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synced 2025-02-18 15:08:31 +00:00
The physics configuration object can now be used to start physics systems specifically.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 138 additions and 1 deletions
examples/wip/physics config.js
Normal file
examples/wip/physics config.js
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// Here we'll use a Physics Configuration object to specify which physics systems should be started with the game.
var physicsConfig = {
arcade: true,
ninja: false,
p2: true
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render }, false, false, physicsConfig);
function preload() {
game.load.image('atari', 'assets/sprites/atari130xe.png');
game.load.spritesheet('bullets', 'assets/sprites/balls.png', 17, 17);
var atari;
var balls;
function create() {
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#2d2d2d';
balls = game.add.group();
balls.createMultiple(250, 'bullets', 0, false);
atari = game.add.sprite(300, 450, 'atari');
game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 400;
// Enable physics on everything added to the world so far (the true parameter makes it recurse down into children)
game.physics.arcade.enable(game.world, true);
atari.body.gravityScale.y = 0;
atari.body.immovable = true;
cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
game.time.events.loop(150, fire, this);
function fire() {
var ball = balls.getFirstExists(false);
if (ball)
ball.frame = game.rnd.integerInRange(0,6);
ball.exists = true;
ball.reset(game.world.randomX, 0);
ball.body.bounce.y = 0.8;
function reflect(a, ball) {
if (ball.y > (atari.y + 5))
return true;
ball.body.velocity.x = atari.body.velocity.x;
ball.body.velocity.y *= -(ball.body.bounce.y);
return false;
function update() {
game.physics.arcade.collide(atari, balls, null, reflect, this);
atari.body.velocity.x = 0;
if (cursors.left.isDown)
atari.body.velocity.x = -200;
else if (cursors.right.isDown)
atari.body.velocity.x = 200;
balls.forEachAlive(checkBounds, this);
function checkBounds(ball) {
if (ball.y > 600)
function render() {
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
Phaser.Physics = function (game, config) {
config = config || {};
* @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game.
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ Phaser.Physics = function (game, config) {
* @property {Phaser.Physics.Arcade} arcade - The Arcade Physics system.
this.arcade = new Phaser.Physics.Arcade(game);
this.arcade = null;
* @property {Phaser.Physics.P2} p2 - The P2.JS Physics system.
@ -55,6 +57,8 @@ Phaser.Physics = function (game, config) {
this.chipmunk = null;
@ -89,6 +93,31 @@ Phaser.Physics.CHIPMUNK = 5;
Phaser.Physics.prototype = {
* Parses the Physics Configuration object passed to the Game constructor and starts any physics systems specified within.
* @method Phaser.Physics#parseConfig
parseConfig: function () {
if ((!this.config.hasOwnProperty('arcade') || this.config['arcade'] === true) && Phaser.Physics.hasOwnProperty('Arcade'))
// If Arcade isn't specified, we create it automatically if we can
this.arcade = new Phaser.Physics.Arcade(this.game);
if (this.config.hasOwnProperty('ninja') && this.config['ninja'] === true && Phaser.Physics.hasOwnProperty('Ninja'))
this.ninja = new Phaser.Physics.Ninja(this.game);
if (this.config.hasOwnProperty('p2') && this.config['p2'] === true && Phaser.Physics.hasOwnProperty('P2'))
this.p2 = new Phaser.Physics.P2(this.game, this.config);
* This will create an instance of the requested physics simulation.
* Phaser.Physics.Arcade is running by default, but all others need activating directly.
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