Commit graph

1176 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
3012e49937 Text.addColor would incorrectly color the text stroke if set (thanks @llevkin #1893
Text.addStrokeColor works in the same way as `Text.addColor` but allows you to define a color stop for the stroke color instead of the fill color.
2015-07-08 12:52:39 +01:00
Richard Davey
86cac2085c BitmapData.move(x, y) allows you to shift the contents of the BitmapData horizontally and vertically by the given amounts. The image wraps-around the edges of the BitmapData.
BitmapData.moveH(distance) allows you to horizontally shift the BitmapData with wrap-around the edges.

BitmapData.moveV(distance) allows you to vertically shift the BitmapData with wrap-around the edges.
2015-07-08 04:26:28 +01:00
Richard Davey
a7e18137d1 Text has a new style property: tabs. This allows you to specify a pixel value (or values) that allows you to space out text that contains tab characters within it. Text.tabs can be either an integer, in which case all tabs share the same spacing, or an array of pixel values corresponding exactly to the number of tabs per line of text. This allows you to easily align columns of data in a single Text object. 2015-07-08 01:15:31 +01:00
157df30696 Pointer button handling has been given an overhaul. It has the following new boolean properties: leftButton, rightButton, middleButton, backButton, forwardButton and eraserButton. So you can now easily check which buttons are active and build right or middle click support into your games. The Pointer object normalises these properties for you, regardless if they came from a MouseEvent or PointerEvent (thanks @youssefdetovernickr for the idea #1848) 2015-07-07 16:53:56 +01:00
9548fb9856 Final textBounds updates. 2015-07-07 15:16:23 +01:00
Richard Davey
92f2742a26 When reusing a Tween created with an array of properties the values would get exponentially added to the TweenData internal array each time the tween was re-run (thanks @SBCGames #1747) 2015-07-07 04:21:55 +01:00
Richard Davey
6a9fd4de8d Debug.currentAlpha wasn't being used to set the alpha of the Debug context at all (was always set to 1) but now updates the alpha of the Debug context before anything is rendered to it (thanks @wayfu #1888) 2015-07-07 03:32:11 +01:00
Richard Davey
06658fa1e0 TilemapLayer.resize allows you to resize a TilemapLayer. It will update the internal canvas object and corresponding texture dimensions (#1881) 2015-07-07 03:27:28 +01:00
Richard Davey
f57d3c19e9 P2.Body.createGroupCallback incorrectly referenced the _groupCallbackContext when deleting it (thanks @Langerz82 #1886) 2015-07-07 01:24:26 +01:00
ab092c5c14 Keyboard.addKeys is a practical way to create an object containing user selected hotkeys. For example: addKeys( [Phaser.Keyboard.W, Phaser.Keyboard.S, Phaser.Keyboard.A, Phaser.Keyboard.D], [ 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right' ] ); would return an object containing the properties up, down, left and right that you could poll just like a Phaser.Key object. (thanks @Mourtz #1857) 2015-07-02 14:15:06 +01:00
698167a596 Tiled Image Collection support is now available and has been added to the TilemapParser and Tilemap classes (thanks @asyed94 #1879) 2015-07-02 13:53:02 +01:00
a89d48b9a6 Text.autoRound allows you to control if the text is allowed to render at sub-pixel coordinates or not. Set to true to round the coordinates, often eliminating anti-aliasing from certain font types (#1867) 2015-07-02 13:39:59 +01:00
ce405acb02 jsdoc update #1864 2015-07-02 13:31:26 +01:00
29f9eeabc6 RenderTexture now takes the display objects alpha into consideration when rendering it, before it would always reset worldAlpha to 1 before rendering, thus ignoring any alpha that may be set. 2015-07-02 13:28:44 +01:00
1ed33cb06c Setting mute to false on Sound that was never muted caused its volume to be set to zero (thanks @brianbunch #1870) 2015-06-24 15:54:25 +01:00
a69c156526 The Text Bounds is a rectangular region that allows you to align your text within it, regardless of the number of lines of text or position within the world. For example in an 800x600 sized game if you set the textBounds to be 0,0,800,600 and text alignment to 'left' and vertical alignment to 'bottom' then the text will render in the bottom-right hand corner of the game, regardless of the size of font you're using or the number of lines in the text itself.
Set the Style properties `boundsAlignH` and `boundsAlignV` or adjust them via the Text setters to change the alignment.

It works by calculating the final position based on the Text.canvas size, which is modified as the text is updated. Some fonts have additional padding around them which you can mitigate by tweaking the Text.padding property.

Setting a textBounds _doesn't_ update the wordWrapWidth, so be aware of the relationship between the two.

Call this method with nothing defined for any of the parameters to reset an existing textBounds.

2015-06-17 17:18:04 +01:00
0258245f12 Phaser.Text no longer extends PIXI.Text but replaces it entirely. Phaser.Text now natively extends a Phaser Sprite, meaning it can be enabled for physics, damaged, etc. 2015-06-17 13:21:28 +01:00
102c74e121 Deprecated the following:
* Camera.screenView
* ScaleManager.maxIterations
* ScaleManager.enterPortrait (see onOrientationChange)
* ScaleManager.enterLandscape (see onOrientationChange)
* ScaleManager.enterFullScreen (see onFullScreenChange)
* ScaleManager.leaveFullScreen (see onFullScreenChange)
* ScaleManager.fullScreenFailed (see onFullScreenError)
* ScaleManager.checkResize
* ScaleManager.checkOrientation
* ScaleManager.setScreenSize (see updateLayout)
* ScaleManager.setSize (see reflowCanvas)
* ScaleManager.checkOrientationState (see reflowCanvas)
* ScaleManager.orientation (see screenOrientation)
* Gamepad.disabled (see enabled)
* Input.currentPointers (see totalActivePointers)
* Input.disabled (see enabled)
* Keyboard.disabled (see enabled)
* Mouse.disabled (see enabled)
* Mouse.mouseMoveCallback (see Input.addMoveCallback)
* MSPointer.disabled (see enabled)
* Touch.disabled (see enabled)
* Cache.getUrl (see getURL)
* Math.truncate (see Math.trunc)
* Math.snapToInArray (see Phaser.ArrayUtils.findClosest)
* Math.interpolateFloat (see Math.linear)
* Math.normalizeLatitude (use Phaser.Math.clamp(lat, -90, 90))
* Math.normalizeLongitude (use Phaser.Math.wrap(lng, -180, 180))
* Math.chanceRoll (use Phaser.Utils.chanceRoll)
* Math.numberArray (use Phaser.ArrayUtils.numberArray)
* Math.numberArrayStep (use Phaser.ArrayUtils.numberArrayStep)
* Math.limitValue (use Phaser.Math.clamp)
* Math.randomSign (use Phaser.Utils.randomChoice(-1, 1))
* Math.angleLimit (use Phaser.Math.clamp)
* Math.getRandom (use Phaser.ArrayUtils.getRandomItem)
* Math.removeRandom (use Phaser.ArrayUtils.removeRandomItem)
* Math.floor (use Math.trunc)
* Math.ceil (use Phaser.Math.roundAwayFromZero)
* Math.shift (use Phaser.ArrayUtils.rotate)
* Math.shuffleArray (use Phaser.ArrayUtils.shuffle)
* Math.distanceRounded (do the rounding locally)
* Canvas.getOffset (see Phaser.DOM.getOffset)
* Canvas.getAspectRatio (see Phaser.DOM.getAspectRatio)
* TilemapLayer.tileColor (use TilemapLayer.debugSettings.missingImageFill)
* Phaser.ArrayList alias removed, now use Phaser.ArraySet
* Utils.transposeArray (see Phaser.ArrayUtils.transposeMatrix)
* Utils.rotateArray (see Phaser.ArrayUtils.rotateMatrix)
* Utils.shuffle (see Phaser.ArrayUtils.shuffle)
2015-06-17 03:14:31 +01:00
8cf28fede7 maxHealth is a new property that Game Objects with the Health component receive and works in combination with the heal method to ensure a health limit cap. 2015-06-17 02:00:04 +01:00
b725c25702 Button game objects now have Input.useHandCursor set to true by default. 2015-06-17 01:55:36 +01:00
e28eb7b390 Docs update. 2015-06-17 01:55:36 +01:00
40802314dd TileSprite now fully supports animation again, having been broken for several versions due to a Pixi upgrade. We've updated the way TileSprites generate their textures internally considerably and animation support is back across both Canvas and WebGL as a result (#1653) 2015-06-17 01:25:56 +01:00
Richard Davey
14733e9b90 Tilemap.addTilesetImage can now accept a BitmapData as the key parameter and will use the BitmapData to render the tileset with instead of an image from the cache (thanks to @unstoppablecarl for the idea #1838) 2015-06-16 23:17:46 +01:00
30a35227da Formatting update. 2015-06-16 20:38:18 +01:00
17831e0103 P2.Body.loadPolygon now allows the key parameter to be passed as null - when this happens the object parameter can be the actual physics object data instead of a string pointing to the cache, allowing you to take advantage of adding multiple convex shapes with automatic adjustments for center of mass #1801 2015-06-16 19:02:28 +01:00
b481402ae4 Due to a Pixi 2 issue TileSprite when running under WebGL didn't respect the world alpha setting and would only work with its own alpha (thanks @hanenbro #1774) 2015-06-16 17:03:19 +01:00
1990bce48b Sound.restart and Sound.stop now properly disconnect the sound from the gainNode (or external node) before stopping it, allowing restart to work correctly (thanks @eofs #1796) 2015-06-16 16:24:47 +01:00
00cf44eb22 If running under Cordova and iOS the Game.lockRender boolean will be set to true when the game pauses and false when it resumes. This avoids the gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient app crash on iOS (thanks @cncolder #1800) 2015-06-16 14:54:42 +01:00
ab8c98676e Sound.resume wouldn't properly restart looped sounds in Chrome after being paused. Phaser now specifically handles the Chrome 42 bug and later fix (thanks @nkovacs #1820) 2015-06-16 14:28:46 +01:00
f5369628ce Device.chromeVersion will return the major version number of Chrome. 2015-06-16 14:16:04 +01:00
732b80813e Line.rotate allows you to rotate a line by the given amount around its center point. 2015-06-13 05:20:43 +01:00
9e78cd1d7a Rectangle.random will return a uniformly distributed random point from anywhere within the rectangle. 2015-06-13 04:18:50 +01:00
77e7b2af9b Ellipse.random will return a uniformly distributed random point from anywhere within the ellipse. 2015-06-13 03:46:20 +01:00
3daea179fb Line.random will return a random point from anywhere on the Line segment. 2015-06-13 03:04:02 +01:00
9212c01dae Returns a random point from anywhere within this circle. 2015-06-12 19:15:56 +01:00
af42f5d4c9 Cache.getJSON has a new parameter: clone. If set it will return a clone of the object stored in the Cache rather than a reference to it. 2015-06-12 12:16:58 +01:00
681d8679e7 Rectangle.resize allows you to resize a Rectangle to the new given dimensions without altering its position. 2015-06-11 06:01:29 +01:00
2b0abb67dd onDragUpdate is a new signal that is dispatched whenever a Game object enabled for input and drag is moved by a pointer (i.e. during a drag event). See the Phaser.InputHandler.enableDrag docs for parameter details and the new Phaser Example. 2015-06-04 20:58:00 +01:00
eec99db8a9 Readme update. 2015-06-04 04:24:02 +01:00
ed82097151 Removed un-necessary PIXI.TextureCache pollution in Phaser.LoaderParser.bitmapFont. 2015-06-03 05:28:23 +01:00
76e2b00c82 Fixed pad jsdoc and ts defs (#1823) 2015-06-02 19:53:30 +01:00
cc5740af10 BitmapText line spacing and word wrapping has been vastly improved and bought in-line with how Pixi 3 handles it, but with additional anchor support. 2015-05-31 01:31:11 +01:00
Richard Davey
187d947c29 Merge pull request #1806 from joshtepei/patch-2
Fixed a comma error in
2015-05-30 20:02:59 +01:00
1438248388 Group.add and Group.addAt will only create a Physics Body on the child if it doesn't already have one. This is a change from 2.3 where it would replace the physics body property with the new body, but this could lead to garbage build-up over time, so you should now properly destroy the body before changing it. 2015-05-29 00:59:23 +01:00
3ad60b815b Docs update. 2015-05-27 18:07:38 +01:00
83b533557d Docs update. 2015-05-26 20:01:57 +01:00
f2636a155a Readme update. 2015-05-22 15:10:27 +01:00
312c31b778 jsdoc and formatting fixes. 2015-05-21 11:53:18 +01:00
Josh Tepei
6bf44a859c Fixed a grammar error in
Added a comma for further clarity on line 54 of
2015-05-20 14:23:33 -07:00
5a91f85b1f Typo. 2015-05-19 16:57:36 +01:00