Add 2 more tests (rectangle utils).

This commit is contained in:
Sean 2013-07-27 10:06:10 +08:00
parent 7cae283a4c
commit d4781a19d9
4 changed files with 351 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -1,10 +1,52 @@
(function() {
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, init, create);
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, null, create, update, render);
function init() {
var rects = [],
rect, lastCreated;
function create() {
// Create a rect first.
spawnRect(64, 32, 64, 64);
// Add a rectangle on each touch or click.
game.input.onTap.add(function() {
spawnRect(lastCreated.x + 12, lastCreated.y + 12, 64, 64);
function update() {
// body...
function create() {
function render() {
var context = Phaser.DebugUtils.context;
// Render rectangles.
context.strokeStyle = '#fff';
// context.fillStyle = '#fff';
context.lineWidth = 2;
for (var i = 0, len = rects.length; i < len; i++) {
rect = rects[i];
context.strokeRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
// Render info.
context.fillStyle = '#fff';
context.lineWidth = 0;
context.fillText('Tap or click to clone a new rectangle.', 480, 128);
function spawnRect(x, y, w, h) {
// If a rect already created, clone it to create a new one instead
// of allocating.
if (lastCreated) {
rect = Phaser.RectangleUtils.clone(lastCreated);
// Offset the newly created rectangle.
rect.x += 24;
rect.y += 24;
// Now the last created is this one.
lastCreated = rect;
else {
lastCreated = new Phaser.Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
(function() {
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, null, create, update, render);
var rects: Phaser.Rectangle[] = [],
rect: Phaser.Rectangle,
lastCreated: Phaser.Rectangle;
function create() {
// Create a rect first.
spawnRect(64, 32, 64, 64);
// Add a rectangle on each touch or click.
game.input.onTap.add(function() {
spawnRect(lastCreated.x + 12, lastCreated.y + 12, 64, 64);
function update() {
// body...
function render() {
var context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = Phaser.DebugUtils.context;
// Render rectangles.
context.strokeStyle = '#fff';
// context.fillStyle = '#fff';
context.lineWidth = 2;
for (var i = 0, len = rects.length; i < len; i++) {
rect = rects[i];
context.strokeRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
// Render info.
context.fillStyle = '#fff';
context.lineWidth = 0;
context.fillText('Tap or click to clone a new rectangle.', 480, 128);
function spawnRect(x, y, w, h) {
// If a rect already created, clone it to create a new one instead
// of allocating.
if (lastCreated) {
rect = Phaser.RectangleUtils.clone(lastCreated);
// Offset the newly created rectangle.
rect.x += 24;
rect.y += 24;
// Now the last created is this one.
lastCreated = rect;
else {
lastCreated = new Phaser.Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
(function() {
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, null, create, update, render);
var rect, renderList = [];
var leftHandler, rightHandler, topHandler, bottomHandler;
var onDragLeft = false,
onDragRight = false,
onDragTop = false,
onDragBottom = false;
var lastPos = {x: 0, y: 0};
function create() {
// Rectangle to be dragged and scaled.
rect = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 160, game.stage.centerY - 120,
320, 240);
// Handler rectangles for dragging scaling.
leftHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 160 - 4, game.stage.centerY - 4,
8, 8);
rightHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX + 160 - 4, game.stage.centerY - 4,
8, 8);
topHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 4, game.stage.centerY - 120 - 4,
8, 8);
bottomHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 4, game.stage.centerY + 120 - 4,
8, 8);
// Add all the rectangles to the render list.
leftHandler, rightHandler, topHandler, bottomHandler);
// Touch or press mouse button on any handler to start inflating rectangle.
game.input.onDown.add(function(pointer) {
if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(leftHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragLeft = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
else if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(rightHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragRight = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
else if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(topHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragTop = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
else if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(bottomHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragBottom = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
// Stop dragging handlers when up.
game.input.onUp.add(function() {
onDragLeft = onDragRight = onDragTop = onDragBottom = false;
function update() {
var offset = {x: 0, y: 0};
// Calc offset from last frame (previous update).
if (onDragLeft) {
offset.x = -game.input.x + lastPos.x;
else if (onDragRight) {
offset.x = game.input.x - lastPos.x;
else if (onDragTop) {
offset.y = -game.input.y + lastPos.y;
else if (onDragBottom) {
offset.y = game.input.y - lastPos.y;
// Update last position.
lastPos.x = game.input.x;
lastPos.y = game.input.y;
// Change rect's size and also the 4 handlers' position.
Phaser.RectangleUtils.inflate(rect, offset.x, offset.y);
leftHandler.x = rect.x - leftHandler.width / 2;
rightHandler.x = rect.x + rect.width - rightHandler.width / 2;
topHandler.y = rect.y - topHandler.height / 2;
bottomHandler.y = rect.y + rect.height - bottomHandler.height / 2;
function render() {
var context = Phaser.DebugUtils.context;
// Render rectangles.
context.strokeStyle = '#fff';
context.fillStyle = '#000';
context.lineWidth = 4;
for (var i = 0, len = renderList.length; i < len; i++) {
context.strokeRect(renderList[i].x, renderList[i].y, renderList[i].width, renderList[i].height);
context.fillRect(renderList[i].x, renderList[i].y, renderList[i].width, renderList[i].height);
// Render info.
context.fillStyle = '#fff';
context.lineWidth = 0;
// Draw offset from origin point when drawing.
var origin = game.input.activePointer.positionDown,
currPos = game.input.activePointer.position;
if (onDragLeft) {
context.fillText('dx: ' + (currPos.x - origin.x), leftHandler.x + 16, leftHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dy: 0', leftHandler.x + 16, leftHandler.y - 8);
else if (onDragRight) {
context.fillText('dx: ' + (currPos.x - origin.x), rightHandler.x + 16, rightHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dx: 0', rightHandler.x + 16, rightHandler.y - 8);
else if (onDragTop) {
context.fillText('dy: 0', topHandler.x + 16, topHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dy: ' + (currPos.y - origin.y), topHandler.x + 16, topHandler.y - 8);
else if (onDragBottom) {
context.fillText('dy: 0', bottomHandler.x + 16, bottomHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dy: ' + (currPos.y - origin.y), bottomHandler.x + 16, bottomHandler.y - 8);
context.fillText('Drag handlers to scale the rectangle!', 280, 96);
context.fillText('Notice that the scaling does not move the rectangle\'s center!', 220, 508);
context.fillText('You can also get same effect by using "Sprite" and its origin property.', 196, 520);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
(function() {
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, null, create, update, render);
var rect: Phaser.Rectangle,
renderList: Phaser.Rectangle[] = [];
var leftHandler: Phaser.Rectangle,
rightHandler: Phaser.Rectangle,
topHandler: Phaser.Rectangle,
bottomHandler: Phaser.Rectangle;
var onDragLeft: Boolean = false,
onDragRight: Boolean = false,
onDragTop: Boolean = false,
onDragBottom: Boolean = false;
var lastPos = {x: 0, y: 0};
function create() {
// Rectangle to be dragged and scaled.
rect = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 160, game.stage.centerY - 120,
320, 240);
// Handler rectangles for dragging scaling.
leftHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 160 - 4, game.stage.centerY - 4,
8, 8);
rightHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX + 160 - 4, game.stage.centerY - 4,
8, 8);
topHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 4, game.stage.centerY - 120 - 4,
8, 8);
bottomHandler = new Phaser.Rectangle(game.stage.centerX - 4, game.stage.centerY + 120 - 4,
8, 8);
// Add all the rectangles to the render list.
leftHandler, rightHandler, topHandler, bottomHandler);
// Touch or press mouse button on any handler to start inflating rectangle.
game.input.onDown.add(function(pointer) {
if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(leftHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragLeft = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
else if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(rightHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragRight = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
else if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(topHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragTop = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
else if (Phaser.RectangleUtils.contains(bottomHandler, pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y)) {
onDragBottom = true;
lastPos.x = pointer.position.x;
lastPos.y = pointer.position.y;
// Stop dragging handlers when up.
game.input.onUp.add(function() {
onDragLeft = onDragRight = onDragTop = onDragBottom = false;
function update() {
var offset = {x: 0, y: 0};
// Calc offset from last frame (previous update).
if (onDragLeft) {
offset.x = -game.input.x + lastPos.x;
else if (onDragRight) {
offset.x = game.input.x - lastPos.x;
else if (onDragTop) {
offset.y = -game.input.y + lastPos.y;
else if (onDragBottom) {
offset.y = game.input.y - lastPos.y;
// Update last position.
lastPos.x = game.input.x;
lastPos.y = game.input.y;
// Change rect's size and also the 4 handlers' position.
Phaser.RectangleUtils.inflate(rect, offset.x, offset.y);
leftHandler.x = rect.x - leftHandler.width / 2;
rightHandler.x = rect.x + rect.width - rightHandler.width / 2;
topHandler.y = rect.y - topHandler.height / 2;
bottomHandler.y = rect.y + rect.height - bottomHandler.height / 2;
function render() {
var context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = Phaser.DebugUtils.context;
// Render rectangles.
context.strokeStyle = '#fff';
context.fillStyle = '#000';
context.lineWidth = 4;
for (var i = 0, len = renderList.length; i < len; i++) {
context.strokeRect(renderList[i].x, renderList[i].y, renderList[i].width, renderList[i].height);
context.fillRect(renderList[i].x, renderList[i].y, renderList[i].width, renderList[i].height);
// Render info.
context.fillStyle = '#fff';
context.lineWidth = 0;
// Draw offset from origin point when drawing.
var origin: Phaser.Vec2 = game.input.activePointer.positionDown,
currPos: Phaser.Vec2 = game.input.activePointer.position;
if (onDragLeft) {
context.fillText('dx: ' + (currPos.x - origin.x), leftHandler.x + 16, leftHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dy: 0', leftHandler.x + 16, leftHandler.y - 8);
else if (onDragRight) {
context.fillText('dx: ' + (currPos.x - origin.x), rightHandler.x + 16, rightHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dx: 0', rightHandler.x + 16, rightHandler.y - 8);
else if (onDragTop) {
context.fillText('dy: 0', topHandler.x + 16, topHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dy: ' + (currPos.y - origin.y), topHandler.x + 16, topHandler.y - 8);
else if (onDragBottom) {
context.fillText('dy: 0', bottomHandler.x + 16, bottomHandler.y - 20);
context.fillText('dy: ' + (currPos.y - origin.y), bottomHandler.x + 16, bottomHandler.y - 8);
context.fillText('Drag handlers to scale the rectangle!', 280, 96);
context.fillText('Notice that the scaling does not move the rectangle\'s center!', 220, 508);
context.fillText('You can also get same effect by using "Sprite" and its origin property.', 196, 520);