Set the Style properties `boundsAlignH` and `boundsAlignV` or adjust them via the Text setters to change the alignment.
It works by calculating the final position based on the Text.canvas size, which is modified as the text is updated. Some fonts have additional padding around them which you can mitigate by tweaking the Text.padding property.
Setting a textBounds _doesn't_ update the wordWrapWidth, so be aware of the relationship between the two.
Call this method with nothing defined for any of the parameters to reset an existing textBounds.
Refactoring of the script to generate comments.d.ts files.
Using typescript package instead of typescript-services (not maintened
Update of the phaser.comments.d.ts with the last dev version.
Complete the tsdocs task to download automatically the phaser-plugins
and scan their comments to add them in the phaser.comments.d.ts where
the plugins classes are defined.
If there was a comment formatted with "//" before a member name in the
d.ts file, the property name was not extracted correctly to get the
comments from jsdoc
-Improve the script to clean the different kinds of end of line
-Improve the alignement with @return multiline comments
-Add a jsdoc plugin to convert the class name of p2.js file, like this
the comments for the p2 classes are now included in the d.ts files.
Corrected the namealias jsdoc plugin to not include PIXI-from-YUI docs.
This is because they lack corresponding javascript code and need the
'name' property to remain intact.
Added support for short `{@link #member}` markup. This makes interlinking
much cleaner and shorter; similar short-link support was available in
previous versions of jsdoc.
The namealias plugin gets jsdoc to detect lots of documentation it was not
correctly picking up due to the application of the `name` property. This
can be read about in - this results
in _much_ more complete documentation generation, especially when
properties are defined in constructors.
Added the filterpixi.js jsdoc plugin which marks some PIXI
interaction-related methods and properties as private. This ensures that
they do not show up in the final Phaser documentation.
Fixed bug with incorrect generation of "Array<>".
Added a primitive type-accepter for jsobject-like (for some very primitive
value); but it covers the PIXI case.