After defining tiles that collide on a Tilemap, you need to call Tilemap.generateCollisionData(layer) to populate the physics world with the data required.
Debug.renderPhysicsBody updated to take camera location and body rotation into account.
Body movement functions put back to velocity :)
Updated to latest dev version of pixi and latest p2.js
Updated docs
You can now create a Physics Body directly via game.physics.createBody(), and Body has been updated so it's no longer always bound to a Sprite.
Debug.renderPhysicsBody now works with Rectangles, Lines and multiple Convex shapes.
Starting to get the Tiled polyline parsing working nicely. Not too far off a complete tilemap collision.
InputHandler.pixelPerfectOver - performs a pixel perfect check to see if any pointer is over the current object (warning: very expensive!)
InputHandler.pixelPerfectClick - performs a pixel perfect check but only when the pointer touches/clicks on the current object.
Previously using a Pixel Perfect check didn't work if the Sprite was rotated or had a non-zero anchor point, now works under all conditions + atlas frames.