ScaleManager.calibrate is a private method that calibrates element coordinates for viewport checks.
ScaleManager.aspect gets the viewport aspect ratio (or the aspect ratio of an object or element)
ScaleManager.inViewport tests if the given DOM element is within the viewport, with an optional cushion parameter that allows you to specify a distance.
ScaleManager.scaleSprite takes a Sprite or Image object and scales it to fit the given dimensions. Scaling happens proportionally without distortion to the sprites texture. The letterBox parameter controls if scaling will produce a letter-box effect or zoom the sprite until it fills the given values.
ScaleManager.viewportWidth returns the viewport width in pixels.
ScaleManager.viewportHeight returns the viewport height in pixels.
ScaleManager.documentWidth returns the document width in pixels.
ScaleManager.documentHeight returns the document height in pixels.
- Adds `ScaleManager#windowContraints`
- In 2.1.3 and prior the scale modes (EXACT_FIT, SHOW_ALL) were actually
based off the window dimensions, even though the parent element did
not correctly reflect this nature.
- When set (the default now is that right and bottom are set) the
behavior will mostly correctly mimic the 2.1.3 (minus bugs) and
- CHANGE (from 2.1.3): The window constraints also affect the RESIZE
mode, arguably this is more consistent.
- To disable this "constrain to window" behavior, simply set the
appropriate property to false, as in:
`game.scale.windowConstraints.bottom = false`
- Sizing events:
- CHANGE: The `onResize` callback is called only from `preUpdate` (which
may be triggered from a window resize) and it will be called on
refreshes even if the parent size has not actually changed.
- A new `onSizeChange` Signal has been added. It is called _only_ when
the Game size or Game canvas size has changed and is generally more
applicable for performing layout updates.
- Game documentation now links to ScaleManager#setGameSize (which was
renamed from #setGameDimensions)
- Removed extra/legacy full-screen restore code
- Margins:
- Added `noMargins` flag; if set to true the Canvas margins will never
be altered. This also means that
- Margins are now set/cleared individually to avoid conflict with
'margins' style compound property
- Code consistency updates
- NOTE: Changing `game.width/game.height` via user code was always
problematic. This commit updates the documentation for such members as
read-only. The only supported way to change the GAME SIZE after it is
created is to use `ScaleManager#setGameDimensions`, which has been
- The GAME SIZE will be reset to the initial (or as set by
`setGameDimensions`) values upon changing the scale mode or
entering/leaving full screen. This may be a breaking from 2.1.2 (but
many mode changes acted oddly prior).
- SHOW_ALL will now EXPAND it's parent container if it can. As per
@tjkopena 's notes, this should more closely represented the expected
- SHOW_ALL will first try to expand by the OVERFLOW AXIS and then
attempt to resize to fit into the possibly larger area; use the
parent's max-height/max-width properties to limit how far SHOW_ALL can
- RE-BREAKING: This changes the behavior from 2.1.4 and makes it more like
2.1.3, with fixes.
- As per previous commit the ScaleManager _owns_ the margins and size of
the GAME CANVAS. To control the dimensions of the GAME CANVAS, use the min/max
height/width of the parent. Setting padding on the parent is _NOT_
- Fixes various issues with switching between Scale Modes
This includes some minor breaking changes.
- Unifies SHOW_ALL and NO_SCALE being stretched in Firefox and IE
- As suggested by MDN: " emulate WebKit's behavior on Gecko, you
need to place the element you want to present inside another
- This done via an (overwritable) `createFullScreenTarget` function.
The (new) DOM element returned from this is placed into the DOM and
the canvas is added to (and later removed) as the full screen mode
- MINOR BREAK: may affect code that assumes the Phaser canvas has a
fixed DOM/CSS path (which should hopefully be nobody). To use to the
original behavior, where the canvas is not moved, simply set
`this.fullScreenTarget = game.canvas` manually.
- Updates the refresh/queue to be unified and uses a smarter back-off to
detect and react to parent dimension changes
- Cleans up some odd browser issues; not tried on mobile
- Fixes an issue were update might be called too much and spend time
doing nothing useful.
- `maxIterations` is no longer user and marked as deprecated
- MINOR BREAK: previous approach would occasionally (but not always)
back off updates the entire iteration/setTimeout sequence; under the
new approach "onResize" may be called more frequently.
- Fixes a number various transition issues, mostly around RESIZE
- MINOR BREAK, but correct: leaving RESIZE restores the original game
size possible
- Fixes assorted quirks with scales not being updated
- Layout
- MINOR BREAK: All Canvas margins are "OWNED" by the ScaleManager. They
will be reset in all modes as appropriate. This is for consistency
fixes as well as coping with the updated full screen.
- MINOR BREAK: Canvas right/bottom margins are set to negative margins
to counter left/top margins. This prevents Canvas margin adjustments
from affecting the flow .. much.
- `getParentBounds` rounds to the nearest pixel to avoid "close to"
value propagation from CSS.
- Fixes page-align center pushing canvas out of parent
- Misc.
- MINOR BREAK: `setScreenSize` will update the game size if the mode is
RESIZE. User-code shoulde use `refresh` instead to ensure that any
relevant changes are propagated.
- Corrected incorrect documentation
- Added prefixed event handlers for IE; it still doesn't work in IE, but that is for other reasons
- Added monitoring of the fullscreenerror event, exposed as a fullScreenFailed signal
- Added `supportsFullScreen` a read-only flag that indicates that this ScaleManager even attempts to support such
- Specific bug fixes (example)
- Scale modes can now be set independently
- Switching between fullscreen and normal correctly restores modes
- Alignment does not incorrectly offset in fullscreen mode
- Changing scale/alignment promptly refreshes layout
- `isFullScreen` returns a boolean, as it should
- Faster parent checks (if required)
- NO_SCALE should not not scale (vs previous behavior of having no behavior)
- Correct usage of scaleMode depending on mode
- Removed / unified code-paths, which helped address several issues
- fullScreenTarget adjustment/restoration is less brutal
- Updated documentation
- pageAlign* works as alignment on the containing element. It should still work were it worked before (so this is not a breaking change) as well as being more universal.
- Added @protected and @private attributes
- Some methods were (implicitly) @public even though using them out of context is invalid
- API Breaking:
- Renamed some INTERNAL/@private methods
- Should only affect methods that were not valid/sane to use publically
- Event callbacks (ie. checkResize changed to resizeWindow) renamed for meaning
- Changed some INTERNAL semantics to better align with usage
- eg. `check*` methods separated from response-to-check
The width and height given to the Phaser.Game constructor can now be numbers or strings in which case the value is treated as a percentage. For example a value of "100%" for the width and height will tell Phaser to size the game to match the parent container dimensions exactly (or the browser window if no parent is given). Equally a size of "50%" would tell it to be half the size of the parent. The values are retained even through resize events, allowing it to maintain a percentage size based on the parent even as it updates.
Stage.offset has been moved to ScaleManager.offset
Stage.bounds has been removed, you can access it via Stage.getBounds.
Stage.checkOffsetInterval has been moved to ScaleManager.trackParentInterval
ScaleManager.hasResized signal has been removed. Use ScaleManager.setResizeCallback instead.
Moved the DOM offset from Stage to ScaleManager (a more logical location for it) and updated Pointer to use that.
Moved the Pointer offset check to look at the ScaleManager.
Used getBoundingClientRect(), will see if that works better than Phaser.Canvas.getOffset.
Input.Gamepad.destroy now destroys all connected SinglePads and clears event listeners.
SinglePad.destroy now clears all associated GamepadButton objects and signals.
Pointer.withinGame is now accurate based on game scale and updated as the Pointer moves.
Stage.bounds is now updated if the game canvas offset changes position. Note that it gives the un-scaled game dimensions.
P2.Body.applyForce should have used pxmi instead of pxm (thanks @Trufi, fix#776)
P2 fixed creation of RevoluteConstraint by passing maxForce in the options (thanks @woutercommandeur, fix#783)
If the game was set to NO_SCALE and you swapped orientation, it would pause and resize, then fail to resize when you swapped back (thanks starnut, fixes#258)
If your game references the old Phaser.StageScaleMode consts like SHOW_ALL you need to update them to Phaser.ScaleManager, i.e. Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL.
All of the Project Templates have been updated to reflect the above change.
2014-02-25 14:46:48 +00:00
Renamed from src/system/StageScaleMode.js (Browse further)