Sprite to a new frame within an Animation onComplete callback then your change would have been overwritten by the animation itself. This is now no longer the case. 2015-03-24 23:17:13 +00:00
d80ec1ae6d Phaser 2.3 Release Candidate 2. 2015-03-24 21:35:23 +00:00
06b484e71c Huge docs update. 2015-03-24 16:01:07 +00:00
96e313e768 If you paused a Sound object that is using audio markers and then resumed it, it wouldn't correctly calculate the resume duration - causing the sound to sometimes play into the marker that followed it (thanks @AnderbergE #1669) 2015-03-24 14:43:35 +00:00
7e19f45350 When the Game first boots it will now call window.focus(). This allows keyboard events to work properly in IE when the game is running inside an iframe. You can stop this from happening by setting window.PhaserGlobal.stopFocus = true (thanks @webholics #1681) 2015-03-24 13:27:27 +00:00
7aa4d0ad0d When a State is started and linked to Phaser it has a new property created on it: key, which is the string identifier used by the State. 2015-03-24 10:21:03 +00:00
3db4313e5d Docs update. 2015-03-23 16:13:04 +00:00
7010883bc3 Tidying up. 2015-03-23 15:07:09 +00:00
4fbb7d2a7e readme updates. 2015-03-23 08:13:59 +00:00
cb9ef4f12e Text.padding specifies a padding value which is added to the line width and height when calculating the Text size. ALlows you to add extra spacing if Phaser is unable to accurately determine the true font dimensions (#1561 #1518) 2015-03-19 01:54:14 +00:00
b13acdb23b TilingSprite.destroy fixed if TilingSprite hasn't ever been rendered (#1663) 2015-03-19 01:39:39 +00:00
5a9b509b44 ArraySet.removeAll allows you to remove all members of an ArraySet and optionally call destroy on them as well.
GameObject.input.dragStartPoint now stores the coordinates the object was at when the drag started. This value is populated when the drag starts. It can be used to return an object to its pre-drag position, for example if it was dropped in an invalid place in-game.
2015-03-19 00:51:13 +00:00
62b2fb51d6 Link changed (fix #1672) 2015-03-18 19:25:12 +00:00
f2b03c8826 Readme updated. 2015-03-18 19:14:58 +00:00
2483cd5df4 Various readonly Body properties flagged as 'readonly' in the jsdocs (#1643) 2015-02-26 23:32:14 +00:00
f99f182a6f Arcade Physics is now using a spacial pre-sort for all Sprite vs. Group and Group vs. Group collisions. You can define the direction the sort will prioritise via the new sortDirection property. By default it is set to Phaser.Physics.Arcade.LEFT_RIGHT. For example if you are making a horizontally scrolling game, where the player starts on the left and moves to the right, then this sort order will allow the physics system to quickly eliminate any object to the right of the players bounds. This cuts down on the sheer volume of actual collision checks needing to be made. In a densely populated level it can improve fps rate dramatically.
There are 3 other directions available (`RIGHT_LEFT`, `TOP_BOTTOM` and `BOTTOM_TOP`) and which one you need will depend on your game type. If you were making a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up then you'd pick `BOTTOM_TOP` so it sorts all objects above and can bail out quickly.

More importantly you can switch the `sortDirection` at run-time with no loss of performance. Just make sure you do it *before* running any collision checks. So if you had a large 8-way scrolling world you could set the `sortDirection` to match the direction the player was moving in and adjust it in real-time, getting the benefits as you go. My thanks to Aaron Lahman for inspiring this update.
2015-02-26 21:24:07 +00:00
74eeddf956 You can now set a resolution property in your Game Configuration object. This will be read when the Pixi renderer instance is created and used to set the resolution within that (#1621) 2015-02-26 10:52:30 +00:00
41396d5ad2 Merged all of the relevant Pixi 2.2.7 fixes in (#1621) 2015-02-25 17:04:48 +00:00
321e11d0a5 A State swap now sets the Loader.reset hard parameter to true by default. This will null any Loader.preloadSprite that may have been set (#1636) 2015-02-25 05:18:49 +00:00
466a4d11bb Loader.preloadSprite had an extra guard added to ensure it didn't try to updateCrop a non-existent sprite (thanks @noidexe #1636) 2015-02-25 03:08:37 +00:00
5635bed54f Docs update. 2015-02-23 13:58:57 +00:00
5fd066c610 ArraySet.getByKey gets an item from the set based on the property strictly equaling the value given. 2015-02-22 19:30:23 +00:00
8d71e8a32c Animation.update skips ahead frames when the system is lagging, however it failed to set the animation to the final frame in the sequence if the animation skipped ahead too far (thanks @richpixel #1628) 2015-02-22 19:26:56 +00:00
02ef1555c5 A TweenData wouldn't take into account the repeatDelay property when repeating the tween, but now does. A TweenData also has a new property yoyoDelay which controls the delay before the yoyo will start, allowing you to set both independently (thanks @DreadKnight #1469)
Tween.updateTweenData allows you to set a property to the given value across one or all of the current tweens. All of the Tween methods like Tween.delay and Tween.repeat have been updated to use this.

Tween.repeat has a new parameter `repeatDelay` which allows you to set the delay (in ms) before a tween will repeat itself.

Tween.yoyo has a new parameter `yoyoDelay` which allows you to set the delay (in ms) before a tween will start a yoyo.

Tween.interpolation has a new parameter `context` which allows you to define the context in which the interpolation function will run.
2015-02-19 00:51:32 +00:00
35b4926eb8 Undoing previous change - doesn't actually work at all! #1620 2015-02-18 23:32:12 +00:00
9effb4a946 Stage.visibilityChange now has a second parameter fromPhaser. This is set to true by the Stage._onChange callback. This should mean that when Phaser is listening for window.onblur and window.onfocus events it will only trigger the visibilityChange if that event was generated by Phaser itself. If it was generated by something else on the page or iframe it should now be ignored (thanks @austinhallock #1620) 2015-02-18 23:12:08 +00:00
b0261e4a5f Group.cursorIndex is the index of the item the Group cursor points to. This replaces Group._cache[8]. 2015-02-18 22:54:19 +00:00
88ab104da4 BitmapText has a new maxWidth property that will attempt to wrap the text if it exceeds the width specified. 2015-02-18 22:36:12 +00:00
ba727555c8 Emitter.flow now works in a slightly different (and more useful!) way. You can now specify a quantity and a total. The quantity controls how many particles are emitted every time the flow frequency is met. The total controls how many particles will be emitted in total. You can set total to be -1 and it will carry on emitting at the given frequency forever (also fixes #1598 thanks @brianbunch) 2015-02-18 22:35:05 +00:00
9879fc6387 If you load an image and provide a key that was already in-use in the Cache, then the old image is now destroyed (via Cache.removeImage) and the new image takes its place. 2015-02-18 16:58:08 +00:00
ef3cb1f31d Sound in Web Audio now uses AudioContext.onended to trigger when it will stop playing instead of using a time based value. This is only used if the sound doesn't loop and isn't an audio sprite, but will give a much more accurate Sound.onStop event. It also prevents short audio files from being cut off during playback (#1471) and accounts for time spent decoding. 2015-02-18 11:25:17 +00:00
0dbcf88767 Readme update. 2015-02-17 16:41:04 +00:00
1b83674f6d Docs update. 2015-02-17 06:01:51 +00:00
9670c8aa86 InputHandler.enableDrag with a boundsRect set now takes into account the Sprites anchor when limiting the drag (thanks @unindented #1593)
InputHandler.enableDrag with a boundsSprite set now takes into account both the Sprites anchor and the boundsSprite anchor when limiting the drag.
2015-02-16 15:49:46 +00:00
8c23bca62d Sprite.left, Sprite.right,, Sprite.bottom are new properties that contain the totals of the Sprite position and dimensions, adjusted for the anchor.
Sprite.offsetX and Sprite.offsetY contain the offsets from the Sprite.x/y coordinates to the top-left of the Sprite, taking anchor into consideration.
2015-02-16 15:47:55 +00:00
01a23b7d91 now correctly accepts arrays are destination values, which makes the Tween interpolate through each value specified in the array using the defined Tween.interpolation method (see new example, thanks @FridayMarch26th #1619)
Tween.interpolationFunction was using the incorrect context to invoke the function. This is now defined in `TweenData.interpolationFunctionContext` and defaults to `Phaser.Math`. If you provide your own interpolation function then please adjust the context accordingly (thanks @FridayMarch26th #1618)
2015-02-16 12:23:54 +00:00
ae198e9364 InputHandler was using the wrong property in checkBoundsSprite when fixedToCamera (thanks @yig #1613) 2015-02-14 19:10:06 +00:00