ArcadePhysics.Body.reset incorrectly set the Body.rotation to Sprite.rotation instead of angle.
Emitter.emitParticle resets the rotation on the particle to zero before emitting it.
Lots of fixes to the TypeScript definitions file (thanks as always to clark-stevenson for his tireless work on these)
Emitters now bring the particle they are about to emit to the top of the Group before doing so. Avoids particles hidden behind others.
ArcadePhysics.Body.setSize corrected to take the parameters as positive, not negative values.
ArcadePhysics.Body now checks the Sprite scale automatically and adjusts the body size accordingly (fix#608)
Emitter.particleClass can now be set to any object that extends Phaser.Sprite, which will be emitted instead of a regular Sprite.
All the Debug methods have had the word 'render' removed from the start. So where you did `debug.renderSpriteInfo` before, it's now just `debug.spriteInfo`.
Debug methods that rendered geometry (Rectangle, Circle, Line, Point) have been merged into the single method: `Debug.geom`.
Fixed issue where renderOrderID wasn't being assigned correctly, causing the Input Handler to be unable to select the "top" item on a display list (would all default to zero)
Fixed issue where Stage would assign renderOrderIDs in reverse, should be in sequence.
Fixed issue where objects where checking World for the currentRenderOrderID by mistake instead of Stage.
Basically, input handling works a lot better now for Groups and nested objects :)
New build script now cleanly splits Phaser, Pixi and p2 so they are each UMD wrapped and each available in the global scope (now more requireJS friendly!).
phaser-no-libs.js allows you to use your own version of p2.js or pixi.js with Phaser. Warning: This is totally unsupported. If you hit bugs, you fix them yourself.
Fixed silly instanceof bug in game objects (sorry guys).
You can now safely destroy a Group and the 'destroyChildren' boolean will propogate fully down the display list.
Calling destroy on an already destroyed object would throw a run-time error. Now checked for and aborted.
Calling destroy while in an Input Event callback now works for either the parent Group or the calling object itself.
In Group.destroy the default for 'destroyChildren' was false. It's now `true` as this is a far more likely requirement when destroying a Group.
All GameObjects now have a 'destroyChildren' boolean as a parameter to their destroy method. It's default is true and the value propogates down its children.
Sprite.smoothed and Image.smoothed allows you to set per-Sprite smoothing, perfect if you just want to keep a few sprites smoothed (or not).
You can now create a Physics Body directly via game.physics.createBody(), and Body has been updated so it's no longer always bound to a Sprite.
Debug.renderPhysicsBody now works with Rectangles, Lines and multiple Convex shapes.
Starting to get the Tiled polyline parsing working nicely. Not too far off a complete tilemap collision.
fixedToCamrea now works for Groups as well :) You can fix a Group to the camera and it will influence its children.
Also fixed the issue with World.preUpdate/postUpdate not being called and various small documentation issues.
Text.inputEnabled allows you to enable all input events over Text objects: dragging, clicking, etc - anything that works on a Sprite works on Text now too.